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Academic Year :2018-2019 Chaib Yahia Middle School

First Test of the First Term Grade :4MSY

Text :

Angela Dorothea Merkel is a German physicist ,research scientist and

politician who has been serving as Chancellor(Prime Minister) of Germany since

She is sixty-four year old.She has got round face,small nose,short blonde hair
and blue eyes.She is both charming and attractive

Merkel is a practical person who can think through any situation or problem.
She is intuitive and extrovert.She enjoys her solitude and prefers working alone. She needs time to
contemplate her ideas without the intrusion of other people’s thoughts.

Merkel graduated from the prestigious Academy of science in Berlin – Adlershof,completing a

doctorate with thesis in the field of chemistry.She joined the Democratic Awakening political party.
She was,then, appointed ‘Minister of Women and Youth’. She was classified fourth most powerful
person in the world in 2011.

Adapted from ‘The internet’

PART ONE/ 14 points

Reading Comprehension(7points)

I read the text and do the following tasks

Task one : I Answer the following questions (2pts)

1)- Who is Angela Merkel ?....................................................................................................................

2)-What does she look like?.....................................................................................................................

Task two :I read the following statements and write ‘ true’,’false’ or not mentioned (3pts)

1)-Merkel got married at the age of twenty- three .(………..)…………………………………………

2)- Angela like sharing her ideas with others.(……….)………………………………………………..

3)-She finished her studies then she joined political parties.(…………)………………………………

Task Three :Lexis

I find in the text words opposite in meaning to the following :(1pt)

Big ≠ …………………….. Solution ≠………………………

I find in the text words closest in meaning to the following :( 1pt)

Cute = …………………………. Influential =……………………

Mastery of language(7points)

Task one : I correct the underlined mistakes : (2pts)

I is active. I likes do my homework and practise sport.


Task two : I write the correct form of the verbs in brackets(3pts)

Operah Winfrey (to be)……………the most influential person on television anywhere in the
world.She (to enter)………………Tennessee State University in 1971.She (to become)…..................
an excellent student and began working in a radio and television broadcasting in Nashville.

Task Three : I classify the following verbs according to their final ‘s’ sounds (2pts)

Enjoys – prefers – likes – watches

/ S / cuts / Z / sings / IZ / brushes

PART TWO :(6pts)

Situation of Integration

Write a paragraph about yourself. Talk about your :

-Physical appearance- your personality – your likes and dislikes



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