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Họ, tên học sinh: ............................................................................................................................

Question 101: In the 1960s ______ was concerned about pollution.

A. hardly everyone B. hardly anyone
C. rarely anyone D. rarely everyone
Question 102: I hope I haven’t got ______ luggage.
A. so many B. so much C. too much D. too many
Question 103: ______ ghost exists in the world. That’s your illusion.
A. No such a thing B. No such a thing as a
C. No such thing as a D. No such thing as
Question 104: Clothing made of plastic fibers has certain advantage over ______ made of natural.
A. one B. the one C. that D. what
Question 105: I am ______ of the two children in our family.
A. the tallest B. the taller C. tall D. taller
Question 106: He impressed ______ his mind the words his father said to him that day.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
Question 107: - “I think golf really great.”
- “______.”
A. Do you? I think it’s boring B. Neither do I
C. Almost everyday D. Don’t you believe so
Question 108: - “______”
- “Oh, but it’s boring.”
A. Would you prefer news to films? B. I often watch the news at night.
C. Don’t you like the news? D. I think you should watch the news.
Question 109: Bit by bit, a child makes the necessary changes to make his language ______.
A. as other people B. as other people’s
C. like other people D. like other people’s
Question 110: GDP is the abbreviation for “______”.
A. Growth Domestic Products B. Global Domestic Products
C. General Domestic Productivity D. Gross Domestic Products
Question 111: Can you tell me where ______ all morning?
A. you have been B. you were C. have you been D. were you
Question 112: We regret to tell you that materials you order are out of ______.
A. work B. stock C. reach D. practice
Question 113: They intended to ______ with the old computers as soon as they could afford some new ones.
A. do away B. do up C. do over D. do down
Question 114: Sales ______ are paid a salary but they may also get commissions on sales.
A. representations B. presenters
C. presentations D. representatives
Question 115: A report by the police four months ago indicated that alcohol was a connection between young
people ______ in offence of violence.
A. involved B. to be involved C. involving D. involve
Question 116: I have bad toothache today. I ______ to the dentist yesterday when it started hurting.
A. should go B. should be
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C. should have gone D. should have been

Question 117: I want to ______ this old car for a Ferrari but I don’t have enough money now.
A. change B. exchange C. sell D. replace
Question 118: Those students do not like to read novels ______ text books.
A. in any case B. leaving out of the question
C. forgetting about D. much less
Question 119: It’s hard to ______ on less than a million a month.
A. make ends meet B. make a fuss
C. make up your mind D. make a mess
Question 120: I’m sure the answer to my letter ______ before next Friday evening.
A. will arrive B. will have arrived
C. arrives D. is arriving
Question 121: It’s English phrasal verbs ______ puzzle learners most.
A. which B. that C. who D. O
Question 122: - “It’s kind of you to help me tidy the room.”
- “______”
A. Really B. You’re welcome
C. That’s alright D. It doesn’t matter
Question 123: ______ the double, she took the victim to the hospital.
A. To B. For C. On D. With
Question 124: - “Which of the two boys is a boy Scout?”
- “______ of them is.”
A. All B. None C. Neither D. Either
Question 125: Thanks to the modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once ______ cacti
and sagebrush could live.
A. nor B. not the C. none other D. nothing but
Question 126: That flowers are ______ everywhere is a sign of spring.
A. coming out B. breaking out C. taking over D. going over
Question 127: Art critics do not agrees on what ______ a painting great.
A. qualities to make B. qualities make
C. are qualities to make D. do qualities make
Question 128: The house still remains in ______ after the hurricane.
A. a good condition B. good condition
C. good conditions D. the good condition
Question 129: He read it quickly so as to get the ______ of it before setting down to a thorough study.
A. detail B. run C. core D. gist
Question 130: This is ______ the most challenging task I have ever done.
A. by far B. by all means C. by the way D. by rights
Question 131: Peter was born and brought up in Cornwall and he knows the place like the ______.
A. nose on his face B. back of his hand
C. hairs on his head D. tip of his tongue
Question 132: His aunt bought him some books on astronomy and football, he had interest in.
A. neither of whom B. neither of which
C. neither of what D. neither of them
Question 133: Mercury differs from other industrial metals ______ it is a liquid.
A. whereas B. in that C. because of D. consequently
Question 134: - “You have a good voice.”
- “______.”
A. Appreciate it B. Well-done
C. Yes, of course D. You’ve done a good job
Question 135: Many difficulties have ______ as a result of the changeover to a new type of fuel.
A. raised B. been raised C. risen D. arisen
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Question 136: - “Thanks a lot for your help.”

- “______.”
A. Don’t mention it B. Oh, that’s too bad
C. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that D. Of course
Question 137: Up ______ when it saw its master.
A. jumped the dog B. did the dog jump
C. the dog jumped D. does the dog jump
Question 138: I’m sure it’s not my fault that Peter found out what we were planning. I don’t remember ______
anyone about it.
A. to tell B. being told C. having told D. to be told
Question 139: I think the most ______ idea is to go by car.
A. sensible B. sensitive C. senseless D. sensational
Question 140: He couldn’t afford to ______ his car repaired.
A. pay B. make C. do D. get
Question 141: - “Do you think it’s going to rain?”
- “______.”
A. I hope not B. I don’t hope
C. I don’t hope that D. I don’t hope so
Question 142: - “Can you give me some information?”
- “______.”
A. No, thanks B. Yes, I can C. Certainly, sir D. I’d love to
Question 143: Nobody answered the door, ______?
A. weren’t they B. were they C. did they D. didn’t they
Question 144: I have told her that I am not going to go ahead with my plans ______ she may think.
A. whether B. despite C. however D. whatever
Question 145: It’s about time we ______ something to stop road accidents.
A. do B. did C. had done D. have done
Question 146: It is widely believed that ______ human beings are descended from one common ancestor.
A. every B. all C. every of D. all of
Question 147: The more you talk about the matter, ______.
A. the situation seems worse B. the worse seems the situation
C. the worse the situation seems D. the situation seems the worse
Question 148: John can speak two languages. One is English. ______ is French.
A. Other B. The other C. Another D. Others
Question 149: The blue curtain began to ______ after they had been hanging in the sun for two months.
A. melt B. die C. dissolve D. fade
Question 150: I couldn’t tell what time it was because workmen had removed the ______ of the clock.
A. hands B. pointers C. arms D. fingers
Question 151: ______ he would have been able to pass the exam.
A. If he studied more
B. If he were studying to a greater degree
C. Studying more
D. Had he studied more
Question 152: Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span greater
than ______.
A. man B. the man’s
C. the one of man’s D. that of man
Question 153: Suppose flights ______ on that day - which other day could we go?
A. are fully booked B. will be fully booked
C. would be fully booked D. have been fully booked
Question 154: I really regret making my mistake. It was the one I ______.
A. had not to make B. ought not to have
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C. should have not make D. mustn’t make

Question 155: He doesn’t ______ his fellow-workers and there are often disagreements between them.
A. get on with B. take to C. put up with D. go on with
Question 156: Nobody can fool me. I am never ______ in.
A. taken B. taking C. given D. giving
Question 157: Today’s newspaper has ______ interesting article on space travel.
A. quite an B. nearly C. so D. such
Question 158: The spotted owl is in danger of soon becoming ______.
A. extincted B. extinction C. extinct D. extinctive
Question 159: Everyone approved of the scheme but when we asked for volunteers they all hung ______.
A. back B. on C. about D. up
Question 160: The greatest number of Native American Indians is Navajos, one sixth ______ still live in
traditional one-room houses called Hogans.
A. for which B. in which C. with whom D. of whom
Question 161: - “The students study a lot.”
- “Yes, ______ students are very serious.”
A. almost of B. almost C. the most D. most
Question 162: I love this painting of an old man. He has such a ______ smile.
A. childlike B. childish C. childless D. childhood
Question 163: It would have a much more serious accident ______ fast at that time.
A. he drove B. was he driving
C. had he been driving D. he had driven
Question 164: On the second level of the parking lot ______.
A. is empty B. are empty
C. some empty stalls are D. are some empty stalls
Question 165: The report would have been accepted ______ in checking its accuracy.
A. if more care B. more care had been taken
C. had taken more care D. had more care been taken
Question 166: ______ variety of flowers in the show, from simple carnations to the most exquisite roses.
A. A wide B. There was a wide
C. Is there D. Many
Question 167: Yesterday I spent an hour in the park. It ______.
A. relaxing B. relaxed C. a relax D. was relaxing
Question 168: Thousands of antibiotics ______, but only about thirty are in common use today.
A. are developing B. have been developing
C. have developed D. have been developed
Question 169: I don’t like that soup. It ______ horrible.
A. tastes B. sounds C. touches D. feels
Question 170: The kind-hearted woman ______ all her life to helping the disabled and the poor.
A. dedicated B. wasted C. lived D. spent
Question 171: I met Jim at college. It was the start of a ______ friendship.
A. long life B. lifelong C. prolonged D. lengthened
Question 172: The job they offer ______ very interesting with a fashion house in the city center.
A. sounds B. looks C. appears D. hears
Question 173: ______ Ann by phone, James decided to email her.
A. Having failed to contact B. He failed to contact
C. That he failed contacting D. Having failed contacting
Question 174: A week or two before New Year’s Days, the markets are ______ people selling and buying
A. filled with B. ready for C. crowded D. crowded with
Question 175: You all look tired. Let’s ______ a rest.
A. get B. take
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C. either have or take D. have

Question 176: Marie Curie was the first woman to ______ two Nobel prizes.
A. award B. win C. achieve D. reward
Question 177: Nha Trang, ______ last year, in excellent for holiday-makers.
A. we visited B. that we visited
C. visited D. which we visited
Question 178: In the early 16 century, the geography of the globe still ______ a mystery.
A. maintained B. continued C. remained D. was
Question 179: By the end of last year, the number of adult English speakers in Asia ______ 350 million.
A. was reaching B. were reaching
C. had reached D. would have reached
Question 180: - “How do you do?”
- “______”
A. Very well, thanks. B. I’m fine, thanks.
C. Good morning. D. How do you do?
Question 181: The Internet makes it much easier ______ communicate with one another.
A. for people B. to people for C. for people to D. that people can
Question 182: - “Are you coming on Saturday?”
- “______.”
A. I’m afraid of I don’t B. I’m afraid to
C. I’m afraid not D. I’m afraid not to
Question 183: The situation was ______ because of the economy.
A. devastated B. threatened C. removed D. worsened
Question 184: Children should be taught to ______ peace rather than war.
A. make B. produce C. bring D. create
Question 185: The number of canisters collected in 2012 is ______ that in 2000.
A. three times more than B. more than three times
C. as three times more as D. more three times than
Question 186: It was as if the whole town ______ asleep.
A. fell B. would have fallen
C. should fall D. had fallen
Question 187: I’ve been trying to ring him all evening but I can’t ______.
A. get over B. get through C. get across D. get by
Question 188: - “Would you mind closing the window please?”
- “______”
A. Yes, of course. Are you cold?
B. No, not at all. I will close it now.
C. Yes, I do. You can close it.
D. Yes, of course you can do it.
Question 189: The handwriting is completely ______. This note must have been written a long time ago.
A. illiterate B. unreadable C. inedible D. illegible
Question 190: She’s suffering from a ______ of iron and needs to take a course of tablets.
A. shortage B. deficiency C. default D. scarcity
Question 191: Neither my dad nor my mum ______ of the idea.
A. has convinced B. was convinced
C. have convinced D. convinced
Question 192: - “Thank you very much.”
- “______.”
A. That’s all right B. Please C. That’s right D. Nothing
Question 193: ______ entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him.
A. At B. With C. On D. Of
Question 194: You look tired. Why don’t we ______ and have a good rest?
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A. call its name B. call on C. call it a day D. call off

Question 195: Before the group of doctors would give their opinion they wanted to ______ with each other.
A. confer B. confirm C. confess D. confide
Question 196: If he discovers the truth, there’s no telling what ______ happen.
A. should B. shall C. would D. might
Question 197: The government’s new safety pamphlet ______ against smoking in bed.
A. declares B. emphasizes C. advises D. maintains
Question 198: I’m not keen on ______ control of the project to a relative newcomer.
A. understand B. charging C. entrusting D. allotting
Question 199: I can’t write that kind of letter unless I’m in the right ______ of mind.
A. frame B. way C. set D. turn
Question 200: Hyperactivity in children may result from ______ some food additives.
A. their eating B. they eat C. to eat D. them eating

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