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Research Design

This study will be a cross-sectional survey to examine the relationship of the

internet addiction and suicide idea or attempt among adolescents in northwestern

Badia in Jordan in variety of school will be selected randomize

The total number of student affiliated in the 7th to 12th grades was 55178 students in

northwestern including male and female living in urban and rural areas, there was 34

secondary school in northwestern. All eligible students affiliated in grades 7, 8, 9, 10,

11 and 12 will be invited to participate in the study.


The target population for this study will be adolescent students, in 7 th – to 12th grade.

The participant will be excluded from who has a history of depression or mental

illness to decrease the effect of the external variable outcome. The sample size was

calculated to be 382 students as calculated using the Open EPI program based on the

following assumptions: power as 80%, response distribution as 50%, while

confidence interval and margin of error were set at 95% and 0.5%, respectively.

The instrument composed from two main parts; the first part explored the

demographic characteristics of the adolescents (10 items), it included questions on

age, gender, availability of Internet at home, place of Internet use, parents control on

the length of Internet use, control on the quality of websites used by the adolescents,

the average number of hours spent on the Internet after school, the average number of

hours spent on the Internet during holidays and the purpose of Internet use. The

second part of the questionnaire included the 20 items of young's internet addiction

test (YIAT) instrument, each item rated on a six-point Likert scale (Rarely,

occasionally, frequently, often, always and does not apply). The Arabic version of the

questionnaire was translated into Arabic and validated by Hawi, permission to use the

tool ( youngs internet addiction test) will be obtained from the author before the

conduct of the study.

Giving the fact that the Arabic language is the main language used by students in

Jordan and they can read and write in Arabic, all participants filled the Arabic version

of YIAT.


The data will collect from the students. They approached the students in their

classes. The questionnaires will distribute and explain to the students. To ensure an
anonymous environment; neither the data collectors nor the school teachers will

present during filling the questionnaires by the students.

Statistical Analysis:

Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows 22.0. , the spearman

correlation coefficient will be used to investigate the relationship between internet

addiction and suicide ideation or attempt. Also, frequencies and means will be used

to detect prevalence rates and average hours spent on the Internet. The association

between Internet addiction scores among different groups (i.e. males and females,

place of internet use and parental control) will be analyzed using t-tests.

Ethical Approvals:

Approvals to conduct this study were obtained from the Institute Review Board

the Hashemite University and the Ministry of Education in Jordan. Also, parents'

consent will be obtained for the students aged 18 years old or less. For the students

who agreed to participate in the study, consent forms along with an

explanation of the study purpose will be sent to the student's parents or the caregivers

to be signed before the data collection date. Also, students will be informed that they

can withdraw from the study at any time.


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