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Dove, Water, Wind: Symbols of the Holy Spirit and their Meanings

Why a Dove?
Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:32-34
 “The dove, among the Jews, was the symbol of
purity of heart, harmlessness, and gentleness.
The form chosen here was doubtless an emblem
of the innocence, meekness, and tenderness of
the Savior” -Barnes, e-Sword.
 Matthew 10:16; Psalm 55:6-7 (peace)
 The Spirit assumed the form of a dove to
communicate the character of Jesus!

Living Water?
John 4:10, 13-14, 7:37-39
 Citation from bro. G.N. Woods, Gospel Advocate Commentary on John, p.155.
 “It is evident that ‘living water’ has a variety of nuances that must be taken into account; chiefly it
appears to denote the life mediated by the Spirit sent from the (crucified and exalted) Revealer-
Redeemer” –G.R. Beasley-Murray, Word Biblical Commentary: John, p.60.
 Water is considered the basic building-block of physical life. Without it we would all die quickly.
God created us for life, and life is what we all want. Like life-sustaining, refreshing water, and not
brackish pond-water, but flowing stream-water, is the Holy Spirit to our souls. Without him there
is no lasting life. With him life will be supplied and ever freshly sustained!

He’s Like the Wind…

John 3:5-8
 Greek, pneuma; Hebrew, “ruach”
 The point is spiritual people live in a way worldly people don’t understand and can’t fully
appreciate. We live under the influence of an invisible Spirit, and that his influence is real
and consequential is no more deniable than that wind is real, though we cannot see it.
 We have two points to consider: (1) Throughout Scripture the word that can be translated
as wind is consistently used for the Spirit. It’s notable that these words aren’t the most
common words for wind. They usually mean Spirit or spirit. (2) Wind serves as an illustration
to help Nicodemus understand something not understandable. He doesn’t know how wind
works, but that never stopped him from believing in wind or recognizing its effect.
 Quotes from bro. Jack P. Lewis, 2008 FHU Lectureship, p.183ff.

Next week: Be filled with the Spirit! (How does he Work?)

Holy Spirit Series – Lesson 6 – Joshua Pappas

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