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Electrical wiring in churches - Guidance Notes

Despite increasingly high standards of installation, numerous church

fres can be attributed to faulty electric wiring or apparatus. It is therefore
important that electricity should be treated with respect.

General Council. The inspection and testing should

All new electric wiring should be installed be carried out in accordance with IET
in accordance with the ‘Requirements Regulations, Guidance Note No. 3, and
for Electrical Installations’ issued by an inspection certifcate obtained in every
the Institution of Engineering and case. The certifcate should be kept with
Technology (IET). BS 7671 - the IET the church records.
Wiring Regulations.
The switchgear should be labelled to show:
Only electrical contractors with ‘Full n The date of the most recent inspection
Scope’ registration or membership to n The date of the recommended future
work on commercial installations with the inspection.
Most Church Authorities are
rightly aware that the organ
National Inspection Council for Electrical
presents a ‘danger area’ . Installation Contracting (NICEIC), The Portable electrical appliance testing
Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA), Portable appliances can be regarded as
The National Association of Professional any electrical equipment capable of being
Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT) or The carried and, in general, connected to the
Electrical Contractors’ Association of mains supply by a flexible lead and a plug.
Scotland (SELECT) should be employed. Once connected they are deemed to be
Electricians or electrical contractors who part of the electrical ‘system’.
are only registered to undertake work on There are two main classifications. Class I
domestic installations under Part P of the appliances rely on earthing of the
Building Regulations are not acceptable. conductive case and one layer of insulation
The NICEIC carries out periodic and covering its live internal parts for protection
random inspections of contractors work; against electric shock, such as a kettle or
should any remedial work be required to heater. Class II appliances are ‘double
repair faulty work, then this is carried out insulated’ and rely on two layers of
at the contractors’ expense. The Electrical insulation between the live internal parts
Contractors’ Association (ECA) operate a and the user for protection against electric
guarantee scheme for the work of their shock, such as DVD players and multi-
members – work done which does not media projectors. The main difference as
comply with the safety requirements of the far as testing is concerned is that Class I
regulations will be rectifed, at the members’ appliances require an earth
expense. NAPIT operate a similar scheme. continuity/bonding test which is not
required in the case of Class II appliances.
Inspection and testing
Churches should have their electrical If you employ anyone you will have a legal
installations (including the organ blower box requirement to maintain portable electrical
if appropriate) inspected and tested every appliances under a number of pieces of
fve years in accordance with the legislation. The Portable electrical
recommendations of The Church Buildings appliances being used must be maintained
in a safe working condition to prevent injury.

Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 n Incorrectly connected wires

require all systems to be maintained so as n Loose connections
to prevent danger. The Provision and Use of n Loose cable clamp
Work Equipment Regulations 1998 require n Outer insulation not held by clamp
work equipment (which would include or cut short
portable electrical appliances) to be n Should be marked BS 1363
maintained in an efficient state, in efficient
Mains lead
working order and in good repair. There are
also general duties under The Health & n Cuts
Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 for employers n Fraying
If portable heaters are to provide a safe place of work and plant n Brittle
required they should be of the
and systems that are safe and without n Kinked
convector or fan assisted type
risks to health. n Coiled
with a thermostatic cut out.
n Taped joints
A competent person must carry out n Signs of burning or singeing
inspection and testing. This is someone n Not secured by grommet/
with electrical knowledge and experience clamp on appliance
who understands the equipment to be
worked on and the hazards which could Appliance

arise and has the ability to recognise if Damaged/faulty operation of
equipment presents a hazard. Successful on/off switch
completion of an appropriate course, such Damage to casing
as a City and Guilds 2377 Portable Loose parts
Appliance Testing course, would n Missing screws
demonstrate competency to complete n Evidence of overheating
appliance testing. Visual inspections can be n Evidence of moisture
completed by anyone with the required level n Accessible fuse holders
of basic electrical knowledge. n Exposed cables
There is no statutory frequency for This is only a very brief outline and is based
inspection and testing. The frequency on our understanding of current law and
should reflect the risk of the appliance practice. No electrical work of any kind
causing damage or injury and this increases should be undertaken by anyone who is not
with the amount the appliance is used and sufficiently qualified.
the harshness of the working environment.
A simple visual check should be carried out The organ
by the user every time before use to check Most Church Authorities are rightly aware
for such things as damaged plugs, frayed that the organ presents a ‘danger area’.
cables and loose connections. Organ lights, whether for illuminating
keyboards or for internal inspection, should
Records must be kept of all inspections,
be installed by a qualifed electrician using
examination and maintenance carried out.
permanent wiring.

Portable electrical appliances – Lights should be installed so that there is

visual inspection checklist no danger of them igniting timber or music
sheets if they are accidentally left on.
The wattage of light bulbs should be kept
n Cracked casing as low as possible.
n Bent pins
n Pins not insulated
n Incorrectly rated fuse

It is suggested that maintenance lights are the organ and ancillary equipment to ensure
ftted above each section of pipework that they are switched off whenever the
within the organ. The lights should be of instrument is not in use. Modern electronic
the non-heat producing fuorescent type. organs should be routinely inspected and
A ‘wandering lead’ from a 13-amp socket tested for electrical safety by a competent
should be ftted in the lower section of the person.
organ and be ftted with a proper inspection
The Institute of British Organ Building,
lamp. All maintenance light switches should
the trade association for church pipe
be ftted at the entrance to the organ
organ builders, will be happy to provide
chamber or casework.
help and assistance.
If a portable electric heater is required for
The website address is
the organist, it should be of the convector
or fan assisted type ftted with a
thermostatic cut-out that operates in the
It is most important that ringing rooms,
event of overheating. The plug should
clock rooms and bell chambers are not
always be disconnected from the socket at
overlooked when carrying out inspections of
the end of each service.
electrical installations and portable
Inspection, maintenance or repair of all pipe appliances.
organs, particularly those having electric or
Extensions of electrical systems may be
electro-pneumatic actions should only be
undertaken without authorisation and
entrusted to an experienced professional
additional items of electrical equipment
organ builder. Reliance should not be placed
such as fans, heaters and kettles may be
on the fact that an organ is regularly tuned
brought in without the knowledge or
because the tuner may not have the detailed
approval of the church offcers.
technical knowledge required to detect
dangers in the complex electrical circuitry of Any new wiring in the tower should be
a modern organ. The organ builder should installed in accordance with the
be consulted and arrangements made for a ‘Requirements for Electrical Installations’
detailed inspection to be carried out at issued by the Institution of Engineering and
agreed intervals. Technology (IET), BS 7671 - IET Wiring
Regulations by a NICEIC Contractor, or
The electric organ blower is frequently
member of the ECA, or of NAPIT.
overlooked, as is the specialised
humidifying apparatus, which often sits Advice from a lightning protection specialist
alongside the blowing equipment. The should be sought where external electrical
electric organ blower should be examined equipment, including its cabling, is to be
at regular intervals by a qualifed electrician. installed within one metre of lightning
This is in addition to regular visual conductors (including earth conductors) as
inspections, when the organ tuner may be to whether there is adequate separation or
able to observe the blowing apparatus whether bonding is required.
during the course of a tuning contract visit
Ideally portable electrical appliances should
and report anything felt to be suspect.
not be introduced into ringing rooms, but
Humidifying apparatus should be subject to
where they are, should be subject to the
a maintenance contract and be inspected
same routine examinations as for other
every six months.
portable appliances.
Switches incorporating pilot warning lights
should be installed in the mains circuits to

Should churches wish to consider installing Mains circuits

third party radio and assistant equipment in Wiring should be arranged so that as many
their towers, please refer to insurers in the circuits as possible can be isolated at the
frst instance. mains switches when the church is not in
use. All power and external circuits should
Portable radiant electrical fres must never
be protected by Residual Current Devices
be used in ringing rooms. If additional
(RCDs) to reduce the risk of electric shocks.
heating is required then heaters should be
of the convector or fan assisted type with a
Physical damage
thermostatic cut out that operates in the
Any evidence of damage to wiring, plugs,
event of overheating.
sockets or other fttings should be
attended to immediately upon discovery.
Temporary wiring
Any wiring installations should take into
Temporary or extension wiring should only
account the possibility of physical damage
be allowed in exceptional circumstances. All
and be protected accordingly. Trailing
temporary circuits should be physically
cables are a health and safety hazard.
disconnected from the mains when not in
Where essential, they should be kept to the
use (even where the mains switches are
absolute minimum length and should never
turned off).
be hidden under carpets, as the risk of
Temporary wiring should always be installed physical damage from sharp heels etc. is
in accordance with the ‘IET Requirements considerable.
for Electrical Installations’ (BS 7671)
current edition and be protected against Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
physical damage by means of armoured The Electricity at Work Regulations have
cable or conduit. wide application and apply to most
churches. They require that electrical
Temporary wiring should not be used for
installations are safe and regularly checked
extended periods.
by a qualifed electrician working to the
Permanently wired socket outlets should be current edition of the IET 'Requirements for
installed as near to the location of lecterns, Electrical Installations' (BS7671). In no
cribs or Christmas trees etc., as possible. circumstances should an untrained person
attempt any electrical work.

This guidance is provided for information purposes and is general and educational in nature and does not constitute legal advice. You are free to choose whether or
not to use it and it should not be considered a substitute for seeking professional help in specific circumstances. Accordingly, Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc and
its subsidiaries shall not be liable for any losses, damages, charges or expenses, whether direct, indirect, or consequential and howsoever arising, that you suffer or
incur as a result of or in connection with your use or reliance on the information provided in this guidance except for those which cannot be excluded by law. Where
this guidance contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only. Ecclesiastical is not responsible
for the contents of those sites or resources. You acknowledge that over time the information provided in this guidance may become out of date and may not
constitute best market practice.

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Benefact House, 2000 Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth,
Gloucester, GL3 4AW, United Kingdom. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number 113848.

© Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2021 PD3053 1 03/21

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