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Section 15.

5: Directional Derivatives and the Gradient

Definition: Let f be differentiable at a point (a, b), and let u = ⟨u1 , u2 ⟩ be a unit vector in the xy-plane. The directional derivative
of f at (a, b) in the direction of u is

Note: Di f (a, b) =

and Dj f (a, b) =
MATH 233 Fall 2020 15.5: Directional Derivatives and the Gradient

Theorem: Let f be differentiable at a point (a, b), and let u = ⟨u1 , u2 ⟩ be a unit vector in the xy-plane.
Then Du f (a, b) =

Proof : Define g(h) = f (a + hu1 , b + hu2 ). Note a, b, u1 , and u2 are constant.

Then Du f (a, b) =
MATH 233 Fall 2020 15.5: Directional Derivatives and the Gradient

Definition The gradient vector of a differentiable function f is

1. For the function f (x, y) = ln(4x2 + y 2 + 1),

(a) find ∇f (1, 2);

(b) find the directional derivative of f at (1, 2) in the direction of v = ⟨5, −3⟩;

(c) find the directional derivative of f at (1, 2) in the direction of v = 2j − i.

MATH 233 Fall 2020 15.5: Directional Derivatives and the Gradient

2. For a differentiable function f at (a, b), in what direction does f increase the most? (That is, what direction u maximizes
Du f (a, b)?)

Theorem: Let f be differentiable at (a, b) with ∇f (a, b) ̸= 0. Then

1. The maximum rate of increase f has at (a, b) is and occurs in the direction .

2. The maximum rate of decrease f has at (a, b) is and occurs in the direction .

3. For any direction u that is orthogonal to ∇f (a, b), Du f (a, b) = .

4. The level curve f (x, y) = f (a, b) is ∇f (a, b).

MATH 233 Fall 2020 15.5: Directional Derivatives and the Gradient

For functions of three or more variables, these ideas and results extend. For f (x, y, z), a point (a, b, c) in the domain of f ,
and a unit vector u = ⟨u1 , u2 , u3 ⟩,

• ∇f (a, b, c) =

• Du f (a, b, c) =

• The direction of maximum increase of f at (a, b, c) is and the maximum value of Du f (a, b, c) is .

• The direction of minimum increase / maximum decrease of f at (a, b, c) is and the minimum value of
Du f (a, b, c) is .

• For any direction u that is orthogonal to ∇f (a, b, c), Du f (a, b, c) = .

• The level surface f (x, y, z) = f (a, b, c) is ∇f (a, b, c).

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