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Term Project

• Understand the steps involved in planning and implementing a technical solution for multimedia
• Prototype a proposed technical solution using Packet Tracer.
• Configure the network to support multimedia applications.

The Internet of things (IoT) is the massive network of connected things, which collect, share, store
and use multimedia data. Smart IoT devices and systems are used to boost productivity and improve
customer experience through the application of multimedia data in a range of industries, including
connected vehicles, home automation, wearable technology, connected health, smart cities, and
appliances with remote monitoring capabilities.

• Select an IoT scenario (e.g., connected vehicles, home automation, or smart cities) • Plan and
implement a technical solution for the selected IoT scenario.
• Prototype a proposed technical solution using Packet Tracer.
• Use the multimedia networking techniques learned from this course.

• A report (at least 4 pages) about this project using the IEEE Transaction format (Templates:
• Save the running config on all devices.
• Save the CPT file as NET4007_Term_Project.pkt.

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