HSC Final

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Motivating Your Team

Question #1 - Multiple Choice 7316
Understanding ____________can be very simple, yet very complex. An understanding of this
is a prerequisite to effective employee motivation.

A. Your boss
B. Employee’s behaviors
C. Human Nature
D. Employee’ attitudes
E. B and C
Question #2 - Multiple Choice 7317
According to a study done by the US Chamber of Commerce, what ranked #1 with
employees in term of Motivation?

A. Money
B. Time Off
C. Appreciation
D. Help on Personal Issues
E. Feeling “in” on company matters
Question #3 - Multiple Choice 7318
Which of the equations below is accurate in defining performance?

A. Performance = ability x motivation

B. Performance = attitude + behavior
C. Performance = ability x behavior
D. Performance = motivation x behavior
E. Performance = motivation + attitude+ ability
Question #4 - Multiple Choice 7319
Who has the most impact on an employee’s motivation level at work?

A. Other employees
B. The work itself
C. The work environment
D. Their direct supervisor - YOU
E. B and D
Question #5 - Multiple Choice 7320
If you want to inspire others you have to_____________.

A. Be nice
B. Be inspiring
C. Have good work ethics
D. A and C
E. B and C
Question #6 - Multiple Choice 7321
The TRUE Method when using praise stands for:

A. Timely, Responsive, Unconditional, Enthusiastic

B. Timely, Receptive, Unconditional, Energy
C. Truthful, Receptive, Understanding, Empathy
D. Truthful, Responsive, Understanding, Enthusiastic
E. Timely, Responsive, Understanding, Empathy
Question #7 - Multiple Choice 7322
Shared goals are not enough to keep most employees motivated. Those goals must be guided

A. The supervisor
B. Core Values
C. A vision statement
D. The team
E. B and C
Question #8 - Multiple Choice 7323
Which of the following statements characterizes providing a clearly defined playing field for
your employees?

A. Employees perform the best when they are given the freedom to take charge knowing
exactly their territory and boundaries.
B. By setting shared goals and values, you have defined the playing field and the rules of
the game.
C. Your team mates need to know that as long as they follow the rules, they can go
anywhere within the lines.
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Question #9 - Multiple Choice 7324
________________is the breakfast of champions.

A. Feedback
B. Motivation
C. Money
D. Praise
E. All of the above
Question #10 - Multiple Choice 7325
Which of the following statements is true?

A. Most supervisors don’t know what is important to their employees because they
simply do not ask.
B. When you ask your employees what you can do to make their job easier or what
motivates them, you are sending subtle messages that are lowering their self esteem and
C. By asking questions supervisors help their employees discover for themselves what is
important for them and what motivates them to peak performance.
D. A and B
E. A and C

Correct answer was: E

Staffing and Scheduling

Question #1 - Multiple Choice 7326

What is largest expense within a hotel or restaurant?

A. Training
B. Recruitment
C. Labor
D. Food
E. B and C

Correct answer was: C

Question #2 - Multiple Choice 7327
When it comes to staffing and scheduling, supervisors need to do which of following:

A. Understand how many positions they need to properly run the department.
B. Forecast appropriately so they don’t have too many or too little employees.
C. Understand the types of employees they have in terms of part time, and full time.
D. Be confident in producing a weekly or biweekly schedule that confirms proper
coverage of the department.
E. All of the above
Question #3 - Multiple Choice 7328
______________positions are required to operate the property or department regardless of
occupancy or business volume.

A. Variable Staffing
B. Flexible Staffing
C. Fixed staffing
D. Part time
E. A and C
Question #4 - Multiple Choice 7329
Variable staff positions depend on:

A. Unexpected volume of business

B. Expected volume of business
C. Forecasting data
D. B and C
E. None of the above
Question #5 - Multiple Choice 7330
What is the number one reason why it is important to schedule the right amount of

A. Positive guest service

B. Holds down labor costs
C. Increase employee motivation
D. Decrease overlapping
E. Accurate forecasting
Question #6 - Multiple Choice 7331
Which of the examples below would be considered a creative way to schedule your

A. Increase your number of full time employees

B. Use split shifts
C. Train your employees in one department
D. Keep the beginning and ending of shift times the same
E. B and D

Correct answer was: B

Question #7 - Multiple Choice 7332
Who is usually in charge of determining a department’s staffing needs for most

A. General Manager
B. Direct Supervisor
C. Owner
D. Human Resources
E. All of the above
Question #8 - Multiple Choice 7333
Fixed staff can include which of the following:

A. Full Time staff

B. Part Time Staff
C. Seasonal Staff
D. A and B
E. All of the above
Question #9 - Multiple Choice 7334
The goal and objective of proper scheduling is to have the ______________ number of
employees on duty as determined by your staffing needs.

A. Minimum
B. Maximum
C. Most efficient
D. A and C
E. B and C

Correct answer was: C

Question #10 - Multiple Choice 7335
What happens when you schedule too many employees for a shift?

A. Money will be wasted on wages

B. Productivity will be higher
C. Productivity will be lower
D. A and B
E. A and C

Conflict and Resolution
Question #1 - Multiple Choice 7336
_________________ issues only represent the symptoms of the real underlying problems
which are the ___________________.

A. Hard, Soft
B. Soft, Hard
C. Hard, people skills
D. A and C
E. B and C
Question #2 - Multiple Choice 7337
Focusing on hard issues only make which of the following go away?

A. Problems
B. Symptoms
C. Teamwork
D. Employee Moral
E. All of the above
Question #3 - Multiple Choice 7338
Which of these statements about workforce conflict is false?

A. The more we run from conflict, the more it masters us.

B. The more we try to avoid it, the less it controls us.
C. The less we fear conflict, the less it confuses us.
D. A and B
E. B and C
Question #4 - Multiple Choice 7339
Which is the correct order in the 4 step firefighting approach to conflict?

A. Maintain, Burn Down, Follow up, Extinguish

B. Burn Down, Maintain, Extinguish, Follow up
C. Extinguish, Burn Down, Maintain, Follow up
D. Maintain, Extinguish, Burn Down, Follow up
E. Maintain, Burn Down, Extinguish, Follow Up
Question #5 - Multiple Choice 7340
The Velvet Covered Brick approach to conflict means leaders are______________ on the
inside and ________________on the outside.

A. Honest and soft

B. Strong and Soft
C. Soft and Friendly
D. Strong and tough
E. None of the above
Question #6 - Multiple Choice 7341
By actively address problems, Velvet-Covered Brick supervisors act as which of the

A. Peacekeeper
B. Peacemaker
C. Mentor
D. Role Model
E. A and C
Question #7 - Multiple Choice 7342
Which one of the statements below does not describe a Velvet - Covered Brick supervisor?

A. Confronts problems and does not consider perspectives

B. Tough but Tender
C. Committed to Results and Relationships
D. Professional and Personal
E. Respected and Approachable
Question #8 - Multiple Choice 7343
Which difficult type of employee does the following describe? Their silence hides a lot of
pent up anger. You can bring out this type of employee with open-ended questions and by out
waiting their silence during confrontations.

A. Silent Sufferers
B. Silent Steamers
C. Wet Blankets
D. Wafflers
E. A & B
Question #9 - Multiple Choice 7344
As a supervisor, what can you do to help an employee who is a “waffler.”

A. Make their environment friendly and secure

B. When necessary, call their bluff but leave them an out to “save face.”
C. Ask them how they would solve the problem?
D. Ask them open ended questions.
E. All of the above
Question #10 - Multiple Choice 7345
Complete the quote: The measure of success in not whether you have a tough problem but:

A. Whether it is the same problem you had last year.

B. Whether it is a different problem then you had last year.
C. Whether you learned from your mistake.
D. A and B
E. A and C
Coaching For Success
Question #1 - Multiple Choice 7346
Performance is considered to be a function of which of the following:

A. Motivation and Teamwork

B. Teamwork and ability
C. Motivation and Ability
D. C and D
E. None of the above
Question #2 - Multiple Choice 7347
What percentage of employees surveyed in this Module’s Leadership study said they have too
little interaction with their supervisors?

A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 97%
D. 51%
E. 66%
Question #3 - Multiple Choice 7348
All good performance begins with which of the following:

A. Leadership
B. Team work
C. Goals
D. Motivation
E. C and D
Question #4 - Multiple Choice 7349
Which of the following steps is NOT associated with One Minute Goal setting?

A. Agree on your goals

B. See what good behavior looks like
C. Write out each of your goals on a single sheet of paper no less than 1000 words
D. See whether or not your behavior matches your goals.
E. None of the above
Correct answer was: D
Question #5 - Multiple Choice 7350
One Minute Praisings catches people doing things______________________.

A. Wrong
B. Right
C. Approximately Right
D. B and C
E. All of the above
Question #6 - Multiple Choice 7351
When you leave an employee alone expecting good performance from them and then
immediately reprimand them once you don’t get it is a form of what type of management?

A. Bottom Up
B. Traditional
C. Top Down
D. Zap
E. C and D
Question #7 - Multiple Choice 7352
People who feel good about themselves ____________________________.

A. Produce good results

B. Are motivated
C. Set goals
D. Accomplish Tasks
E. All of the above
Question #8 - Multiple Choice 7353
Which of the following is not one of the One Minute Praising Steps?

A. Praise people immediately

B. Tell people what they did right – be specific
C. Stop for a moment of silence to let them “feel” how good you feel
D. Encourage them to do the same
E. None of the above
Question #9 - Multiple Choice 7354
When giving a One Minute Reprimand, it is important to remember the focus is on
______________________ and not the _________________________.

A. Person, Team
B. Behavior, Person
C. Person, Behavior
D. Workplace, Person
E. B and D
Question #10 - Multiple Choice 7355
Which of these steps are in the 2nd half of the One Minute Reprimand?

A. Tell people what they did wrong, be specific

B. Reprimand them immediately
C. Remind them how much you value them
D. Stop for a few seconds of uncomfortable silence to let them feel how you feel
E. A and C


Supervising in a Multicultural Workplace

Question #1 - Multiple Choice 7356

Based on a study conducted, an average hotel in the U.S. has ___ nationalities represented in
the workforce.

A. 4.2
B. 3.2
C. 5.2
D. 6.2
E. 2.3
Question #2 - Multiple Choice 7357
Diversity in the workforce refers to which of the following:

A. Age
B. Race
C. Gender
D. Religion
E. All of the above
Question #3 - Multiple Choice 7358
What is the basis for much of our behavior?

A. Work Experiences
B. Education
C. Family
D. Values
E. All of the above
Question #4 - Multiple Choice 7359
What word (s) below is the opposite action of being prejudice and or stereotyping?

A. Judging
B. Assuming
C. Tolerance
D. Acceptance
E. C and D
Question #5 - Multiple Choice 7360
A______________ occurs when we judge individuals by our own experience rather than by
the image we have of the culture they come from.

A. interaction
B. judgment
C. stereotype
D. understanding
E. None of the above
Question #6 - Multiple Choice 7361
Respect requires one or more of the following:

A. The willingness to show consideration or worth to someone, someplace, some action,

or something.
B. Refraining from or not interfering with someone, some action, or something.
C. Accepting and/or agreeing with someone else, their thoughts or actions.
D. Holding fixed beliefs about someone regardless of evidence to the contrary.
E. A and B
Question #7 - Multiple Choice 7362
A respectful workplace does the following except:

A. Incorporates
B. judges
C. Values
D. Seeks
E. None of the above
Question #8 - Multiple Choice 7363
We tend to gravitate toward people that are __________.

A. Different
B. Similar
C. Like minded
D. B and C
E. A and C
Question #9 - Multiple Choice 7364
The more ____________ a workforce is the more _____________ they are.

A. Alike, productive
B. Diverse, unproductive
C. Diverse, productive
D. Productive, alike
E. None of the above
Question #10 - Multiple Choice 7467
When we look at behavior, we determine or interpret what is happening through:

A. Our own filter

B. Someone else's filter
C. My family's background
D. None of the above
E. All of the above

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