PNAIS Voting Report

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PNAIS Visiting Team Voting Report

The Visiting Team should vote on each major standard. Record the number of votes in each column. A
copy of this sheet must be included with the letter of transmittal, but should not be shared with the

School Name:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Major Standard
Agree Disagree
Major Standard for Accreditation Process
The school has demonstrated a commitment to on-going school
improvement through the successful completion of each step of the PNAIS
accreditation process.
Major Standard for Association Philosophy
The philosophy, principles, and practices of PNAIS schools are consistent
with a free, open, humane, and diverse society; schools provide an
intellectual environment in which students are encouraged to express
individual points of view and to examine and debate all sides of a subject.
Major Standard for School Mission
The school has a clear mission statement, philosophy, and goals.
Major Standard for Institutional Leadership
The school’s institutional leadership operates with a structure that includes
at least two separate entities, which carry out the separate functions of
governance and of day-to-day management. The structure provides for
oversight and planning adequate to sustain the school’s mission and vision
and for institutional decision-making based upon a system of checks and
balances that assures the school’s long-term viability.
Major Standard for Finance
The school's financial operations, resources and planning are adequate to
support the school’s mission and vision and to sustain the school’s long-
term viability and stability.
Major Standard for School Program
The school's program is congruent with the school’s mission, philosophy,
and goals, and is in keeping with the PNAIS commitment to free and open
inquiry in a humane and diverse society.
Major Standard for Residential Program
The residential program operates in a way that assures a balanced,
enriched, and mission consistent experience for students.
Major Standard for Administrative Practice and Personnel
The school has a qualified staff and an effective organizational structure to
carry out school policy and to conduct the school program in accordance
with its mission.
Major Standard for Students
The school has defined those qualities that constitute a "mission
appropriate" student, has established policies and procedures for
enrollment management that are in keeping with federal non-
discrimination regulations, and provides for the welfare of its students.
Major Standard for School Plant
The school's plant is adequate to support the mission and program and is
maintained in a way to assure a safe and healthy environment.
Major Standard for Health and Safety
The school has established and effectively implemented policies and
procedures that ensure a safe and healthy school environment.

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