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| By DefED Research I Quarter IV - Module 2: Parts of a Research Proposal Introduction: Hello young researcher! In the previous module you have learned about the different data collection and presentation techniques. Congratulations on your Progress. You are now almost ready to write a research proposal. But first, you have to be familiar of its different parts and that is what you will be learning about in this module. Are you ready? Let's begin! After going through this module, you are expected to: 1. Describe a research proposal; 2. identify the parts of a research proposal; and 3. organize a sample research proposal according to the sequence of the different parts. Activity 1 What the Picture Says! Direction: Analyze the picture below. A ly «a hrefe'https://mww /vectors/business'>Business vector created by pch.vector - www In relation to Research, what do you think is the group of people in the picture doing? Do you think what they're doing is important? Why do you think so? What is a Research Proposal? A research proposal is a form of written communication that researchers use to request approval for research. It challenges students to develop original hypothesis, design effective studies, and convincingly argue that new research needs to be conducted. i hat the researcher wants to A good research proposal clearly describes what th investigate and how he plans to do it as well as how much it will probably cost and how long it will take. It also presents the significance of the research. What are the Parts of a Research Proposal? ‘The format of a research proposal varies in different fields. There could also be variation on how the sections in the proposal are named but the overall goals of any proposal are always the same. Let us consider the following components of a research proposal: © Cover and Title page * Table of Contents © Introduction * Research Questions * Materials and Methods with the following subsections: Research Design Materials Procedure Participants of the study Sampling Procedure Instrumentation Validation of the instrument * Data Gathering Procedure * Statistical Treatment © References Let us discuss each component in detail. Cover and Title Page — The cover page contains the research title, the name of the researcher and the date of the proposal. The research title must be concise, accurate and informative. It is not too short to be considered incomplete, and not too long to be confusing. It describes the paper's content clearly and precisely including keywords. It serves as the advertisement for the study. In writing the title, you should capitalize all the words in your title except Prepositions, articles and conjunctions, If the title contains numbers, they should be spelled out; scientific names should be itali jor sections of your Table of Contents - It contains an organized list of the major Canes research paper with corresponding page numbers. It helps Waist Otay sicin immediately how the manuscript is organized and allows the down to sections that are most relevant to them. of the research report. It includes the Introduction - This section sets the scene of the researh Tt prompted purpose, hypothesis, problem or engineering goal your research, and what you hope to achieve. ‘The introduction also presents the background information about Beto era on the issue. This is where you need to do some preliminary aa we = understand key issues on your research topic. You need to convey what ot are saying in the field about the topic issue. Research Questions - The research questions consist of the general a a the problem and the specific subproblems or questions. This part formulated first before conducting the research. Materials and Methods - This section describes the proposed experiment in depth. This section is broken into two parts. The materials section describes what the researcher will use in the study such as the kind of equipment and supplies that will be necessary for the project. The methods section describes what the researcher will do, when will he do it, and why will he do it. It discusses thoroughly the processes that will be used for the control and experimental set ups. It is the part of the proposal or research paper that describes the methods used to collect the data. It allows the reader to understand how the data were collected. It should be detailed enough for a good researcher to be able to replicate the study from reading the method section. It is the most important part of a research paper. A well-written materials and method section serves as a set of instruction to anyone desiring to replicate the study in the future. The M & M section has the following sub-sections: «Research Design - Refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby ensuring you will effectively address the research problem, it constitutes the blueprint of the collection, measurement, and analysis of data. It provides a clear description of the following: how the research will be done; what will be done to answer the research question; and how the results will be analyzed. * Materials — includes a detailed list of the materials that will be used in the study such as their quantities and specifications. + Procedure - is a detailed description of the steps that will be carried out in the conduct of the experiment or developing the investigatory project. « Participants of the Study - According to Code of Federal Regulation 45, CFR 46, a human participant is a living individual about whom an investigator conducting research obtains (1) data or samples through intervention or interaction with individuals(s) or 2) identifiable private information. Examples of projects that are considered “human participant research” include: Participants in physical activities (e.g., physical exertion, ingestion of any Substance, any medical procedure); psychological, educational and opinion Studies (¢.g., Surveys, questionnaires, tests); studies in which the researcher is the subject of the research; testing of student designed invention, prototype or computer application by human participants other. then steact 4 researcher; data/record review projects that include data that are not dcidentified /anonymous (¢.g., data set that includes name, birth date, phone number or other identifying variables); behavioral observations that (a) involve any interaction with the observed individual(s) or where the researcher has modified the environment (e.g. post a sign, place an object), (b) occur in non- public or restricted access settings (e.g., day care setting, doctor's office), (c) involve the recording of personally identifiable information. Source: International Rules for Pre-College Science Research: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2019-2020 Depending on the nature of the study, if the study does not require human Participants, this part of the paper may be omitted. * Sampling Procedure - According to Ogula (2005) as mentioned in the International Journal for Education and Research, sampling is a process or technique of choosing a sub-group from a population to participate in the study; it is the process of selecting a number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals selected represent the large group from which they were selected. If a study does not require participants, this, too, may be omitted. © Instrumentation — This describes the tools that measure variables in the study and are designed to obtain the data on a topic of interest from the subjects of research. a © Validation of Instrument — Describes how the research instrumentations will be validated. * Data Gathering Procedure - describes the specific techniques to be used in athering relevant data. . Statistical ‘Treatment - describes the statistical methods that will be applied to your data in order to make predictions and test hypotheses about your data. is ion it ion that is not your own (books, wnces - This section includes any documentation pant articles, websites, etc.) A reference list only includes the sources you refer to in your writing.

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