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➢ Here’s the rank that I think that is in ascending order. I put the Accreditation, as the lowest
among all because I believe that even if it was important especially in education matter
but, it is mostly concerning about students where I think it is somewhat knowing that the
education of the student are finally meet strict quality standard. Next, which is the
Professional Societies, this is also important because it will suggest appropriate skills and
standard that should be mastered in everyone in order to have an interdisciplinary in the
people. Which we are surrounded but for now, I think we can’t teach the students being
oriented more in interdisciplinary if we didn’t yet have the opportunity to study first the
Professional Development in which it enables teachers to learn and apply new knowledge
and skills that can help when they teach. I believe that when we teach, we must also have
first the experience in our life in order that it would be more understandable. Of course,
before we can help the student to achieve their goals in life, we must also be more
educated in Professional Education, where in here it helps us being more realize that to be
professional it includes a variety of qualities and behavior that demonstrate commitment
in order that we can have an effective performance in the classroom. Where inhere, it also
gives the 5 more important characteristics of a professional which is in education those
are. Commitment and confidence, responsibility, dependability honestly and ethics. And
for the last one which is the important one off all that I’ve mention, Licensing because how
can we able to teach all of that if we don’t have a proof or evidence that we are being able
to teach in front of the student. That’s why it is more important!
➢ That situation is quite hard to solve, but if I will be that teacher, I will agree for what the
principal has been requested. Though I may not know how hard the process that I may
encountered or take when I started it but I truly believe that everything will be change. Put
in mind that “If we really love our passion which is to teach then there’s nothing that
impossible to solve. Just like the movie of Freedom Speech, I want to be like that teacher
who has a strong determination to be able to stood up even she encountered a lot of
failure in life. Instead of letting those failure bring who you are but what she did is
awesome. She makes it as a lesson where it gives her a strong spirit to continue being with
those students. Again, if I will be in that situation, I will accept what principal requested. I
know it takes too long but at the end I believed it would be worth it!!!


➢ For all the current licensed teachers and aspirant teachers like me. I just want them to be
reminded that this CODE OF ETHICS IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION is precisely important.
As role models for students, there’s a need for us to follow. Aside of being a guide for us,
this code assures that students receive an education that is fair, honest, and demanding.
Educators' regular basis to ensure to their pupils are defined in a professional code of
ethics, which also defines their position in a student's life. Every action and response that
we done must be guided by a personal code of ethics, which serves as the foundation for
variations in educators' attitudes to children and education circumstances. A well-defined
code of ethics will aid us in negotiating challenging situations throughout entire career.

➢ I think I would be happier during that moment. Having an opportunity to practice the oath
of being a “Global and Glocal Teacher” is such a great privilege in life. Being a global teacher
is a lifelong learner. A global teacher where it broadens horizon and encourage exploration
to all the learners. Since I am a person who always see the positive side, I think I will be
blissful and successful during that time. I want my student to be always reminded that the
best motivation is learning and information itself not only personal gain. I want to be the
best version of A Global Teacher in the near future if God would allow that to be happen.
As a Global Teacher someday I want to always remind my student that each one of us has
a capability of strength and own unique talents that why nobody must let them down. I
want to help my student to fulfill their potential in life. I believe someday all of that will
➢ I believe we have different opinion within this matter of politics but as for me, as a future
educator I think the way how am I going to manage this kind of situation is to keep
reminded within myself that at least I am doing the right thing which is being diligence as
a working citizen and as an educator. Because as educator our responsibility is not just
teaching students within the classroom but even also outside the campus. I want to show
everyone that I can be a good example in everything, even though we cannot really be a
perfect example but at least I am trying my best to be the best version of myself. When it
comes here in politics, I think it is better if I can keep quite not because I don’t want be get
involve in that particular issue but I also want to kept my profession clean. I am not selfish
but I think that was the right thing that I must done. Even though it was not in the Code of
Ethics in Professional Education but it is about doing the right thing that there might be
possible in which that issue will be no more or shall we say it change. Like what other said
their no secret that it can’t reveal. And I believe there’s a time for that in which everything
will be reviled.

6. A PROMISE!....
➢ Every since when I was a child, I want to be a future educator not because most of my
family are also a professional degree in education but I believe this profession will help me
to became a better person. A person who has a heart to help those who needed especially
in education matter. Now as I continue my journey to achieve my goal which is to be and
educator someday, I promise Mr. David that I will read all of the reading assigned since the
very first day of our class. Thank you so much Mr. David because you are not just teaching
according to the modules but also in reality, in your experience too. By that I surely know
we have learned a lot to you. I salute you Mr. David! Even you just said that KAIWAN-IWAN

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