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Jis:Tins of London Policemen: Londen Qiers De Not Go eat F YOU KNEW how to disable an swith a slight pune fram the stifle fingers of either hand, or ta knock senseless with a fight stroke of the ¢ side of that hand, you would consider yourself well equipped to defend yourselt Tf you knew how to grip a man, hand, so ae to paralyze h you would be well prepared for tack. Vet there are twelve such Blows and more (Han bvelee such grips in the art Of seli-defense as developed in Japan and called fin-fiten, This name means “iuscle seience,” and the art itself involves the exertion of force to produce maximum effect with minimum ffort, by directing the adversary's phys! exl pawers so that he injures himself, The jitjitony 0 holds, pune! poles") blows and tricks of falling. Tt 1 inaster By M. K. OTORO CUnseractor i Jit Ft 8 Kiots Univeraity) doubtful if one-team af dese fot af Ju tow Mont Valuable to Them ow, ver have teen exhibited or demonstrated outside Japan, More than a score of th Known only to a very limited mun Japanese athletes, who are sworn never to feveal them, At lenst ten of the really dleailly blaws—remenibering that there are twefve capable of causing death—probably never will be seen omtsicle Japa One of these is 2 comparatively tight blow, given with the side of the hand, ict has been hardened by long pound ing on a plank, delivered directly at the base of the nose. Another is a powerful punich with the stiffened fingers ane arm (rasually the right) just under the jawbone and beneath the ear. A third isa slashing blow with the side of the hand across either side or the back of the meek, as close to. the skull ae possible, Knowledge of the laws af leverage, grav- Pork tacful can Gal w f Ju » balanee and falling bodies, as ell as accurate acquaintance ith human anatomy, are the e=- sentials of proficiency in jin-jitsu. In the first position in a jiuejitsa contes—presupposing that the fatal blows and grins are etimi- wated—each man grasps the sleeves of his opponent's jacket or Dlonse, just above the elbow. Th men stand upright and, from their grips on the sleeves of their ad Nersaries, attempt to work their hands to other and more advan- tngeous holds sponding, if successful, to the fall in western wrestling—is obtained by a quick step forward, simoltaneously rowing the right leg outward and he- hhind the adversary's right leg. At the same time, the aggressor pulls his op- ponent quickly toward himseli and forces him back over the right leg: Precisely at the right moment, tive right hand is shifted quielly from the ad- versary’s right arm to a point where the chest and throat meet. All the ageres- sor's strength is then thrown into back- ward pressure, and the man goes down or suffers a hraken back, As san as the adversary hits the floar, the aggres- F drops with him, presses his right iee into the fallen man’s stomach, holding him helpless ‘One of the triple tricks involves a fall, set at eet oe iH ur He Le ite ‘towing the Varioor Vulnerae Potions wt Which she Fu-Jimy xpert Alma in an Encounter; Miews x foes ot"Tasse Poin Are Gham Patai'sothe Peron Attacted - a twist of the neck, which can be continued sure, ar the meck dislocated by putting: the weight of the bedy on the leftward and the breaking af an arm. This com- heave. paratively simple trick is of the greatest — Somewhat similar to this is the neck value toa man when attacked and is much twist from in front and the arm lift and sed by Japanese police and detectives in twist from Behind, accomplished inul- ssshduing criminals. Grasping the a taneously, placing the adversary in 8 com- pletely helpless position while the still is fon his feet. ‘This trick—known in the man attacked steps instantly toward his western world as the handcuff—has been opponent, turning ta the left, so that his tanght to police departiweats af a number ‘wack is toward the face af the man he of American cities and has been found in- ishes to disable. Simuhaneously he valuable in holding a man who is merely throws his own right arm over the right trying to escape, vet making no effort to arm of his aseailant, pulls it into the com- attack ar injure the officer. ‘mon arm lock of western wrestling, and The counterattack ta both of these tricks ‘heaves the man. across his back. is to grasp the attacker's hand with both In this position, the man so gripped, your hands, at the very instant he shifts even though his left hand is free, is pows for his first grip, and, disregarding all ctlese to halt or delay the attack, pro- hie other movements, apply a sudden and vided it has heen delivered with the neces- powerful twist to his extended arm. Un- sary speed, In the next movement, which less the attacker yields and falls to the comes so rapidly that the eye hardly is floor, his arm will be broken, Immediately able to follow, the trained man hurls his on obtaining this countergrip, the man on assailant over his shoulder, headlong to the defensive thrusts his right foot direet- the floor. Dropping instantly to the right ty and sharply into the pit of his adver~ side of the fallen man, the expert draws — sary's stomach, and, never ceasing to twist the latter's right arm aeross his own right the helpless arm, pulls his opponent between the knee and hip, and presses against that foot. Terrible pain and pun- downward, With his left hand, placed ishment may be inflicted! by this continnedd against the fallen man’s chin, he pushes pressure on the stomach and twist on the ‘the latter's neck sharply to the lelt, having arm, after the man has fallen, a position in which the right arm Still another method of attack is to pull may be broken with 2 slight, quick pree- your opponent toward you, release sid- vonr grip om his sleeves, and bond d until your right arm, yell up toward the shaulder, is between his lees, ‘Then gripping his right leg, heave him to your shoulders, whenee he can he thrives ‘to the door with sufficient force ta knock the breath from hic b even kill him. As he goes down, the at- , thrusts a kites i s his head over with, ihe right hand, patm open, and twists the right arm with his left, Even though ‘only slightly injured by the fall, your ‘opponent is then powerless to: move. taker follows hi st which bears any Tn this disabling ‘trick, the grips with the hands on the sleeves of the juckets are taken as usual, Then the attacker suddenly releases the Alem Rit Movement of hold of it hand and throws his right arm in a circle around the left arm and hand of his adversary, trving to re- ease the latter's grip on the attacker's jacket, If he fails, he is completely at the merey of almost any attack his opponent wishes to press. But if he succeeds, he suddenly drives his extended right hand, fingers, into the solar plexus of ‘his adversary. Tf this blow is delivered properly, and the hand twisted accurately ‘as it is plunged into the body, the man ‘Combinstian Pall 9, Which wha Attacker Whi MN Gppanect ver Hi Shir new, the Some Tr receiving it doubles stantly with pain, and is helpless as well as de- fenseless to any atlack the deliverer of the poke may care to use ugh many of the tricks of jiu-jitsa are eon cerned with the neck, arms and upper part of the body, there are others ‘are warked an the Tees, ohh the eles and holds on the arms and neck being brought into inse later, after the op- ponent has been tempo- rarily disabled. One of the elements in thie sport, of course, is surprise, so.rmuch man attacked never knows form that attack will take, whether it be Mow, paralyziog grip, of equally dangerous twist. Que of the best defenses against surprise, and, indeed, against all attacks, is the sudden drop ping. full length, t0 the floor hy the contestant attacked. As he falls, preferably on his right side, he hooks his right foot bebiind the left leg speed wi D finding himself “ap in the air” on the foot of the man he so recently forced to the floor, This trick, 1 we, never has been shown in country, and there are only a few fiuaitew experts, even in Japan, who are sufficiently trained to at- einige it, Another interesting trick is Known as the foot throw. When we attacker shifts his grip on the jacket, preparatory to a surprise movertent, the attacked sudde raises his left foot, thrusts it into the pit of the attacker's stomach, and fall easily backward tothe Moor, pulling his man with him, yet holding him aloft on the ex- ended left foot and leg. The at- tacker is virtually helpless, and may be thrown end over end by a stidden heave and the simultaneous release of the grip of the attacked ‘om his jacket. In all the 280 tricks known to af the attacker, just above the ankle, and drives his leit foot directly against the leit kneecap of his opponent. Lf this ma- neuver is executed quickly enough, the at tacker's leg will be brokea at the knee. oF, less press erted, the pain will to imense that he will drop backward to the floor, or ery out that he yielMs, If the man so trapped elects 10 try to escape the foot grip ‘hy falling to the floor, the man who trapped hhim must feap forward, ina fraction of a sec cond, thrust his feft foot into the groin of the \ fallen adversary, and ‘ twist the latter's righ foot until he yield Failure to. make move with suf ENE pet nul Baws hice wm eae Ometes ww 3 © 3P:000 sears of experien jitsu, we must keep i mind that the first and fundamental training of sport is in the art either of his own volition or when thrown, The jiu-jiten ‘he floor in any direction landing in virtually any himself, even thongh the floor be unprotected by a rs, to upset the hal~ ance of his adversary, fall him, and lit erally compel the other man to-throw hinsselt, Likewise, he ean permit Himself to fall, oF even to be thrown, when such iall 0 Nis advantage, and to the st opponent: Indeed, the present-day science of jiuzjitsy is the accumulation of ov the operation ‘of the laws of phiysies and dynamics. FORCED INTO TREES /05,7 Fursigants, such as hydrocyante a ¢ being injected into pine trees to eo fol the spread of harkbeetles and other ial insects. Scientists say that, at he present sage f the experiments, tree as well as beetle is killed, hey now are hope- ul of finding a dos- wee that will kill ihe insects without arming the. tree. in applying the acid, containers filled with the fumigant are fastened to the tree above a nateh, that is cut in it, and the famigant taken up by the sap, stream through a rabbrbgr WC a BARKBEETLES SLAIN BY ACID DOZEN ROUNDS A SECOND FIRED BY NEW MACHINE GUN Browning air-cooled machine guns, ca- pable ef firing from minute, or at the rate of a dozen bullets |, mow are being used by some national-guard aviation units, the mare apd eepos krek oaintel eta seco: lanes in place of ¢ The latest weapons but more accurate thi ane equipped ired from 400 ta 609 rounds per minute, GO) to 800 rounds a he old guns, which are niot only faster, he older one: with compensating sights which move up and down with the wind in varying degrees of veloci thus making w im almost infal- litle, The guns are mounted in the rear cockpit of an observation plane for target practice. magazine can obtain, it from our Bureau of Information, The service fs free,

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