PR1 Las 1

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(LAS 1 WEEK 1)

Activity #1

1. Data
2. Knowledge
3. Analyzation
4. Hypothesis
5. Systematic

Research is creative and systematic work undertaken in order for us to increase our knowledge and
analyzation of the gathered data. To have data we need to conduct a survey or interview to get the result
of respondent thought and feedback to your chosen topic. After math of the research, the researchers will
come up with the hypothesis and conduction using gathered data.

1. Galileo’s observations about the phases of Venus virtually proved that the Earth was not the center of
the universe.
2. According to some research,living close to nature and spending time outside can increase or reduce our
3. Many lives have been saved because of the research.
4. Research prove that gathering a data can answer your particular questions.
5. Because of the research we know the origin of the Tagalog dialect, where it began and when it first
appeared. We will even learn it on how to use it properly.

5 characteristics
1. Empirical
2. Clear
3. Objective
4. Systematic
5. Feasible

7 ethical codes/ policies of research

1. Honesty
2. Legality
3. Competence
4. Care
5. Openness
6. Integrity
7. Social responsibility

Research method Quantitative Qualitative
1. Contact time 10 to 20 minutes 45 to 240 minutes
2. Validity Must be true of most of the data Must be true of each case
3. Outliers Unique positions lost to the The data that sets deviate from
weight of the average standard for some reason


1-2. Researcher
3-4. Research
5-6. Inquiry
7-8. Collaborate
9-10. Accessibility
11-12. D
13-14. A
15-16. A
17-18. D
19-20. B

21-25 Characteristics of research
 Research should be symmetric
 Research should be objective
 Research should be clear
 Research should be feasible
 Research should be empirical

26-30 5 Importance of ethics in research

 It promotes the aims of research
 It upholds values that essential to collaborate work
 It ensures that the researchers can be held accountable to the public
 It builds public support for research
 It promoted a variety of moral and social values

31-37 Steps in conducting a research paper

 Define the research problem
 Review the literature
 Formulate hypothesis
 Collect data
 Analyze data
 Interpret and report findings

38-40 3 Differences of qulitative and quantitative research

Quantitative research Qualitative research

Uses large sample sizes that are representative of Uses small sample sizes chosen purposely.
the population.
Aims to characterize trends and patterns. Has high validity.
Uses structured processes. Uses more flexible processes

41-45 10 ethical codes and policies in research

 Honesty
 Objective
 Integrity
 Care
 Openness
 Respect for intellectual property
 Confidentiality
 Competence
 Legality
 Non-discrimination

Research is very important to me everyday because if we apply research in our everyday living well I do
believe that we can get a lot of knew knowledge which can help us everyday and most important to our

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