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Make your own crystal

Prepare the needed materials (sugar, water, stick, pin

and, a glass or container.

Boil the 1 cup water.

When the water is boiling, stir in the 3 cups of sugar

1 cup at a time.

Stir until the completely melted.

When bubbles are formed, remove the solution from

Let the solution cool for about 15 minutes.

While wait for the solution, prepare the container

and the stick

Measure the length of the stick. It should not touch

the bottom of the container.

Make the stick wet and cover it with sugar.

Poor the solution to the container.

Put the stick covered with sugar in the container. It

did not touch the bottom of the container.

That’s it! Wait for the crystal to form.

This is my solution after one day. Small crystals are

beginning to appear
After 2 days. More crystal can be seen.

In day 3. The crystals are getting bigger and

continue to increase.

At day 4. I can see that the crystal are becoming

more solid and occupies much space in the
bottle. I decided not to gat the crystal for now.

Day 5. Just like day 4, I can see that it

became more solid, and the crystal
formed at the bottom reached the stick,
so I decide that it’s time to harvest.
Just as I thought, I can no longer get the stick out of the container. The
crystals that form from the bottom reached the crystals that form in the
stick. The crystals combined its to hard for me to break even I tried to
get the crystals and use a knife but I could not get it.

A photo taken on top of the container.

These are some of the crystals that I

manage to take from the container.

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