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Time; 3 hours Date; 8/09/2021
1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fourteen (14) questions.
2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B forty (40) marks and section C carries
forty-five (45) marks.
4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination
5. Write your name on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and
write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided. (10 marks)

i. ……………is the number of people living in a particular defined area.

A. Population
B. Globalization
C. Culture
D. Arts

ii. …………is an administrative organ of the state.

A. Rule of law
B. Bill
C. Government
D. Gender

iii. ………...refers to the customs and beliefs of a particular group of people.

A. Culture
B. Language
C. Crafts
D. Norms

iv. ……………is the organized political community in which the government exist
with full political control.
A. Human right
B. Life skills
C. A state
D. Democracy

v. ………….is the supreme power which a certain country exists (practiced) within a
country or outside the country.
A. National assembly
B. Sovereignity
C. Political party
D. Cabinet

vi. …………….is the inability to afford basic needs like food, shelter and clothing
A. Poor
B. Underdevelopment
D. Poverty

vii. ……………. are signs, which represent a nation.
A. Symbols
B. National symbols
C. National anthem
D. Uhuru torch

viii. ………….is a piece of cloth with a special color design.

A. National flag
B. National currency
C. National song
D. National archives

ix. ……………….is a Flag which is used during official ceremonies where the
president is in attendance.
A. Coat of arms
B. Presidential standard
C. National constitution
D. National Sovereignity

x. The chief advisory organ of the president of the united republic of Tanzania is;
A. Cabinet
B. Vice president
C. Prime minister
D. Speaker

2. Match the items in list A with those in List B by writing the correct letter against the
corresponding questions number in the table provided.
List A List B
i. National flag A. It can be physical or mental.
ii. Uhuru torch B. Are habits that are passed from one generation to
iii. Red band on the another.
shield. C. Misuse of public fund.
iv. Constituency D. The freedom to live as you wish
v. Corruption. E. These represent water bodies found in Tanzania.
F. An area represented by an elected legislature.
G. this represents the fertile red soil found in our
H. It symbolizes freedom, enlightenment and
I. It represents our sovereignty.

SECTION B (40 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

3. Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow;
In Tanzania all people over 18 years can vote as long as they are registered and are not
disqualified. Those who are not permitted to vote include certain criminals and people
with severe mental illness or mental retardation.

In order for the election to be free and fair it has to be democratic. This requires an election
to be competitive, periodic, inclusive, definitive and not limited to selecting the candidates
Elections are competitive when many political parties compete for vacant seats for
council, parliament and Presidential. They should be freedom to move, to assemble and
make speech. Elections are periodic in the sense that elections are usually held at
prescribed intervals. In Tanzania this occurs after every five years.

Democratic elections are inclusive in the sense that the right to vote must be exercised by
large proportion of the adult population and elections are definitive means that these
elected hold the reigns of power and not symbolic leaders.

Before elections campaigns activities are designed to win votes for certain candidates or
parties. In Tanzania candidates are members of political parties. The National leaders of
each political party make speeches and policy document or manifesto is published setting
out the party policies. Local branches of each party have campaign committees to
organize activities. Television, newspapers and radio play a major role in modern election
a) Suggest the suitable title for this passage.
b) Give two reasons which disqualify a person to vote in Tanzania
c) According to the passage, what are the 4 factors that lead to free and fair election?
d) What is the function of local branches of each political party?
e) According to the passage, a country to have modern election campaign should have
What does author mean when he or she believes that
i. Election is competitive
ii. Democratic election is inclusive
iii. Elections are periodic

4. Analyse the indicators of poverty in Tanzania.

5. Briefly explain the advantages of multiparty system (5 points)

6. Explore five importances of citizenship.

7. Show the importance of courtship. (Give 5 points)

8. Explain four factors that influencing behaviour.

9. Describe other types of behaviour (5 points)

10. Explain three levels in making decisions.

SECTION C (45 marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.

11. Explain 6 importances of the constitution of The United Republic of Tanzania.

12. Explain the functions of central government. (Give 6 points)

13. Explain the roles of financial institutions in economic development. (Give 6 points)

14. Analyze different institutions which lead to gender discrimination. (Give 5 points)

..................................................THE END……………………………………………

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