CBR Bahasa Inggris - Afifah Wardah Pipa B 21

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Aristo hardinata M.Pd and Rajo Hasim Lubis, S.Pd., M.Pd


NIM : 4213151003





Praise and gratitude for the presence of God Almighty for His grace and guidance so that this
task can be completed, both in form and content. The preparation of this paper was carried
out as one of the critical journal reports in the English course with Mr. Rajo
Hasim Lubis, S.Pd., M.Pd and Mr. Aristo hardinata M.Pd
I hope that this paper will help improve and experience for the readers. I admit that this paper
still has many shortcomings, because I still have little experience. If there are errors, I expect
constructive criticism and suggestions so that the next one can be better.

Medan, September 2021

Afifah Wardah
NIM: 4213151003


CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY................................................................................................4
A. Rationalizing the Importance of CBR...............................................................................4
B. Purpose of Writing CBR....................................................................................................4
C. Benefits of CBR.................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II BOOK CONTENT SUMMARY....................................................................6
Main Book..................................................................................................................................6
Comparison Book.....................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION...............................................................................................15
A. Book Contents.................................................................................................................15
B. Advantages and Disadvantages of Books........................................................................16
CHAPTER IV CLOSING.....................................................................................................18
A. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................18
B. Suggestion........................................................................................................................18


A. Rationalizing the Importance of CBR

Often we are confused about choosing a book for us to read and understand. Sometimes we
choose one book, but it is not satisfying. For example, in terms of the information contained
therein. Therefore, I created this Critical Book Report to make it easier for readers to choose
reference book.

B. Purpose of Writing CBR

The purposes of writing CBR are as follows:

1. Review the contents of the book
2. Search and find out the information in the book
3. Train yourself to think critically in finding information from book
4. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the book

C. Benefits of CBR

The benefits of writing CBR are as follows:

1. To fulfill one of the assignments for the English Course for Science
2. To facilitate the knowledge of readers
3. Make it easier for readers to understand the contents of the book 4. Train writers to think

D. Book Identity
1. Heading : The Secret of Energy
2. Writer : Janu Ismadi
3. Publisher : Delta Edukasi Prima
4. Rising City : Tanggerang
5. Year of Publication : 2019

6. ISBN : 978-602-7552-59-3


Main Book

A. Energy

Every day humans need energy to grow, develop, and perform daily activities. Just
like plants and animals, they also need energy. Without it, our bodies will feel weak and
difficult to do a lot of activities. When we sleep, the body needs energy for cell metabolism to
remain normal and repair damaged ones. Without energy, we will continue to get sick
because the body cannot recover damaged cells. To prevent this, the body then takes fat from
our body to get energy for cell metabolism. Actually body fat is very useful for maintaining
body temperature and as a reserve of energy that will be used in tired conditions. All our
efforts require energy whether it is walking, thinking, learning or healing.

B. Joule, founder of The Concept of Energy

James Prescott Joule was the inventor of the concept of energy. He was born in 1818
in Salford, England. His father was a brewer. At the age of 20, Joule began helping his father
run the brewery. In between his work, Joule was always experimenting. Among his
experiments, was measuring the amount of heat generated by electric motors and carefully
measuring water temperatures above and below the cascade. Joule writes about something he
calls "energy". He explained that energy can never be annihilated, it can only change. In
honor of Joule for his discovery in the concept of energy, the unit of energy was named after
him. Joule died in 1889 at the age of 71.

C. Form of Energy

Some forms of energy are as follows:

1. Motion Energy

Motion energy is the energy stored in an object. Wind is an example of motion energy.

2. Chemical Energy

Chemical energy is the energy released during a chemical reaction. An example of a

chemical energy source is the food we eat.

3. Electrical Energy

Electrical energy exists because of the electric charge that moves. A moving electric
charge will produce an electrical wave. Electrical energy is widely used in everyday life, as
lighting or in modern appliances such as escalators and electric irons.

4. Sound Energy

In general, all objects will produce an energy called sound energy. Sound is a wave
produced by mechanical vibrations and the result of energy propagation. The sound source
thrills longitudinal waves in all directions through the mediums of both solid, liquid, and gas.

5. Heat Energy

Heat is a form of energy that can cause temperature changes and physical
transformation of an object. Heat energy is usually an excess product of changing other forms
of energy.

6. Light Energy

Light energy is the energy produced by electromagnetic waves.

7. Pedal Energy

A stone was put in a sling. Then the sash is stretched and pulled backwards. When the
sling is stretched, the catapult becomes a source of energy. That energy was stored in a sling
and on a rock. If we release the sling, all the stored energy turns into motion energy which
occurs when the sling is pulled backwards and the rock floats in the air. Flexible or elastic
objects such as catapults contain pedal energy.

8. Gravitational Energy

Gravitational energy is the energy stored in a high object. The higher the object and the
heavier it is, the more gravitational energy is stored in it.

9. Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is the energy produced during a nuclear reaction.

10. Radiation Energy

Radiant energy is electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves.

11. Potential Energy

When an apple falls from a certain height on the ground, it will make a mark on it like
a small hole or cavity in the ground. This happens because apples have the energy to cause
cavities in the soil and energy that is formed from their position to the ground.

12. Kinetic Energy

Moving things have energy. The faster his movement, the greater his energy. This
energy is called kinetic energy.

D. Changes in Energy Form

Here are some other examples of energy changes:

1. Electrical energy becomes light energy. Example: To turn on the light bulb.

2. Chemical energy becomes light energy. Example: To light a match.

3. Motion energy becomes electrical energy. Example: bicycle dynamo.

4. Electrical energy becomes heat energy. Example: electric iron.

5. Electrical energy becomes motion energy. Example: fan

6. Light energy becomes heat energy. Example: dry clothes in the sun.

7. Sound energy becomes electrical energy. Example: microphone.

8. Nuclear energy becomes electrical energy. Example: nuclear power plants

9. Potential energy becomes kinetic energy. Example: Waterfall.

E. Energy Conservation

We can't start a car without fuel which is a form of chemical energy. The fuel used in
the car eventually runs out. However, the energy produced by fuel is not lost, but rather
converted into a different form of energy. This is called the law of conservation of energy.

F. Source of Energy

Various energy sources have been created by humans to meet their growing needs as
the population grows. Energy sources on earth are limited. Therefore, we must preserve the
energy sources that have not been reformed. We also need to find alternative energy sources.
Some of the energy that is widely used in everyday life are as follows:

1. Fuel Oil (BBM)

2. Solar Energy

Some of the applications are as follows:

a. Solar panels

b. Solar Power Plant

c. Solar Cooling

d. solar stove

3. Wind Energy

4. Air Energy

5. Biogas

Comparison Book

1. Sources of energy

A. Renewable and non-renewable energy

All living things need energy. Energy is one of the requirements for life. Machines and
equipment in the world also require energy to do the work. Many substances and organisms
store energy which can then be used called an energy source. Energy sources have energy
stored in them and can be used to make things happen. Renewable sources are sources that
can be recycled or reused. While non-renewable sources cannot be reused so the amount is
limited and when it runs out there will be nothing left.

1. Non-renewable sources

The most commonly used non-renewable energy source in our world today is fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are as follows:

a. Gasoline and diesel

b. Coal

c. Natural gas

d. Nuclear fuel

There are several major concerns about reliance on non-renewable energy sources as follows:

a. Supplies are limited

b. Releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere

2. Renewable sources

Renewable sources are recyclable sources, namely as follows:

a. Wind

b. Air

c. Sunlight

d. Biofuels

2. Potential and kinetic energy

A. Potential energy

A system is a collection of parts that work together as a unit. Changes to one part of
the system will affect the other. The higher an object is above the surface, the greater the
potential energy it has. Potential energy is the energy stored in a system. Measuring energy is
like measuring the mass of an object. The mass of an object is given in grams or kilograms.
In the same way, energy is measured in joules. There are 1000 joules in a kilojoule.

B. Kinetic energy

Potential energy is the energy that an object has because of its position in a system.
Moving objects also have energy, the energy of moving objects is called kinetic energy.

C. The law of conservation of energy

The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed,
energy can only be transferred from one part of the system to another.

D. Potential and kinetic energy in the system

Energy is transferred from one part of the system to another. When transferred it can be
stored or used to make something move and potential energy can be transferred to kinetic
energy in a system. Energy is transferred in different systems to show that energy is eternal.

1. Mechanical system

A mechanical system is one that is based on mechanical principles and the different parts
interact in a mechanism. A mechanical system usually involves movement of some kind.

2. Thermal system

Heat energy can be transferred from one object to another in a thermal system. When heat
energy is transferred, this is called heat.

3. Biological system

Plants use solar radiation energy to make their own food through the process of
photosynthesis. Energy from the Sun is stored as potential energy in plants, especially as
starch. When an animal eats a plant, it uses potential energy in the food released during

respiration. It is then used by animals to move and for all the processes of their lives. So the
potential energy in the food that animals eat is transferred to kinetic energy. Energy has been
transferred from the Sun to plants to animals. Plants convert solar energy into potential
energy stored within itself. The animals then feed on the plants and the stored potential
energy is transferred to them. Animals use stored energy to allow them to move. This means
the potential energy in the animal has transferred kinetic energy. As the animal moves and
performs its functions, this kinetic energy is transferred to the environment. No energy is
created or destroyed, only transferred from the Sun to plants to animals.

3. Heat: Energy transfer

A. Heating as energy transfer

Heat is the transfer of heat energy from a system to the environment or from one
object to another. This energy transfer occurs from a higher temperature object to a lower
temperature object. There are 3 ways in which heat energy can be transferred from one
object/substance to another, or from the system to the environment:

1. Conduction

2. Convection

3. Radiation

B. Conduction

The conduction process is when energy is transferred to an object, the energy of the
particle increases. This means particles have more kinetic energy and they start moving and
vibrating faster. As particles move faster, they "bump" into other particles and transfer some
of their energy to neighboring particles. In this way, energy is transferred through the
substance to the other end

C. Convection

Energy transfer occurs due to convection. Convection is the transfer of heat energy
from one place to another by the movement of gas or liquid particles.

D. Radiation

This transfer of energy is called radiation. This is different from conduction or

convection because it does not require objects to touch each other or the movement of

4. Heat insulation and energy saving A.

Why do we need insulation?

Heat is the transfer of energy by conduction, convection or radiation. Insulator

materials can slow or prevent energy transfer.

B. Using insulation materials

Air is a poor conductor of heat so it slows heat loss through the fabric. Fabrics are
generally not used to warm our hot drinks. In fact, most take-away cups are made of
styrofoam. Styrofoam is a good heat insulator. It is made of polystyrene that has pumped air
through it. This makes the styrofoam very light and the air pockets make it an excellent
insulator. Bright, shiny surfaces are poor absorbers and can reflect some radiation.

5. Transfer energi ke lingkungan

A. Useful and wasted energy

Stem has input energy and output energy. Systems such as equipment, tools, vehicles,
and machinery. Every time we use a tool or machine, we transfer energy from one object to
another. Not all energy is transferred to the desired place, most is transferred to an
environment where it does not help achieve the goal. The energy transferred to the
environment is "wasted". An efficient system is one in which useful output energy is only
slightly smaller than input energy. Inefficient systems have a lot of energy wasted.

6. The national electricity supply system

A. Energy transfer on the national grid

Electricity used to power homes, schools, shops, and other buildings is generated in
power plants and delivered to us through the national electricity grid.

B. Save electricity at home

To save money and preserve the environment, we need to make sure that we already
use as little electricity as possible. There are many ways to reduce the amount of electricity
we use at home. Simple things like turning off the lights when leaving the room or using an
extra blanket to keep warm rather than heating.


A. Book Contents

Understanding Energy

In the main book, Energy is not explained directly, but is explained by the application
of everyday life. While in the comparison book, Understanding Energy is one of the
requirements for life.

Based on the two books above it can be concluded that the Understanding of Energy
is a key that is needed by all living things in carrying out life.

Understanding Potential Energy

In the main book, Potential Energy is not explained directly, but is explained by the
application of everyday life. While in the comparison book, the notion of Potential Energy is
the energy stored in a system.

Based on the two books above it can be concluded that the notion of Potential Energy
is the energy contained in objects.

Definition of Kinetic Energy

In the main book, the notion of Kinetic Energy is that a moving object has energy, the
faster its movement the greater the energy. In the comparison book, kinetic energy is a
moving object that has energy.

Based on the two books above it can be concluded that Kinetic Energy is the energy
possessed by objects that have speed.

B. Advantages and Disadvantages of Books

Main Book

Power of Book the Main Book

1. When viewed from the appearance of the book, this book has a good appearance,
especially in the selection of covers. Where the combination of covers that have color
variations, thus making the book look bright.

2. If you look at the aspect of layout, the writing and use of fond are all quite neat and
good everything in accordance with the book in general.

3. When viewed from the language used, this book uses a language that is easily
understood by the reader. This is seen from the exposure of the contents of the book that does
not exist using words or terms that are difficult to understand

Weaknesses of Book the Main Book

The shortcomings in the book are explanations explained in everyday applications, should be
coupled with explanations of the theory.

Comparison Book

The Power of Comparison Books

1. When viewed from the cover, this book also has a good cover with a blend of bright
orange colors.

2. From the aspect of layout and layout, as well as layout, including having a neat layout
as the layout of the book should be.

When viewed from the presentation of the contents, this book has displayed the contents of
the book quite well.

4. From the grammatical aspect of this book chooses a very good word and easy to

Weaknesses of Comparison Book

This book does not have many shortcomings because the book has explained well the
meaning of energy. In the book is also given exercises for students in order to prove the
theory in their homes.


A. Conclusion

Energy is a basic need for humans. As long as you live a life the need for energy will
never end. The utilization of this energy is very broad and global, ranging from daily home
needs to the production process in a company. Energy cannot be created, there is energy in
can be from the conversion of one energy to another energy that is more practical and
possible to use.

B. Suggestion

After being explained in the paper above, therefore we as humans should be able to
save and use energy properly and appropriately.


Janu Ismandi.2019.The Secret of Energy.Tanggerang.Delta Edukasi Prima


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