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World History 2021-1

Prof. Aly Rivera
Telephone numbers: 0426-3332199/ 0424-3420867
Date Content Strategy Indicators Pts
19/04/2021 to Start of the course.
23/04/2021 Description of content. ---------- --------- ----
Creation of the whatsapp group
What is the course about?
Working methodology.
Knowledge acquired on completion.
Work proposal
26/04/2021 to Knowledge, Science and History. 1.- Elaboration of two mind maps.  Addressing the content.
14/05/2021 Information, Knowledge, Knowledge, 2.- Oral intervention explaining the  Coherence of discourse. 25%
Science, Object of science, Method of mind maps developed, through a voice  Preparation of a synthesis of
science, Methodology, Research, Scientific note, to the group's whatsapp. the topic.
research, scientific research process, subject-  Punctuality.
object relationship in the research process.
History, Object of history, Method of
history, Methodology of history, Sources,
Meaning, Significance, School of historical
thought: positivist, materialist, annals or
French school, Periodisations. Different
perceptions of periodisation.
17/05/2021 to Critical approach to the terms: LABOUR, 1.- Elaboration of a critical essay on  Addressing the content.
4/06/2021 MODE OF PRODUCTION AND SOCIAL the content. One page.  Coherence of discourse. 25%
FORMATION and their importance for 2.- Oral intervention on the critical  Preparation of a synthesis of
historical analysis and socio-human reflection, through a voice note, to the the topic.
sciences. group's whatsapp.  Punctuality.

7/06/2021 to Mode of Production. 1.- Draw up a comparative table, in  Addressing the content.
25/06/2021 Primitive Communities: Early Social which the following aspects should be  Coherence of discourse. 25%
Divisions of Labour. pointed out: Concept, characteristic,  Preparation of a synthesis of
The Asian mode of production. function, objective, relationship with the topic.
Simple Mercantile Mode of Production. nature, economic structure, ownership  Punctuality.
The slave mode of production. of the means of production,
Feudal mode of production. distribution of production,
The capitalist mode of production. appropriation of surpluses, social
The socialist mode of production. structure, type of state and type of
Socialist Mode of Production in the 21st government.

28/06/2021 to Study of History at the present time in the 1.- To elaborate a critical reflection  Addressing the content.
16/07/2021 Venezuelan Education System. (three pages) on the teaching of  Coherence of discourse. 25%
history, taking as a reference: the  Preparation of a synthesis of
experience accumulated as a the topic.
participant in the discipline and the  Punctuality.
contributions of the texts just
19/07/2021 to
31/07/2021 ______________________ _____________________
Recommendations for evaluation
1st Content:
 Knowledge, Science and History. Conceptual review: 1) Information, Knowledge, Knowledge, Science, Object of
science, Method of science, Methodology, Research, Scientific research, scientific research process, subject-object
relationship in the research process. 2) History, Object of history, Method of history, Methodology of history,
Sources, Meaning, Significance, School of historical thought: positivist, materialist, annals or French school,
Periodisations. Different perceptions of periodisation.

 1.- Elaboration of two mind maps, one referring to the general concepts of knowledge and the other referring to
History. 2.- Oral intervention explaining the elaborated mental maps, through a voice note, to the group's whatsapp.

 Recommendation to learn about the mind map tool:

1. How to make a mind map explained step by step. Available:
2. Online mind maps. Available:
3. Mind maps What are they and how are they created? Available:

 Recommended reading:
1. Universal History vol. I, pp.19-37 and II UPEL/UNA
2. World History. Gustavo León UPEL/IMP
3. Jerzy Topolsky Methodology Of History, pp36-47

 I will assess the following indicators:

1.- Approach to content.
2.-Speech coherence: before sending the speech, write down in a script what you will present, read it, make it
coherent and record it, respecting the rules for correct oral communication, articulation and pronunciation.
3.- Elaboration of a synthesis of the topic: focus on the objective of the research and be concrete and concise when
4.-Punctuality: I will be evaluating the dates proposed, and if any inconvenience arises, I will inform you. So I invite
you to prioritise your duties and obligations, to comply with the scheduled activities.

2nd Content:
 Content: Critical approach to the terms: LABOUR, MODE OF PRODUCTION AND SOCIAL FORMATION and
their importance for historical analysis and socio-human sciences.

 Activity: 1.- Elaboration of a critical essay on the content. Addressing the relationship between the three concepts.
Write a one-page paper. 2.- Oral intervention on the critical reflection, through a voice note, to the group whatsapp.

 Recommended reading:
1. Iraida Vargas Arenas. Archaeology, Science and Society.
2. Frederick Engels. The Role of Labour in the Transformation from Monkey to Man.
3. Samir Amin. Categories and Fundamental Laws of Capitalism.pp13-64.
4. Marta Harnecker. The Fundamental Concepts of Historical Materialism.

 I will assess the following indicators:

1.- Approach to content.
2.-Speech coherence: before sending the speech, write down in a script what you will present, read it, make it
coherent and record it, respecting the rules for correct oral communication, articulation and pronunciation.
3.- Elaboration of a synthesis of the topic: focus on the objective of the research and be concrete and concise when
4.-Punctuality: I will be evaluating the dates proposed, and if any inconvenience arises, I will inform you. So I invite
you to prioritise your duties and obligations, to comply with the scheduled activities.

3rd Content:
 Content: Mode of Production. Primitive Communities: Early Social Divisions of Labour. The Asiatic Mode of
Production. Simple Mercantile Mode of Production. The Slave Mode of Production. Feudal mode of production. The
Capitalist Mode of Production. The socialist mode of production. 21st century socialist mode of production.

 Activity: Draw up a Comparative Table, in which they should indicate each mode of production and the following
aspects: Concept, characteristic, function, objective, relation to nature, economic structure, ownership of the means
of production, distribution of production, appropriation of surplus, social structure, type of state and type of

 Recommended reading:
1. Juan Braun. To understand the history
2. John Braun. Outline of universal history
3. Samir Amin. Categories and Fundamental Laws of Capitalism.
4. Marta Harnecker. The Fundamental Concepts of Historical Materialism.

 I will assess the following indicators:

1.- Approach to content.
2.-Speech coherence: before sending the speech, write down in a script what you will present, read it, make it
coherent and record it, respecting the rules for correct oral communication, articulation and pronunciation.
3.- Elaboration of a synthesis of the topic: focus on the objective of the research and be concrete and concise when
4.-Punctuality: I will be evaluating the dates proposed, and if any inconvenience arises, I will inform you. So I invite
you to prioritise your duties and obligations, to comply with the scheduled activities.

4th Content:
 Content: Study of history at the present time in the Venezuelan education system.

 Activity: Prepare a critical reflection (three pages) on the teaching of history, taking as a reference: the
experience accumulated as a participant in the discipline and the contributions of the texts just consulted.

 Recommended reading
1. German Carrera Damas. Metodología y estudio de la historia, PP. 235-62.
2. María B. Domínguez: To resent the institutional life of the UNESR. In La universidad se reforma IV. Comp:
Rigoberto Lanz Rodríguez, Caracas.

 I will assess the following indicators:

1.- Approach to content.
2.-Speech coherence: before sending the speech, write down in a script what you will present, read it, make it
coherent and record it, respecting the rules for correct oral communication, articulation and pronunciation.
3.- Elaboration of a synthesis of the topic: focus on the objective of the research and be concrete and concise when
4.-Punctuality: I will be evaluating the dates proposed, and if any inconvenience arises, I will inform you. So I
invite you to prioritise your duties and obligations, to comply with the scheduled activities.

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