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8-29-9Tim&Pat.doc recording at talkshoe.com's Do not hurt the oil and the wine http://www.talkshoe.


[Tim tells story how he accepted for value his Wall Street Journal bill and his subscription is still going].
27:26 On the web site HJRBonds.com. Two calls from November 2007. Calls after those were about writing bonds and
promissory notes to discharge debts. That's not the way we're supposed to go. And I think those men and women at
HJRBonds finally realized that from the tone they're taking today after listening to the August 20TH [2009] call cause they
don't really mention bonds any more. They're all about the A for V [Accepted for Value]. They know basically who they are.
That's why I asked you to listen to those few minutes starting at 52:38 to 55:22 of that August 20TH 2009 call*. When you
listen to those first 2 calls on their web site its a very good synopsis what the woman has done. She's done her homework.
She went into Title 26. She learned about the Strawman. She even discusses the pre-paid account. And she says I'm not
going to go out on a limb and say there is a prepaid account, but when you listen to the 20TH call [August 2009] she comes
right out and says there is a pre-paid account.
29:42 But she mentions Express Trust 2 or 3 times. And I do not believe that she knew at the time what she was actually
saying. And this is back in November of '07, 2 years ago. But what she did then was lay the groundwork for us today. To see
what's going on. Its all about the Trust. She mentions Express TRUST. If you read in Witz's [?] Handbook all about the
Express Trust you'll realize the Express Trust is private. The only way it can become public is if the Trustee answers the
documents of that Express Trust into the Public. But you'll read in Whitz's handbook that there are these even their own
court proceedings that state the Trustee has no obligation even if the Trustee gets a subpoena he/she does not have to
answer it. Its got nothing to do with them at all. That Trust is on the land per se. That Trust is back in the common law, back
under basically the Father's law you could even say. And I'll even take that a step further because I believe in classes it even
talks about those who are in the spirit are not even in the law anymore...The point I'm trying to make is when you're the
Trustee you are not in their system anymore. You are beholden to the Trust. You do not need a driver license. This is my
own personal opinion...The Trustee is not beholden to a license. The Trustee is not beholden to the system. The Trustee is
not beholden to say a tax. The Trustee is beholden to the trust. ..the Trustee becomes a private citizen. ..
36:28 Those notes about those 2 calls from HJRBonds. If you listen to that section I told you about on the 20TH call of
August 09, a man said something about Winston [Shrout] had talked with somebody at the IRS about the information the
IRS put on their web site about the OID and how its a quote unquote a tax scheme, and he said the guy told Winston that
that was all done just to scare people away. Or scare men and women away. And he said it worked. They know guys
that the OID is correct. The [1099] A is correct...This is how I see it. The reason they put that out there was to stem the
flow. They saw a breach in the dam and they had to put something out there to stem the flow of water coming through that
dam. At least hold it back temporarily. Now why did they do that? I believe they did that because they were like whoa if this
keeps going at least at this rate these men and women are going to finally understand who they actually are. They of course
are not the name. They're going to eventually going to find out that its all about a trust and they're gonna figure out the name
of the Trustee. And they're gonna figure out, well you know what, if that's true then every time we get a bill quote unquote
in the mail like I talked about in the previous call. See with that stuff I was given information ahead of time. It made sense
at the time but there was no way to put it all into perspective. Until the dawning came about the Trust in the trustee
handbook. If we are the Trustee of this Trust that holds the substance, these fictions can not create the substance. They are
fictions, not real. They have no substance. They have to come to the substance for the money per se. They need a signature
of the Trustee to create the credit or to actually go get the credit out of the account in order to fund whatever is being
purchased or paid for. I want you to remember that because it flows right into what we discussed about the invoice being the
bond and the tear off part coupon being the dividend check. They are sending you a bill. They need money. They are a
fiction, they have no money. They need money to operate. They need the Trustee to sign off for that money to operate. So
they send a bill to the Trustee. They're hoping the Trustee gives a debt [adds a federal reserve note or check or money order,
etc.] so they can keep that money [the coupon] and create more bonds and create false profits for themselves. 39:54 Patrick
Devine comes on.
PD; Is what we have is not an Express Trust. Its a UBO. Its an Unregistered Business Organization Trust that its also a
cestui que trust. An unregistered business trust does not pay any taxes. We are not the Trustee. We are everything but the
Trustee in this Trust. We are the creator. The originator the funder in part fed guv is other part, we are the grantor, settlor.

we have to give up all the benefits then you die for 3 days you are dead in the world of commerce then they have to
resurrect you if they dont then what law are you under? you're not under statutory law or the law of commerce
the law of survival. Anything goes. They do not want you in that law system so they put you back in the commercial world
and have to give what is due to you and that is what is left of the trust after the inheritance taxes are paid cause you're
gonna have 2 dead people the strawman and the 14th amendment citizen. that tax may be 50 to 70% but if you have 2
billion out there that's quite a few hundreds of millions of dollars plus you’ve got 2 shares...
45:25 we want to give the equity title that we hold. we're the beneficiary we hold the equity title and this is the only
way that we can get out of the system is we reject all the benefits... I gave [ ] Secretary of state hillary clinton. I sent
mine to the secretary of the state of Iowa. I gave title back to both of them. The title of equity. I gave the social
security commissioner the title of equity to the social security trust. I gave those back to them. now they're holding
both legal title and the title of equity. Now, that merges together and becomes a pure title. A trust cannot operate
with a pure title so that trust is now dead.
So I killed it just by those facts. I also submitted it to the chief counsel of the irs who's the intermediary between the
treasury and the irs. I will also send a copy over to the CID monday morning just to inform them that they have some
inheritance tax that they are gonna have to be picking up. so Im gonna mark the 3949A that I sent to the CID as other and
say there's an inheritance tax that is due both from the social security trust and the UBO cestui que trust. I am informing
you. And I sent it to the court to show that I have rejected everything. I sent my driver license to the secretary of state and
my passport off to hillary so they know who I am. I have nothing left. I've closed down my social security bank accounts so
that I cannot operate in commerce right now. I am dead in the middle of the ocean way and I'm going to block traffic if they
don't revive me 48:00.
Tim; once that accounting has been given over to you, you will then be under the express trust the trustee.
PD; yes, I will be setting up a new trust. It will be a UBO trust.

*HJRBonds 8/20/9; 52:38 Person at the IRS said; “Oh we just put that up there [at web site] to scare people out of doing it”.
“We know its good. We just put that up there because it frightens off 95% of the people.” They don't want you to have this
remedy. You usually have to push through one or two levels...After the second or third time they realize this guy knows
what he's talking about..and you'll get your remedy. 54:47 There is an account out there. A pre-paid account and they're
dipping into that. They're helping themselves. They want to keep you so you don't know about that account so they can
continue to rob it. We have that verified through Wacovia bank. Just filling out a credit application they were stealing 2
million dollars out of the people's accounts whether or not they gave them credit. 55:14

13?:xx say you have 2 billion in FRB after collapsing the trusts and a 70% inheritance tax [WTF?] you'd come out with
about 700 million

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