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Aviat Networks

Eclipse Node Installation and Commissioning Forms

Purpose is to provide:
 A prompt for preparing data for new installations.
 A datapack for installers.
 A data entry form to capture additional as-built data.
 An as-built record with sign-off.

Associated forms included in this file are:

 Installation Inspection Form
 Customer Acceptance Form
 Remedial Action Form

 The Master Site Data column lists entries required. Click on a
‘+’ tab at the far left of the screen to open up required links and
modules for the Node. Click ‘–’ tab to close.
 The Build / As-Built Data column is for data entry. Build data
is data to be entered at the planning (datapack prep) stage. As-
built data is data to be entered at site, mostly from Portal.
 The Portal column highlights the data to be entered
and data to be entered from Portal.
 The Comments column is to capture any additional data.

See the Example Form for additional guidance.

Forms can be printed.

Forms can be user-customized to provide more, or less information.

Important! Please provide feedback on the use of these forms.

Feedback is needed to provide guidance on what improvements should
be made to assist the application and usability of these forms. Please

Eclipse Node Forms: V1.5 June10 Commercial-In-Confidence 1

Aviat Networks

Eclipse Node Installation and Configuration Form For Site:

Installer: INU
Slot Allocations
Installer Contact Details: 1=
Scheduled Start Date: 2=
Scheduled Completion Date: 4=
New or Existing Site: INUe 6=
Electrical Supply OK yes/no: 7=
Site Grounding OK yes/no: 9=
Antenna Mounts OK yes/no:
Site Security OK yes/no:
Site Plans Included yes/no:

General Instructions:

Master Site Data Build / As-Built Data Portal Comments

To = Enter into Portal
Node To / = Enter from Portal
Node Type INU or INUe Record
Node Name From
Site Name To
Site Grid Reference To
Tech Services contact details To
NOC contact details
Site location
Site access See attached map
Rack number/name
INU location in rack
Chassis serial number (All serial numbers begin with three letters)
NCC serial number
FAN serial number(s)
License serial number (Enter from NCC FlashCard label)
Licensed capacity
License capacity checked From
-48Vdc or +24 Vdc power supply
NEBS3 compliance options y/n

IRU 600 #1

IRU 600 #2

Terminal IP Address To
Subnet Mask To
Static or dynamic routing To
Static routing data
DHCP yes/no; address range To
Trap destinations To





DAC 16x

DAC 16x

DAC 4x

DAC 155o / 2x155o

DAC 2x155e




DAC 155oM

DAC 3xE3/DS3


Traffic Circuits



Eclipse I+C Form: V1.5 June10 Commercial-In-Confidence 2

Aviat Networks


(Specify Date/Time setting) To

BER Circuit Checks

Trib-trib BER check
(Specify the tri/cct[s] and period)

Ethernet Link Checks

Summarize the tests applied and
the results

Alarms exit check

Active alarms yes/no From

Ground checks
Single point bldg ground y/n
Master Ground Bar resistance
Rack to MGB resistance
PSU to MGB resistance
Tower ground resistance(s)
Other resistance readings
Meter used

Site Inspection Report completed


Hardware Installation completed


Node Installation & Tests


Completion Comments

Eclipse I+C Form: V1.5 June10 Commercial-In-Confidence 3

Aviat Neyworks

Eclipse Node Installation and Configuration Form For Site: Lakeside

Installer: Joeseph Brown INU
Slot Allocations
Installer Contact Details: 021 362 700 1= RAC 30
Scheduled Start Date: 10-Sep-05 2= RAC 30
3= Aux
Scheduled Completion Date: 14-Sep-05 4= DAC 16x
New or Existing Site: Existing INUe 6=
Electrical Supply OK yes/no: Yes 7=
Site Grounding OK yes/no: Yes 9=
Antenna Mounts OK yes/no: Yes
Site Security OK yes/no: Yes
Site Plans Included yes/no: Yes

General Instructions: 4-wheel drive access only. This time of the year the track will be wet and slippery. Please do a battery check and run the back-up diesel generator
for about 30 mins and check associated panel lights. Should all be green.

Master Site Data Build / As-Built Data Portal Comments

To = Enter into Portal
Node To / = Enter from Portal
Node Type INU or INUe INU Record
Terminal Name E101 From
Site Name Lakeside To
Site Grid Reference Eastxxx Southxxx To
Tech Services contact details 021 362 701 To
NOC contact details 021 362 702
Site location 10km west of Ekatahuna
Site access Via Ridge road at first bridge See attached map
Rack number/name 2B
INU location in rack Directly under terminal E104
Chassis serial number LES00934567 (All serial numbers begin with three letters)
NCC serial number LEX00099997 From
FAN serial number(s) LER00094564
License serial number SNI35435 From
Licensed capacity 40xE1 for slot 1, 40xE1 for slot 2.
License capacity checked 40xE1 for slot 1, 40xE1 for slot 2. From
10xE1 for slots 3 & 4.
-48Vdc power supply connection Provide and install 12A Cct Breaker on supply
panel at top of rack

Terminal IP Address To
Subnet Mask To
Static or dynamic routing RIP 2 To
Static routing data N/A
DHCP yes/no; address range Yes, to To
Trap destinations N/A To

Link 1
Link name/number Lakeside-Belmont To
Remote end site name Belmont To
Remote end node/terminal name E103 To
Local antenna type(s) VHLP2-180-EX
Local antenna diameter(s) 0.6M
Antenna serial number(s) AN35235
Height on tower / pole mount ID 21M `
Initial pointing (compass/map ref) 74 degrees
Polarization Vertical
Protected yes/no No To
Protection type N/A To
ODU(s) direct mounting, yes/no Yes
ODU type ODU 300hp
ODU serial number SNA7687988 From
ODU cable length(s) required 35m
Location of RAC in INU Slot 1 To
RAC type RAC 30
RAC serial number LEA00878770 From
Tx frequency 17.85 GHz To
Rx frequency 18.25 GHz To
T/R spacing 400 MHz To
Tx power 17 dBm To
Detected forward power 17.1 dBm From
Capacity 32xE1 To
Modulation 16QAM To

Eclipse I+C Form V1.5 June10 Commercial-In-Confidence 4

Aviat Neyworks

Master Site Data Build / As-Built Data Portal Comments

ATPC yes/no No Entry
ATPC data To /
Expected RSL -51 dBm Record
Indicated RSL -50 dBm From
Expected RSSI 1.25
Indicated RSSI 1.27 From
Expected fade margin 35 dB
Measured fade margin 37 dB From
G.826 link check Zero errors over 14 hours From
Alarms check No active alarms from Link 1 From
Performance check All indications normal From
Link 1

Link 2
Link name/number Lakeside to Pine Hill To
Remote end site name Pine Hill To
Remote end node/terminal name E102 To
Local antenna type(s) VHLP2-180-EX
Local antenna diameter(s) 0.6M
Antenna serial number(s) SN12495
Height on tower / pole mount ID 21M
Initial pointing (compass/map ref) 178 degrees
Polarization Vertical
Protected yes/no No To
Protection type N/A To
ODU(s) direct mounting, yes/no Yes
ODU type ODU 300hp
ODU serial number SNBO93859 From
ODU cable length(s) required 38m
Location of RAC in INU Slot 2 To
RAC type RAC 30
RAC serial number LEN00243551 From
Tx frequency 17.95 GHz To
Rx frequency 18.35 GHz To
T/R spacing 400 MHz To
Tx power 22dBm To
Detected forward power 21.5 dBm From
Capacity 32xE1 To
Modulation 16QAM To
ATPC yes/no No To
ATPC data
Expected RSL -53 dBm
Measured RSL -52 dBm From
Expected RSSI 1.3v
Indicated RSSI 1.35v From
Expected fade margin 33 dB
Measured fade margin 32 dB From
G.826 link check Zero errors over 14 hours From
Alarms check No active alarms from Link 2 From
Performance check All indications normal From
Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

DAC 16x
DAC location in INU Slot 4 To
Serial number LEX00234567 From
E1 or DS-1 E1 To
Bal or Unbal Unbal To
DS1 encoding N/A To
DS1 line length N/A To
Port / trib names Lak 1 to 8 To
Connect to Rack BNC panel: ports 1 to 8
DAC 16x

DAC 16x

DAC 4x

DAC 155o / 2x155o

DAC 2x155e

Eclipse I+C Form V1.5 June10 Commercial-In-Confidence 5

Aviat Neyworks

Master Site Data Build / As-Built Data Portal Comments

DAC ES Entry
To /
DAC GE Record
DAC 155oM

DAC 3xE3/DS3


Traffic Circuits
Bus configuration E1 To
Circuit connections Link 1 ports 1-8 to DAC 16x, slot 4, ports 1-8. To
Link 1 ports 9 to 32 to Link 2, slot 2, ports 1 to

Circuit naming Link 1 ports 1-8: Bel/Lak 1 to Bel/Lak 8. To

Link 1 ports 9-24: Bel/Pin 1 to Bel/Pin 16.
Link 1 ports 25-32: Bel/Wel 1 to Bel/Wel 8.

AUX location in INU Slot 3 To
Serial number LEA05090295 From
Auxiliary ports
Port 1: function, type, port settings, Data, sync, P1, default, Aux Bel/Lak To
Port 2: function, type, port settings, To
Port 3: function, type, port settings, To
Auxiliary ports
Auxiliary circuits
Port 1: to/circuit name Port 1 to Link 1 port 1, Bel/Lak To
Port 1: to/circuit name To
Port 1: to/circuit name To
Auxiliary circuits To
Alarm I/O
Port layout 4xin, 2xout To
Port 1, type, active condition Digital input, active high To Wire to intruder alarm: alarm is active when circuit is
Port 2, type, active condition To
Port 3, type, active condition To
Port 4, type, active condition To
Port 5, type, active condition To
Port 6, type, active condition To
Alarm I/O
Alarm actions
Destination IP address, slot, and, slot 4, output 1. To At commissioning check that the destination output (bell)
output. Trigger(s). AUX alarm input 1. at Belmont activates when the intruder alarm is activated.
Also check that the alarm event is raised at the NOC.

Destination IP address, slot, and To

output. Trigger(s).
Destination IP address, slot, and To
output. Trigger(s).
Destination IP address, slot, and To
output. Trigger(s).
Destination IP address, slot, and To
output. Trigger(s).
Alarm actions


(Specify Date/Time setting) Sync to Portal PC Date/Time To

BER Circuit Checks

Trib-trib BER check BER check completed on trib 1 Lakeside to From Tribs from Belmont through to Pine Hill will be checked
(Specify the trib/cct[s] and period) Belmont. during Pine Hill commissioning.

Alarms exit check

Active alarms yes/no No active alarms From

Eclipse I+C Form V1.5 June10 Commercial-In-Confidence 6

Aviat Neyworks

Master Site Data Build / As-Built Data Portal Comments

Ground checks Entry
Single point bldg ground y/n Yes To /
Master Ground Bar resistance 0.62 ohms Record
Rack to MGB resistance 0.15 ohms From
-48V PSU to MGB resistance 0.27 ohms
Tower ground resistance(s) Not possible to measure. Cannot get meter jaws around
the ground straps.
Other resistance readings
Meter used Prova clamp-on, model DX Serial number 00458

Site Inspection Report completed Yes. Attached.


Hardware Installation completed

Name: Joe Brown

Date: 14 September 2005

Node Installation & Tests

Name: Joesphine Brown
Date: 14 September 2005

Completion Comments The second farm gate is almost off its hinges.
One of the two tower-top warning lights is out.
Diesel generator checked out OK

Eclipse I+C Form V1.5 June10 Commercial-In-Confidence 7

Aviat Networks

Eclipse Node Installation Inspection Report For Site:

Check for correct and complete installation of:

Item Pass Fail Comments
Antenna Mounting
Antenna side support (if used)
ODU fastening
ODU grounding
ODU connector weatherproofing
ODU cable fastening
ODU cable grounding
Lightning surge suppressor(s)
RAC to surge suppressor jumper cable
INU location in rack
INU is labelled (if required)
INU grounding
INU power supply wiring
INU cards are correctly secured
Unused slots have blank plates fitted
Trib cables are correctly and neatly installed
Trib cables are numbered (if required)
Alarms all-clear
Site left clean and tidy
Site photos taken (if required)
Site ground measurements (if required)

Checked by:


Additional Comments:

Inst. Insp. Report: V1.5 June10 Commercial-In-Confidence 8

Aviat Networks

Eclipse Node Customer Acceptance Form

Site Name:

Eclipse Node Name:

Related documents Received Yes/No

Eclipse Installation and Commissioning Form:
Eclipse Installation Inspection Report:

Acceptance Category* Category

Accepted / Conditionally Accepted / Not Accepted:
*If conditionally accepted or not accepted, the action required to
achieve acceptance must be detailed in a Remedial Action Form

Signed By:




Stratex Networks



Acceptance Form V.1.5 June10 Commercial-In-Confidence 9

Aviat Networks

Eclipse Node Remedial Action Form

Site Name:

Eclipse Node Name:

Item No. Description of Remedial Action Required Responsibility

Signed As Completed




Stratex Networks



Remedial Action Form V1.5 June10 Commercial-In-Confidence 10

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