Florida Objection

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From: Beverly Slough beverly.slough@stjohns.k12.fl.

Subject: Re: Information Regarding the 2021-2022 Executive Director/CEO Search
Date: October 1, 2021 at 2:10 PM
To: Patricia Boyd-King pboyd-king@nsba.org, 2021-2022 Board of Directors 2021-2022-BOD@nsba.org
Cc: Chip Slaven CSlaven@nsba.org, Verjeana McCotter-Jacobs VJacobs@nsba.org, Francisco Negron fnegron@nsba.org,
Jane Mellow JMellow@nsba.org, Elena Kukanova – Carpenter ECarpenter@nsba.org, Renee Joe RJoe@nsba.org, Admin Assts

I must object to the sending of the letter to President Biden in the strongest way. Something of this magnitude should never have been
sent without the concurrence of the full Board of Directors. While I realize that we have all been under duress at our meetings, I do not
feel that it rises to the level of asking for federal law enforcement to manage the meetings.

In my mind, it was bad enough that the letter was sent without full board approval. To go the extra step of issuing a press release has
resulted in greater problems for some of us who live in highly conservative areas. I am greatly disappointed that all this was done
without discussion and approval of the National Board.

Bev Slough

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From: Patricia Boyd-King <pboyd-king@nsba.org>

Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 2:46:05 PM
To: 2021-2022 Board of Directors <2021-2022-BOD@nsba.org>
Cc: Chip Slaven <CSlaven@nsba.org>; Verjeana McCoPer-Jacobs <VJacobs@nsba.org>; Francisco
Negron <fnegron@nsba.org>; Jane Mellow <JMellow@nsba.org>; Elena Kukanova – Carpenter
<ECarpenter@nsba.org>; Renee Joe <RJoe@nsba.org>; Admin Assts <admin-assts@nsba.org>
Subject: InformaZon Regarding the 2021-2022 ExecuZve Director/CEO Search

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organizaZon. Do not click links or open aPachments
unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please report suspicious or potenZally
dangerous emails using the "Phish Alert BuPon".



Dear Board of Directors,

As you know, Anna Maria Chávez resigned as the NSBA Executive Director & CEO
effective July 9, 2021. Anna led through very difficult virtual activities, financial decisions,
and challenging times. We wish her well in her new endeavors.

At the NSBA Board of Directors Meeting on August 12, 2021, the NSBA Board of
ACTING​NSBA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO policy. The recruitment and appointment
policy outlined the appointment of a Search Committee:

…the President to establish an executive director search committee to include the

members of the executive committee (excluding the Executive Director & CEO),
including a Past President if one is not currently seated, and one representative from
among the NSBA councils with voting rights. All members of the search committee,
including the Chair of the Organization of State Association Executive Directors
including the Chair of the Organization of State Association Executive Directors
(OSAED), shall have voting rights in the committee. The President may appoint
additional members of the NSBA Board of Directors to the search committee to
ensure diversity and representation from each NSBA region…

The Search Committee will be composed of the following members who have agreed to
serve until the search is completed:

Search Committee Chair:

Viola M. Garcia: President

Search Committee Members:

Frank S. Henderson, Jr.: President-elect
Kristi Swett: Secretary-Treasurer
Charlie Wilson: Immediate Past President
Janine Bay Teske: Executive Committee, NSBA Director
Floyd Simon, Jr.: Executive Committee, NSBA Director
Lydia Tedone: Executive Committee, NSBA Director

Kirk Schneidawind: Executive Committee; Chair OSAED; Executive Director,

Minnesota School Boards Association

Devin Del Palacio: NSBA Director; Chair, National Black Council of School Board

The board authorized the exploration of search options that might include utilizing our
member organizations. The board encouraged the Executive Committee to explore options
for the search and report back to the Board of Directors with recommendations. The Search
Committee will be accepting and reviewing applications and proposals from national search
firms. Please let me know if you have any recommendations for a search firm.

We will contact your organization for assistance and guidance in the coming months, and
we ask for your continued support as we go through this process.

Please do not hesitate to contact me. I welcome any comments or concerns from you, our
members, during this process. You can reach me on my cell phone at 281-702-4762; home
phone at 281-447-0077; or via email at violamgarcia@yahoo.com. I hope you stay safe.

Thank you,

Viola M. Garcia
NSBA President
2021-2022 NSBA Executive Director/CEO Search Timeline

Executive Director/CEO Search Committee Charge:

Interview and recommend for Board action a national executive search firm
Through the search firm, involve stakeholders in determining criteria/characteristics for a
new Executive Director/CEO
Interview candidates and recommend finalists to the Board

August/September:​Draft RFP for national executive search firm
Second week of September: Release RFP for national executive search firm
September 20: Board of Directors to approve search timeline and process
September 21-30:​Search Committee reviews search firm candidates, refines process and
criteria for search firm interviews, interviews search firm candidates, and selects finalists
Early- to Mid-October:​Officers interview search firm finalists; Search Committee review
October 20: Board of Directors to approve recommended search firm
Late October: Search Committee and search firm set expectations, review next steps, and
develop search timeline
October - March: Search firm and Search Committee engage stakeholders to develop
candidate profile, post position, screen, and review applicants, conduct interviews
March:​Announce new Executive Director/CEO (aspirational goal)

Patricia Boyd-King
ExecuZve Assistant
NaZonal School Boards AssociaZon
1680 Duke Street, FL2

Alexandria, VA 22314

From: Beverly Slough beverly.slough@stjohns.k12.fl.us
Subject: Re: Information Regarding the 2021-2022 Executive Director/CEO Search
Date: October 1, 2021 at 9:56 PM
To: Patricia Boyd-King pboyd-king@nsba.org, 2021-2022 Board of Directors 2021-2022-BOD@nsba.org
Cc: Chip Slaven CSlaven@nsba.org, Verjeana McCotter-Jacobs VJacobs@nsba.org, Francisco Negron fnegron@nsba.org,
Jane Mellow JMellow@nsba.org, Elena Kukanova – Carpenter ECarpenter@nsba.org, Renee Joe RJoe@nsba.org, Admin Assts


This is what I feared.

Get Outlook for iOS

From: Beverly Slough <Beverly.Slough@stjohns.k12.fl.us>

Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 2:10:26 PM
To: Patricia Boyd-King <pboyd-king@nsba.org>; 2021-2022 Board of Directors <2021-2022-
Cc: Chip Slaven <CSlaven@nsba.org>; Verjeana McCoPer-Jacobs <VJacobs@nsba.org>; Francisco
Negron <fnegron@nsba.org>; Jane Mellow <JMellow@nsba.org>; Elena Kukanova – Carpenter
<ECarpenter@nsba.org>; Renee Joe <RJoe@nsba.org>; Admin Assts <admin-assts@nsba.org>
Subject: Re: InformaZon Regarding the 2021-2022 ExecuZve Director/CEO Search
I must object to the sending of the letter to President Biden in the strongest way. Something of this magnitude should never have been
sent without the concurrence of the full Board of Directors. While I realize that we have all been under duress at our meetings, I do not
feel that it rises to the level of asking for federal law enforcement to manage the meetings.

In my mind, it was bad enough that the letter was sent without full board approval. To go the extra step of issuing a press release has
resulted in greater problems for some of us who live in highly conservative areas. I am greatly disappointed that all this was done
without discussion and approval of the National Board.

Bev Slough

Get Outlook for iOS

From: Patricia Boyd-King <pboyd-king@nsba.org>

Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 2:46:05 PM
To: 2021-2022 Board of Directors <2021-2022-BOD@nsba.org>
Cc: Chip Slaven <CSlaven@nsba.org>; Verjeana McCoPer-Jacobs <VJacobs@nsba.org>; Francisco
Negron <fnegron@nsba.org>; Jane Mellow <JMellow@nsba.org>; Elena Kukanova – Carpenter
<ECarpenter@nsba.org>; Renee Joe <RJoe@nsba.org>; Admin Assts <admin-assts@nsba.org>
Subject: InformaZon Regarding the 2021-2022 ExecuZve Director/CEO Search

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organizaZon. Do not click links or open aPachments
unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please report suspicious or potenZally
dangerous emails using the "Phish Alert BuPon".



Dear Board of Directors,

As you know, Anna Maria Chávez resigned as the NSBA Executive Director & CEO
effective July 9, 2021. Anna led through very difficult virtual activities, financial decisions,
and challenging times. We wish her well in her new endeavors.
and challenging times. We wish her well in her new endeavors.

At the NSBA Board of Directors Meeting on August 12, 2021, the NSBA Board of
ACTING​NSBA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO policy. The recruitment and appointment
policy outlined the appointment of a Search Committee:

…the President to establish an executive director search committee to include the

members of the executive committee (excluding the Executive Director & CEO),
including a Past President if one is not currently seated, and one representative from
among the NSBA councils with voting rights. All members of the search committee,
including the Chair of the Organization of State Association Executive Directors
(OSAED), shall have voting rights in the committee. The President may appoint
additional members of the NSBA Board of Directors to the search committee to
ensure diversity and representation from each NSBA region…

The Search Committee will be composed of the following members who have agreed to
serve until the search is completed:

Search Committee Chair:

Viola M. Garcia: President

Search Committee Members:

Frank S. Henderson, Jr.: President-elect
Kristi Swett: Secretary-Treasurer
Charlie Wilson: Immediate Past President
Janine Bay Teske: Executive Committee, NSBA Director
Floyd Simon, Jr.: Executive Committee, NSBA Director
Lydia Tedone: Executive Committee, NSBA Director

Kirk Schneidawind: Executive Committee; Chair OSAED; Executive Director,

Minnesota School Boards Association

Devin Del Palacio: NSBA Director; Chair, National Black Council of School Board

The board authorized the exploration of search options that might include utilizing our
member organizations. The board encouraged the Executive Committee to explore options
for the search and report back to the Board of Directors with recommendations. The Search
Committee will be accepting and reviewing applications and proposals from national search
firms. Please let me know if you have any recommendations for a search firm.

We will contact your organization for assistance and guidance in the coming months, and
we ask for your continued support as we go through this process.

Please do not hesitate to contact me. I welcome any comments or concerns from you, our
members, during this process. You can reach me on my cell phone at 281-702-4762; home
phone at 281-447-0077; or via email at violamgarcia@yahoo.com. I hope you stay safe.

Thank you,

Viola M. Garcia
NSBA President

2021-2022 NSBA Executive Director/CEO Search Timeline

Executive Director/CEO Search Committee Charge:

Interview and recommend for Board action a national executive search firm
Through the search firm, involve stakeholders in determining criteria/characteristics for a
new Executive Director/CEO
Interview candidates and recommend finalists to the Board

August/September:​Draft RFP for national executive search firm
Second week of September: Release RFP for national executive search firm
September 20: Board of Directors to approve search timeline and process
September 21-30:​Search Committee reviews search firm candidates, refines process and
criteria for search firm interviews, interviews search firm candidates, and selects finalists
Early- to Mid-October:​Officers interview search firm finalists; Search Committee review
October 20: Board of Directors to approve recommended search firm
Late October: Search Committee and search firm set expectations, review next steps, and
develop search timeline
October - March: Search firm and Search Committee engage stakeholders to develop
candidate profile, post position, screen, and review applicants, conduct interviews
March:​Announce new Executive Director/CEO (aspirational goal)

Patricia Boyd-King
ExecuZve Assistant
NaZonal School Boards AssociaZon
1680 Duke Street, FL2

Alexandria, VA 22314


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