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Surname, NAME of the Author

Institution, town, e-mail
Scientific coordinator: didactical qualification, Surname and NAME

The article should contain 4-6 pages, written in English,
except for the section devoted to foreign languages, where
articles can also be written in French or German. Each
article should contain an abstract (100 – 150 words)
written in English and there should be up to 5 keywords.

Keywords: no more than 5 keywords.

Short guidebook regarding style

Page setup: top, bottom, left, right: 2.5 cm; format A4; font Times New Roman; 1 line
Title of the paper: uppercase; size 20; bold; centred;
Author’s name and affiliation: size 14; alignment - right;
Abstract: size 12; la centre; Italic;
Keywords: size 12; bold; justify;
Titles and subtitles: size 12; bold;
Body text: size 12; justified;
Tables: must be preceded by a title; reference to the table should be made between round
parentheses (Table 1);
Charts and figures: should be prepared in a clear manner, so that they are legible in black and
white printing;
They should be accompanied by a title (size 10); reference to charts and figures should be
made between round parentheses (Figure 1);
Formulas and equations: should be numbered consecutively in round parentheses: (1), (2) etc.

[1] Moshe Idel, Ascension on High in Jewish Mysticism: Pillars, Lines, Ladders,
(Budapest: Central University Press, 2005), 33.
[2] Sandu Frunză and Michael S. Jones, Education and Cultural Diversity, (Cluj:
Provopress, 2006), 17.

Idel, Moshe. Ascension on High in Jewish Mysticism: Pillars, Lines, Ladders. Budapest:
Central University Press, 2005.
Frunză, Mihaela, Sandu Frunză, Nicu Gavriluţă, and Silviu E. Rogobete. Tinerii şi
politica. Împreuna pentru o politică mai bună. Cluj: Provopress, 2006.

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