ENGL 103 Academic Reading and Vocabulary I Interactions 1 (Diamond Edition) Chapter 2: Experiencing Nature

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ENGL 103 Academic Reading and Vocabulary I

Interactions 1 (Diamond Edition) ~ Chapter 2: Experiencing Nature

The following vocabulary words can be defined in different ways, but these are the ways they are
defined in your textbook. The list is only a definition guide . Use a dictionary to find other definitions and
synonyms for these words. Share and discuss them with your teacher and classmates.

# Word P Defi forms
ms (add
O nitio (affixes ±)
S n
to do something that produces an effect or influen
1 affect v -ly, -ive
change ce,
in something or someone’s situation impact
Affective mean: ‫عاطفي‬
Example: These important decisions are
made by the affective system

Affectively mean: ‫فعال‬

Example: We need to work together to
effectively solve the problem
2 asthma n a lung disorder that causes difficulties in -ic
3 atmosphere n the whole mass of air surrounding the earth -ic
biometeor a scientist who studies the effects of
4 n
ol- ogist atmospheric conditions on living things
5 blizzard n a severe snowstorm that goes on for a long snowstorm
a gas that is produced when people and
6 np animals breathe out or when certain fuels CO2
dioxide are burned, and is used by plants for
(CO2) energy
to cause physical harm to something or to hurt, harm,
7 damage* v -ed, -ing
part of injure,
someone’s body impair
Damaged meaning: ‫تالف‬
Example: I replaced my damaged phone.
Damaging meaning: ‫مؤذ \ متلف‬
Example: The shampoo she’s using is
damaging her hair.
Damaging winds cause severe destruction

adj = having a serious medical

adj =
condition that causes a person to feel
depresse a sad,
very sad, hopeless, and unimportant -ed, -ing,
8 unhapp
-ly, -sion
d/ dj y
adj = making you feel unhappy and
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without hope for the future adj = bleak,
depressi / Depressed meaning: ‫مكتئب‬ gloomy,
Example: even though he had everything, dismal
ng a he was depressed.
Depressing meaning: ‫كئيب‬
dj Example: The book was depressing.
Depressingly meaning(adv): ‫باحباط‬
Example: Mrs. Jane spoke depressingly
Depression meaning(n): ‫أكتئاب‬
Example: She suffered from severe

a dry land with few plants and little

9 desert* n rainfall; a place or area that does not wasteland
have something interesting or
1 disease* n an illness that affects a person, animal, or -ed illness
0 plant
Diseased meaning(adj): ‫مريض \ معتل‬
Example 1: His lung was diseased.
Example 2: The bush looked badly diseased.

a physical or mental condition that is not disease,

1 disorder n
normal or healthy illness,
-ive, -ness,
1 effect* n a change that is caused by an event or action result,
2 Effective / adj: ‫فعال‬ outcome
Example: The tax becomes effective next
Effectiveness / n: ‫فعاليه‬
Example: Since it is inception, there has
been debate about Head Start effectiveness.
Effectively / adv : ‫على نحو فعال‬
Example : The doctor effectively treated the
1 extreme* adj very serious or severe; very great in degree -ly
Extremely / adv : ‫جدا‬ immoder
Example; the game was extremely fun.
a large amount of water covering an area
1 flood* n -ing, -ed deluge
of land that is usually dry
Flooding / n,v: ‫ يغمر‬,‫فيضانات‬
Example : 1-the water flooding the
house .
2-To prevent flooding , we shall have to
divert the river from its course.
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Flooded / adj: ‫غارق‬
Example: The baby was flooded in the

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an infectious illness that is like a very bad
1 flu (influenza) n
cold and which causes a fever and vomiting
Example; He is suffering from the Flu.
having a strong and confident quality; done
1 forceful* adj -ly, -ness powerful,
with physical force
6 strong
Forcefulness / n : ‫القوة‬
Example :the forcefulness mean don’t stop and
don’t give up.
Forcefully / adv : ‫بقوة‬
Example: in the game , there are tow man hit
other forcefully .
1 headache n an ache or pain in the head
Example: I went to the hospital because I have a
a serious medical condition in which the heart
1 heart attack* np does not get enough blood, causing great pain heart failure
8 and often leading to death.
Example: Smoking is one of the causes of his
heart attack

1 humidity n the amount of water contained in the air -ify air moisture
9 Example(humidity) : Jeddah is famous for the
Humidity(adj) : ‫ ترطيب‬: my skin needs cream to
an extremely large, powerful, and destructive
2 hurricane n
storm with very strong winds.
Example: The strongest and most powerful
hurricane in the world is Hurricane Patricia
to become larger or greater in size, -ed, -ing, add to,
2 increase* v
amount, number, etc. -ly boost,
Increased(adj): ‫ زاد‬: The population of raise
Saudi Arabia increased by about 1 million
in corona year
Increasing(adj): ‫ ازدياد‬: The world today is
ever-chainging and increasing dependent
upon technology
Increasingly(adv): ‫ بشكل متزايد‬: The
internet addiction is becoming
increasingly to the kids and teenager
to affect or change someone or something in -able,
2 influence* v impact, affect
an indirect but usually important way -er,
Influenceable (adj) ‫ يتأثر‬: My little sis was -ly, -al
influenceable when we children
Influential (adj) ‫ مقنع‬: I was influential in
getting him to do something
Influencer (n) ‫ مؤثر‬: she was finally able to
quit and focus on her career as an influencer
full time
Influentially (adv) ‫ بطريقة مؤثره‬:

His works influentially contributed to

bring change in the conventional
concepts in Egypt

a scientist who studies the atmosphere Weathe

2 meteorologist n -ic, -y
and weather r
Meteorological (adj) ‫تتعلق باألرصاد الجوية‬ forecas
: Did the meteorological conditions ter
change so much over the course of ten
Meteorology (n) ‫ علم األرصاد الجوية‬:
His studies include courses in
physicaand meteorologic
moo n n = the way you feel at a particular temper /
2 -y
d/ time adj = having moods that change temperamen
moo / often tal
dy a Moody (adj) ‫ متقلب المزاج‬: Keith had
d seemed moody all morning
worried or frightened about something and
2 nervous adj -ly, -ness anxious, jumpy
unable to relax
Nervousness (n) ‫ العصبية‬: He spoke up without
the slightest sign of nervousness

Nervously (adv) ‫ بعصبية‬: The man glanced

nervously at his watch

a serious disease that affects the lungs and

2 pneumonia n
makes it difficult to breathe
He had pneumonia as a child

having the ability to control or influence people

or influenti
2 powerful* adj -ly, -ful
7 things; having a strong effect on someone
or something
powerful (adj) : ‫ مؤثر‬-‫قوي‬
Sharks have powerful jaws.
The movie carried a powerful message.
Powerfully(adv) : ‫بقوة‬
with great power or strength.
Example: a tall, powerfully built man.

2 rain* n water that falls in drops from clouds in the sky -ing, -y
rain (noun) : ‫مطر‬ downpour

raining (verb) : ‫تمطر‬

it was beginning to rain
Example: it’s raining right now
rainy(adj) : ‫ممطر‬
(of weather, a period of time, or an area) .
Example: rainy day

a person who studies, specializes in, or

2 scientist* n -ic, -ly researcher
investigates a field of science
Scientist(noun) ‫عالم‬
Scientistic( adj):‫علمي‬
conducted scientific research

3 slowly* ad in a slow way or at low speed -er, -est
0 v
Slowly ‫ ببطء‬: moving or operating, or designed to
do so, only at a low speed; not quick or fast.
Slower ‫ابطأ‬: The machine is broken so it is slower.
Slowest. The turtle is the slowest animal.

an occurrence of bad weather in which there is

3 storm* n -ed, -ing, tempest, squall
a lot of rain or snow and often strong winds
1 -y
Storm(noun) ‫عاصفه‬
A storm came to the city
-Stormed( verb) ‫اقتحمت‬
Rain stormed the city
- Storming ( noun) ‫اقتحام‬
Boys are storming the office
-Stormy( adj) ‫عاصف‬
weather stormy today
a serious illness caused when a blood vessel
3 stroke n -ing, -ed
in your brain suddenly breaks or is blocked
3 temperature* n a measure of how hot or cold a place or thing is
3 Temperature: ‫درجة الحراره‬
Example: one of the main factors affecting seed
germination is temperature
having the usual features or qualities normal,
3 typical* adj -ly, -al
of a particular group or thing average, usual
Typical : ‫نموذجي‬
Example: the company has typical
Typically: ‫عاده‬
Example typically talk about their
successes .
the state of the air and atmosphere at a
particular time and place: the temperature and
3 weather* n -ing, -ed
other outside conditions (such as rain,
cloudiness, etc.) at a particular time and place

3 worse* adj more serious or severe -en aggravate
6 Worsen : ً‫يزداد سوءا‬ d,
Example: the patient's condition appears to exacerbat
worsen. ed
*These words are among the 2,000 most-frequently used words in English.
These definitions were taken from the Merriam Webster Learner’s Dictionary at http://learnersdictionary.com . Look up
more definitions yourself by following the link.

This list will be used to test your vocabulary learning in assessments (quizzes, midterms and finals). Vocabulary words may be used
as defined in list or based on other dictionary definitions or parts of speech.

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