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LIVRO QUATRO enn Eee as ee ‘To my friends, who make life ‘even more beautiful. Pierte- Alain, Pierlo, rome, Nico, Vincent, Olivier, Francois, and. all the others who, hope, wil know who they ae.. A special thought for Cédric | de Linage, and last but not | least, many thanks Matéo for \ Magato's name. \ ‘And welcome, litle Bianca! Hue \ Left for dead after a terible duel, Okko lies abandoned in the countryside as the Celestial Winds rise and the season of kamikaze cocoons begins. His traveling companions have ‘but one thought: to avenge their friend and master.Butcan they, even together, hope to defeat that killing machine, the dread demon hunter known as Kuban Kirtsu? THE C YCLE TRADUCAO E LETRAS OFA: A I RL RONALDORRB BOOK FOVR_ written & ittustrateD BY Hus STORYBOARDS BY Emmanvet MicwataK& Hus COLORS BY Hus & Li ‘tRanstateo sy Eowarp Gav) LettergD By Scott Mewman published by Archaia Archaia Entertainment LLC 1680 Vine Street, Suite 912 Los Angeles, California, 90028, USA ‘OKKO: THE CYCLE OF AIR sue Four, October 2010. FIRST PRINTING. OKKO is © and TM 2007 Guy Delcourt Productions. Achaia" and The Archaia™ Lago. are TM 2010 Archaia Entertainment LLC. al rights reserved. No TARCHAIA,. imuttented reproductions permites exept fr tev purposes, Any 4 Smllarity to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental Printed in Kove mascara venueina, TEM OLEO NESSA GARRAFA. © vesapareceNro IDE UM Ficus LENDARIA HEIN: CLASSE Mais BAKA. “DORK: VeIh CEG, CICLO O AR #F ue seta prumuns 2 Gue LINDA Mune Soce rove ven a NOBREZA NEL GUE ove sen?) “Sense AQUITERMINA: OCICLODOAR Ek AE OY Sa

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