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REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA Training Program Information: Personally, my expectation with this

MINISTRY OF LABOR training program is to update my

NATIONAL LEARNING SERVICE The technical professional training knowledge in agricultural matters and in
program in agricultural projects has been project formulation; Since as an
created to offer the rural sector the Agronomist Engineer I want to be up to
possibility of incorporating personnel with date with the technologies in the field of
agricultural development.
high job and professional qualities that
contribute to the economic, social and Within my life project I include being a
technological development of their support agent for the advancement of
TRAINING PROGRAM environment and the country; as well as agriculture in Colombia and Venezuela
offering apprentices training in the with the provision of mechanization
formulation of agricultural projects, based services to producers in small-scale
on the opportunities and needs of the producing areas, which need support from
public and private entities to continue
expanding its production.

With this training program I can access

different updates in agricultural matters
and in this way have a springboard to get
to present the aforementioned project and
become a Colombian-Venezuelan who
The program is made up of two stages; a contributes a grain of sand for the
Apprentice: Leonardo Cienfuegos lective stage and a productive one. In total producers and for the country, with food
15 months of training in Project production.
Instructor Spokesperson: Fabio Jaramillo
Formulation, transversal such as Physical
Culture, Culture of Peace, English,
Computer Science among others, in order
to obtain the certificate of Technician in
Agricultural Projects.
Medellin, October 2021

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