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Daron Keyani A basic guide to using Edmodo INSETT British Council Qatar Sept 2020

Edmodo session plan notes

Trainer: Daron Keyani

Centre: British Council Qatar
Session: September 2020
Session title: A basic guide to using Edmodo
Aims: *To be better aware of what Edmodo is and useful
functions on the Edmodo homepage (e.g. creating classes and
posting messages).

*To get some practice using useful Edmodo functions (e.g.

creating classes and posting messages).

*To be more aware of and to discuss the pros

and cons of using Edmodo.
Before the session
Ask participants to watch the link below (flipped learning) and to
create an account if they can:
(Different types of accounts e.g. teacher, student etc).
Rough skeletal staging
Stage Procedure
First 10 minutes
Go through the session aims Raise awareness of what the
class aims are. (Page 2)

Ask participants if they have

used Edmodo before or if there
are any new participants to
Find out what participants Show participants the flipchart
already know about Edmodo (Page 3) and go through the
Daron Keyani A basic guide to using Edmodo INSETT British Council Qatar Sept 2020

ICQ the questions (if you plan to

send participants to discuss in
breakout rooms).
If not – Use the chat function for
participants to write their ideas.

Trainer to note down ideas from

participants or pick out certain
things from the chat function.

Feedback Show some recognition of

interesting points from the
chat / breakout rooms.
Play a quick guessing game on
page 4 of the flipchart for the
definitions for the two questions
from page 3.
Hide some words from the two
definitions e.g. helps connect
/resources/ share content
communication etc
The second 10 minutes
Pre-existing knowledge – flipped Ask participants if they watched
learning check – Edmodo link? the video or if they would like to
watch it again.
Link above in the ‘before the
session’ section.
Awareness of homepage Trainer to show page 6 of the
functions on Edmodo flipchart and to elicit the missing
information (My classes / classes
Input – A look at the basic Trainer to sign into his/her
functions of Edmodo Edmodo account and to show
participants how to:
- Create a class
Daron Keyani A basic guide to using Edmodo INSETT British Council Qatar Sept 2020

- Find the class code for

- Post a welcome message
(With an example).
- How to send messages or
find messages from
students etc.
Next 10-15 minutes
A webquest style practice task Trainer to show participants
on Edmodo slide 7 and to then go through
the task. As there are a lot of
instructions to the task, ICQ
them afterwards and/or get
participants to take a picture.

Send participants to breakout


Participants can use the

following details if they do not
have an account:
(Using a google account)
Password: English!!

If participants do not want to

practice these functions (They’re
already confident on Edmodo),
then you can skip this stage.
Feedback + some post-task Ask participants how they found
reflection it.
Were they able to log-in?
How did they find the website
platform? What was more
straight-forward for them?
Daron Keyani A basic guide to using Edmodo INSETT British Council Qatar Sept 2020

What was trickier? Why?

Final 20 minutes
Raising awareness and Trainer to show participants
discussing the pros and cons of slide 8.
using Edmodo (age groups / Trainer to elicit one pro and one
class types / different levels / con and then ask participants to
other aspects) go to the breakout rooms to
think of 3-4 other pros and cons
around the topics of:
Age groups? Class types –
general v. exam preparation?
Different levels? Other aspects
such as the time involved in this
type of admin? Etc
Feedback Recognise participant
contributions ….. I particularly
liked what …… said as that’s one
of the pros I have…..or the cons I
have….. It was interesting that
……. mentioned ……….

Then slowly, elicit and/reveal

other pros and cons that were
not mentioned and discuss
Final reflection on the session Trainer to show page 10 of the
and moving forward flipchart for some final

Remind participants of what the

session aims were.
Daron Keyani A basic guide to using Edmodo INSETT British Council Qatar Sept 2020

Ask participants to think about

one thing they’ve picked up
from the session or were
reminded of.

If they’re interested in using

Edmodo now or not.

Participants can either write

their thoughts in the chat or can
be sent to breakout rooms to
discuss (depending on time
available in the session).

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