How Does Search For Truth Leads To Promotion of Human Dignity

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How does search for truth leads to promotion of human dignity

I remember a famous quote by Elie Wiesel that says, “We must take sides, neutrality helps the
oppressor”. Some people will judge your for taking sides and will call you biased for it, however,
I believe that taking sides is not being biased, taking sides is seeking the truth. There is a huge
difference between being biased and taking sides. A biased person only believes what he/she
wants to believe, while a person who takes sides is someone went through every corner, a
journey, to attain truth and finally, take his/her side. To search for truth is to be humble,
compassionate, and courageous. Humble, as those who are filled with humility know that there
is more to what they don’t know than what is already known. Compassionate, as they don’t mind
going through extra miles to attain the truth that will help the oppressed and to understand what
is yet to be known. Courageous, as searching for truth is to accept that some truths aren’t
always what we expect them to be, and that seeking truth is reclaiming your voice.

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