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The Power of Physical Exercise

American Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in 1860 “the first wealth is health”
and that still stands true to this day (Bhatt, 2020). Daily physical exercise is something every
person should engage in in order to maintain their health. The younger you start the better off
you are. I grew up in a household where all my family members equally valued their health and
the art of working out. Given my background of having six years of training under my belt as a
power lifter and competitive bodybuilder, I can attest that working out 6-7 days a week has
positively affected my physical and mental health. I believe that everyone should workout and
weight train because of the incredible internal and external physical benefits along with the
mental benefits that come with training.

The image above is my brother Alec squatting 620lbs

The image above is me squatting

Internal physical benefits

There are many internal physical health benefits that come with working out. According
to WebMD, regular exercise “strengthens your heart, increases energy levels, lowers blood
pressure, improves muscle tone and strength, strengthens and builds bones, and reduces body
fat”(“Exercise and depression”, n.d.)The most important internal physical health benefit would
be the reduction of fat in your fat to muscle ratio. By reducing body fat thus stopping you from
being overweight and decreasing obesity, you prevent yourself from running into all of the health
issues associated with obesity. Keep in mind obesity is the leading cause of death in the United
States and worldwide. According to the CDC, people who are obese or remain at an unhealthy
body weight are at an increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions like, “all
causes of death, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and overall
a low quality of life”(“The health effects of”, n.d.). The benefits you receive by engaging in
regular exercise are those you lessen your risk of developing by remaining at a healthy body
weight with normal fat to muscle distribution. The CDC states that “a routine of healthy eating
and regular physical activity is crucial for long term health”(“The health effects of”, n.d.).

External Physical Benefits

The external physical benefits are related to your appearance. You will be slimmer, more
solid, and appear in shape. Through working out and having an understanding of muscle groups
and your genetics, you will be able to shape and mold your body however you want. The best
part of working out is that the outcome of your physical appearance is completely under your
control. It is scientifically proven that exercise paired with the consumption of the right amount
of protein and carbohydrates will result in fat loss and muscle gain. For example, if you are
looking to grow a certain part of your body like your hamstrings all you have to do is implement
hamstring oriented exercises while placing your hamstrings under progressive overload and
fueling yourself with the proper nutrients and you are guaranteed to see results. Progressive
overload, “is a method of strength training that advocates for the gradual increase of the stress
placed upon the musculoskeletal and nervous system” (Goulet, 2020). The way I train is with
progressive overload in the form of increasing intensity; this is when you increase the weight you
lift in each training session. I also achieve progressive overload by increasing volume by doing
more reps and sets of specific exercises. The act of exercising and shaping and building your
body to look how you want it to look will result in an increased level of self-confidence and
happiness within yourself.

The image above is the wall of the gym I train in featuring the motto I live
by and the King of bodybuilding himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger

Mental benefits
The most important aspect of exercise is that the act of exercising releases endorphins.
Endorphins, “also known as happy hormones, reduce pain and inflammation. Exercise also
increases the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that improves feelings of
pleasure and happiness” (Higgins, 2019). Consistent exercise would result in a regular release of
endorphins reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. The positive emotions associated with the
release of endorphins allow you to feel more confident and optimistic resulting in higher self-
esteem. According to Healthline, “in one small study, endorphins were associated with high self-
esteem in a group of men”(Cafasso, 2017). These topics are interconnected because “low self-
esteem causes depression, therefor if you have low self-esteem there’s an increased risk of
developing depression”(Venzin, 2018). Working out and being happy with your body’s physical
appearance paired with the release of happy hormones into your system positively affects your
self-esteem thus preventing you from being at risk for developing depression. Physical exercise
can also be used to treat depression. In clinical studies, “regular aerobic exercise is as effective as
antidepressants in reducing symptoms of mild to moderate depression” (Douglas, 2018). This is
because endorphins act as the body’s own natural antidepressant. Endorphins also function as
natural painkillers in your system, relaxing your body, which in turn improves your quality of
sleep. Your quality of sleep is connected to other very important aspects of your mental health.
Improved sleep is, “associated with a reduction in mental health problems such as anxiety and
depression” (Higgins, 2019). Through many studies, “scientists have found that regular
participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease overall levels of stress, elevate and
stabilize mood, and that even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety
effects”(“Physical Activity Reduces”, n.d.).

Bhatt, A. (2020, January 1). 40+ best health is wealth quotes,images,and pictures. The random

Cafasso, J. (2017, July 11). Why Do We Need Endorphins? Healthline.

Douglas, S. (2018, March 12). Running from the pain. Slate.

Exercise and depression. (n.d.). WebMD.


Goulet, C. (2020, October 23). Challenge Yourself To Grow - The Progressive Overload
Principle. Bodybuilding.

Higgins, J. P. (2019, May 10). Want to get happy? Exercise. Houston Chronicle.

Physical activity reduces stress. (n.d.). Anxiety and depression association of America.

The health effects of overweight and obesity. (n.d.). Center for disease control and prevention.

Venzin, E. (2018, July 8). Is low self-esteem making you vulnerable to depression?

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