Final Ger Syllbus Jan16 Bridging 2016 After DR Modification

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Course Title: Geriatric Nursing

Course Designation: NURS441

Computer Number: 1610-441 (Academic Year:2015/16- 1436 /37)
Course Credits: 2 Bridging Program
Duration: 16 weeks
E-Learning: Blackboard Available

Course Description:
The course provides information to prepare the students to provide high quality nursing care of the
elderly. It includes theories and concepts of aging, demographic transition, and morbidity and mortality
rates among Saudi elderly population. The physiologic and psychosocial changes and problems
associated with these process, and the appropriate nursing interventions include nursing care,
management, health teaching and utilize appropriate referral to appropriate community resources.
Ethical and legal aspects of caring for the elderly are addressed. Application of the nursing process,
levels of prevention including health promotion, specific protection measures, early detection, diagnosis
and prompt treatment to prevent further complications, disability limitation and rehabilitation.

Learning outcomes:
A. Knowledge:
a.1 Define of terms concerning gerontology, geriatric nursing, senility and aging.
a.2 Identify the process of aging including physical, psychological and social changes of the elderly.
a.3 Recall the major causes of morbidity and morality of the elderly.
a.4 Recognize the common nutritional problems of the elderly.
a.5 Identify the factors affecting nutritional habits of the elderly.
a.6 State the impact of environment on physical & psychological health of the elderly.
a.7 Identify knowledge of coping mechanism with retirement.
a.8 list activities for health promotion and wellness of the elderly.
a.9 Identify resources and services provided for the elderly.
a.10 Define the major roles of gerontological nurse considering application of knowledge related to
the process of the elderly.
B. Cognitive Skills
b.1 Describe the most common health problems of the elderly.
b.2 Analyses the life style patterns of the elderly.
b.3 Discuss accident prevention of the elderly.
b.4 Summarize the major roles of gerontological nurse considering application of knowledge related
to the process of the elderly normal changes ( physiological ,physical ,social and psychological ).
b.5 Identify the various types of elderly abuse.
b.6 Apply evidence based in geriatric nursing practice.
b.7 Plan care effectively considering changes in aging process

C. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility:

c.1 Communicate effectively in class discussion and role play.
c.2 Demonstrate capacity for self-directed learning
c.3 Work effectively in teamwork
D. Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills:
d.1 -Demonstrate responsibility in using information and communication technology.

Geriatric Nursing:2015/2016 Page 1

Course Content:
1. Introduction to gerontological nursing and governmental health resources for the elderly in
Saudi Arabia.
2. Demographic transition of elderly population & epidemiology of morbidity and mortality in
the elderly.
3. Normal changes of the elderly (e.g. physiological, physical, social & psychological).
4. Health promotion and disease prevention.
5. Common Communicable diseases affecting the elderly.
6. Common Non - Communicable diseases affecting the elderly.
7. Chronic illness and rehabilitation among elderly.
8. Palliative and end of life care.

Teaching/ Learning Methods:

- Lectures,
- Discussions (Large and small group discussion and brainstorming)
- Topic presentation, cases studies & case presentation.
- Tutorial.
- Independent self-study
- Critical thinking skills (Apply the concepts of nursing process, levels of prevention primary health
care and evidence based geriatric nursing practice)
1. Continuous assessment: 50 %
1.1 Quiz 10 %
1.2 Mid-term written examination 20 %
1.3 Assignments 20 %
Topic presentation 10%
Student Project 10%

2. Final written examination 50%

1. Ivo, Abraham, Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice. New York: Springer
Publishing Co., 1999.
2. Springhouse. Handbook of Geriatric Nursing Care.2nd Lippincott Williams & Wilkins2003
Recommended Books:
1. Meiner S. Gerontologic Nursing. Fourth edition. St. Louis, Missouri Mosby.2011
2. Wallace M. Essential of gerontoloical Nursing, USA. Mosby, 2007
3. Mauk K L. Gerontological Nursing: Competencies for Care.2010

1. Journal of Geriatric nursing.
2. Journal of Home Health Care.

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