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Quickstart Guide

Table of contents
1. How to get access to TruckTool
2. Creating your personal password
3. Installing TruckTool
4. Selecting a model and connecting to truck
5. Summary of different views in TruckTool
5.1. Info view in TruckTool
5.2. Settings view in TruckTool
5.3. I/O view in TruckTool
5.4. Events view in TruckTool
5.5. Wizard view in TruckTool
5.6. Flash view in TruckTool
5.7. Recording view in TruckTool
5.8. Services view in TruckTool
5.9. Options view in TruckTool
5.10. Updates view in TruckTool
6. Search & Filter functionality
7. Including truck data to tech support request
8. Troubleshooting
9. Truck Tool Legacy Trucks
1. How to get access to TruckTool
• Access is given based on email domains e.g.
• Public emails such as,, are not allowed.
• In special cases (small dealer with no company emails etc.) access for specific
emails can be given.
• Before creating a password, your domain needs to be added to list of
allowed domains by your service engineers.
• This is done by sending company name, domain and brand to your service
engineer by email.
• Dealers can control the access of individual persons by removing
company email access rights from people leaving the company.
1. How to get access to TruckTool
• Responsibilities of different roles on accessing TruckTool:
Handles all domain right requests.
Service Engineer Gives access to domains based on requests received from dealers.

Sends their domains and their sub-dealers domains to service engineer for activation.
Dealer Takes care of independent users email accounts, if one user leaves from the company
they should close email account which were used to create TruckTool password.

Takes care of independent user rights. If a user leaves from the

Sub-dealer company they should close their email accounts.

Register their emails at website and

Mechanic/User refresh TruckTool usage time by connecting to internet regularly.
1. How to get access to TruckTool
• Examples of handling invidual users inside a company:
1. All users have own email address which they use to register a TruckTool
password and login to TruckTool.
• Easy to close if user leaves the company.
• This should be the first choice of authentication scheme.
2. All users get common email address and password to use with TruckTool
• Good for companies with a lot of personnel with no personal email addresses
(mechanics etc.).
• When someone leaves the company, either the email or the password has to be
changed and redistributed inside company to remove access.
3. Company does not have an invidual domain
• Single email can be added along with domains.
• This will be done only on a case where company domain does not exist.
• Name of the user and the company must always be included in a request for single email
2. Creating your personal password
• After domain/email has been approved by service engineers, invidual
users of TruckTool must create passwords with their company emails.
• Browse to and select ”Register” from top
2. Creating your personal password
• Enter your email and answer the safety question and press ”Submit”.
2. Creating your personal password
• You will receive and email with link to password creation page.
2. Creating your personal password
• Enter your password twice and press Submit.
• Finished!
2. Creating your personal password
• You can change your password as often as you wish.
• Password change is required every 120 days.
• Login to TruckTool client is valid for 60 days, after which internet
connection is required. Info on remaining offline usage time can be
found from TruckTool Updates-view.
3. Installing TruckTool
• Browse to and select ”Downloads” from top
3. Installing TruckTool
• Download TruckTool from ”Download TruckTool Installer”.
• Please note the other required installations listed on the site, these are
needed for TruckTool to run.
3. Installing TruckTool
• If needed, install all the needed prerequisites according to instructions
provided on the download sites.
• Install TruckTool by following the instructions in the wizard.
• If you get below error message:

• Please double check prerequisite installations and try again.

• Manually uninstall old versions of TruckTool if they are present (guide can be found at
• If the problem persists, please contact your service engineer.
3. Installing TruckTool
• Start TruckTool and login with your credentials with internet connection
3. Installing TruckTool
• Check from updates view that login was successful and offline usage is
active. With freshly created password the validity times should be the
same as in below picture.
• Finished!
4. Selecting a model and connecting to truck
• Select truck category and subcategory.
4. Selecting a model and connecting to truck
• Truck order or tile size can be changed
4. Selecting a model and connecting to truck
• Select truck product model if needed.
4. Selecting a model and connecting to truck
• Use search to filter trucks by Name or Engine type.
• Select truck model from search results.
4. Selecting a model and connecting to truck
• Try to detect the connected GSE truck by selecting the button on the left
• Plug in the GSE cable before selecting the button
• If auto detection does not succeed, select the truck manually
4. Selecting a model and connecting to truck
• When the correct truck model is selected:
1. Connect dongle to pc.
2. Connect dongle to location on truck shown in the picture.
3. Click connection button.
• Connection is started
4. Selecting a model and connecting to truck

• After connection is started,

input truck serial number and mast serial number
• Select OK
4. Selecting a model and connecting to truck

• Cancel connection by clicking X

(available in few seconds after the serial number input is displayed)
4. Selecting a model and connecting to truck

• On the initial page for each model after connecting to the truck, the
status of each controller is indicated by a colored icon. The meaning
of the information is as follows:
• Color reflects the status of controller:
• GREEN: Controller online and no error code
• RED: Controller connection error or error code active
• ORANGE: Truck Tool simulation mode
• BLACK: Controller not connected
• BLUE: Truck Tool in TTP Edit Mode or Info code active
• YELLOW: Controller online and warning code active
5. Summary of different views in TruckTool
• TruckTool has following views:
• Info - Information about controllers and locations & status info
• Settings - Functions for editing, importing and exporting
• I/O - Values of inputs and outputs
• Events - Shows active error codes, error histories and error codes
• Wizards - Calibration, testing and truck configuration wizards
• Flash - Functions for flashing controllers
• Recording - Recording object values and showing values in graph
• Services - Used to create service record for a maintenance. Visible if supported
truck model is connected. Always visible in disconnected mode.
• Options - Different settings of TruckTool
• Updates - Check for updates of TruckTool and password validity time and offline
usage time
5.1. Info view in TruckTool

• Info-view holds general information about each controller and their

locations on the device (picture).
• Status info is presented only by colors. To see error codes and
descriptions, select Events-view.
5.2. Settings view in TruckTool
• Settings view has functions for editing single parameters, importing and
exporting TTP (TruckTool Parameter) files, opening TTP file editor and
resetting defaults.
5.2. Settings view in TruckTool
• Import from truck loads all parameters and event logs from truck to a
TTP file.
• Export to truck loads parameters from TTP file to truck.
5.2. Settings view in TruckTool
• TTP-editor can be opened from Settings-view.
• Editor can be opened also when there is no truck to connect to.
• Just connect to truck like you would with real truck and ignore connection errors
and open TTP editor from settings view.
5.2. Settings view in TruckTool
• With reset to defaults you can reset the whole truck or invidual
controllers to default settings.
5.2. Settings view in TruckTool
• Parameter changes are not permanent unless saved to truck memory.
Unsaved changes are cleared when truck is rebooted.
• Pressing ”Undo Changes” will set the values on truck as they were
before editing.
5.2. Settings view in TruckTool
• You should always save settings to TTP file before editing them!
• Save parameters to file is prompted automatically by default
• Save notification can be disabled from the Options-view.
5.2. Settings view in TruckTool
• To show parameters of each device, you need to expand the device by
clicking on the expander control.
• You can open invidual settings editor by double-clicking on parameter.
5.2. Settings view in TruckTool
• There are several different types of editors depending on parameter
• Number editor with slider, single selection, multi selection with check boxes etc.
• Parameter descriptions and pictures are visible on editors.
5.2. Settings view in TruckTool
• In TTP editor you can view Info, Settings, I/O and Events views just like
you would be connected to an actual truck.
• When you close TTP editor, you will be prompted to save changes made
in settings view to different TTP file.
5.3. I/O view in TruckTool
• I/O-view has the values of inputs and outputs.
• Some values that are not inputs or outputs but hold some informational
value are listed under numeric tab.
5.4. Events view in TruckTool
• Active Codes tab holds currently active error codes on each controller of
5.4. Events view views in TruckTool
• Error History tab displays error histories that are stored on controllers.
• Controller histories hold limited amount of information due to limited amount of
memory available on the controllers.
5.4. Events view views in TruckTool
• Error Code List tab holds all known error codes that devices can produce.
• By double-clicking on error code you can view the complete description.
5.5. Wizards view in TruckTool
• Wizards view holds easy to use calibration, testing and truck
configuration wizards.
• Please take extra care when running any wizards with reasonable safety
zone around the truck.
5.6. Flash view in TruckTool
• Flash view holds the functions for flashing controllers with new
• ”Update” should be used if you are only updating the software.
• ”Controller Replacement” should be used if you installing a new controller or
replacing a broken one.
5.7. Recording view in TruckTool
• Graph tab is a software oscilloscope in which you can:
• Record object values to file.
• Show a graph of object values.
• Both can be done at the same time.
5.7. Recording view in TruckTool
• Before starting recording you need to select recorded objects from
”Object selection”-tab.
• Please note that you can select either left edge, right edge or digital recording
method. Not all of them are always available for each object type (shown by
graying out the selection).
• Only limited amount of objects can be shown at once.
• By checking ”RECORD” you select that data is logged for file saving. This is
automatically selected if graphical display of object is active.
• Selected objects can be saved and then those are available in Load Preset
5.7. Recording view in TruckTool
• After objects have been selected, recording can be started by pressing
”Start Recording” on ”Graph”-tab.
• Please note that recording speed is dependant on the truck controller and
parameter type and varies a lot depending on each invidual parameter.
• After you have recorded what you wished, you can save the results to a
csv file by stopping recording from ”Stop recording” and then pressing
”Save File”.
5.8. Services view in TruckTool

• Services view is used to create service record for a maintenance.

• To create a new service record press Start button. If there is Info pop-
up ”Please update all firmwares before starting a service” a new
firmware version is available for the truck and you need to flash it
before continuing.
5.8. Services view in TruckTool

• Update details for the service checklist record: Hour meter value and
Customer’s name. Username from login is filled to Technician field.
• Select service maintenance type from Type drop down menu.
• Service types depends on type of the truck. Usually there are one or
more periodical inspections and also Damage Repair and Rework
types are available.
5.8. Services view in TruckTool

• Before starting a new service please refer to the latest service

manual as it is primary source of information for the truck
maintenance. Also it has detailed instructions for the service.
TruckTool has only title level information about the maintenance.
• After service step is completed it is possible to check pass mark
directly to checkbox.
• It is possible to edit service
step from pen icon
5.8. Services view in TruckTool

• If there some problems with service step or that maintenance can't

be done you need to edit service step.
• It is possible to add description of problems in remarks field. It is also
mandatory if Resolution is Not checked. Otherwise it is not possible
to close the window or move to the next step.
5.8. Services view in TruckTool

• You can add description of replacement parts to Changed Parts field.

• It is possible to move to the next step by clicking Next button or just
close the current window by clicking Close button. Closing the
window or moving to the next step saves all changes.
5.8. Services view in TruckTool

• It is possible to add general comments about maintenance in General

Remarks field.
• During maintenance it is possible to edit Service Info. Only Mast
Serial Number, Hour meter, Customer and Technician fields are
• It is possible to save a PDF report about the maintenance.
5.8. Services view in TruckTool

• After maintenance it is possible to Close or Finish Service Checklist.

• If Close is clicked then Service Checklist will remain in “In Progress”
state and it is possible to continue editing it. It is possible to edit it
again from the pen icon.
• If Finish Service is clicked then service record is finalized and
uploaded to the TruckTool cloud by default. Service record status is
updated to Finished.
5.8. Services view in TruckTool

• There are also Damage Repair and Rework type for service records.
• Damage Repair is meant for general fixing work. It is possible to add
comments to Remarks field and changed parts to other field.
• Rework is meant for maintenance based on certain Service Letter.
You need to add Service Letter Number to the Service Step.
5.8. Service view in TruckTool

• Without connection to truck, select Services from the left pane

• All services are listed that are done with the current computer or
downloaded from the TruckTool cloud
• Services are grouped by truck serial number
• Click row to display all services for a truck
5.8. Service view in TruckTool

• Use search to filter displayed service records

5.8. Service view in TruckTool – Export csv

• Export CSV function saves a file that contains the data visible in
Services view.
• CSV file contains data for all
services that are visible in
Services view
5.8. Service view in TruckTool - Buttons

• Service row contains different buttons,

depending on the service status:
• Delete
Enabled when service
status is ”In progress”.
• Save PDF
Always available.
• Save CSV file
Always available.
• Edit service record
Enabled for services
created on current computer.
• Read only
For downloaded
service records.
5.8. Services view in TruckTool- Synchronization
• Download Service History: Press button and get all service records for the
current truck, identified by the serial number

• Service is done on other

In progress
• Service is not finished.

Finished, not uploaded

• Enable auto sync to upload.

Finished, synced
• Can be downloaded to
other computer.
5.9. Options view in TruckTool
In Options view you can change different settings of TruckTool
• Enable or disable auto save prompt.
• Change logging level
• Save log to a specific folder
• Open log directory
• For normal user there should be
no need to use this unless asked
by tech support or R&D.

• You can also see

synchronization status and
manually synchronize if needed.
5.10. Updates view in TruckTool
• In Updates view you can:
• Check for updates of TruckTool. This is also done automatically on background
when there is internet connection available on each startup of TruckTool.
• View remaining password validity and offline usage periods.
6. Search & Filter functionality
• Search & Filter is important feature because it affects the update speed
of displayed objects:
• TruckTool polls from truck only the parameters visible to user and it is directly
related to the update speed: The less parameters on display, the faster they will
• Especially important in I/O view when debugging some output state etc.
6. Search & Filter functionality
• Searching with text:
• Simple AND-type search.
• All parameters that have in any of their fields with all the given words are
6. Search & Filter functionality
• ”Show Advanced”
• When selected, displays parameters that are not usually needed to be edited.
6. Search & Filter functionality
• Some predefined object groups have been defined and can be selected
from ”Filter by Tag” dropdown menu.
• This feature should be used only when searching for something you do
not know the name for. ”Search for text” should otherwise be the first
choice for searching.
7. Including truck data to tech support request
• If you have a problem with a truck you cannot solve by yourself and you
need to contact tech support:
• You should always include a TTP file imported from the truck in the tech
support request.
• This will improve the speed of the support you will receive since all the
information about the truck is already included and tech support does not have
to send you an email asking for it.
• You can save a TTP file in Settings view of TruckTool.
8. Troubleshooting

• You can investigate the meaning of an error code by clicking on the

ERROR CODE LIST tab from Events. Scroll down or search the error
code. Double-clicking on the code will open details popup and
clicking on “Open troubleshooting manual” will open manual page.
8. Troubleshooting

• In Trouble shooting manual you will get a brief description of the error
9. Truck Tool Legacy Trucks

• Select brand and subcategory.

• Legacy trucks are marked with an external software symbol in bottom
right, over the truck image.
• Clicking on such legacy truck opens the external software.
• You do not need to install other softwares separately, they are included in
TruckTool installation.
9. Truck Tool Legacy Trucks

• Depending on the model and the legacy tool,

follow the instructions for that software.

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