Profile of The Participants: Results and Discussion

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This chapter shows the results and discussion answering the problem stated in Chapter 1
specifically in the Statement of the problem.
Profile of the Participants
Profile Variables f (n=243) %
17 years old 16 6.58
18 years old 166 68.31
19 years old 61 25.10
Male 116 47.74
Female 127 52.26
Table 1. Profile of the Participants

The results in the Table 1 shows that as to age most of the participants are 18 years old 166
(68.31%), followed by the 19 years old 61 (25.10%), and lastly 17 years old 16 (6.58%).
Table 1 also shows that as to sex of the participants, most of them are females with a number of
127 (52.26%) of the population while the males are 116 (47.74%).
Students’ Knowledge towards Independent Learning
Table 2. Students’ Knowledge towards Independent Learning
II. Students’ Knowledge Towards Independent Learning
1. I am aware that I have the opportunity to check on my learning progress and 3.4 0.8
evaluate my work when I learn independently 2 0
2. I am aware that through independent learning, I can develop the value, attitude, 3.2 0.8
expertise, and skills necessary to make educated. 6 5
3.3 0.7
3. I am learning to learn when I work Independently. SA
4 8
4. I am aware that through independent learning, I am provided with opportunities
3.3 0.8
and interactions that promote motivation, curiosity, self-confidence, and self- SA VG
2 0
5. I am aware that I have the responsibility for my workload, activities, and 3.4 0.7
deadlines to achieve academic success. 6 8
6. I am aware that I can improve my self-confidence, autonomy, motivation and 3.3 0.8
lifelong learning skills through self-directed learning. 1 9
7. I am aware that in learning independently, I can choose materials based on my 3.3 0.8
interests. 7 8
3.4 0.7
Average SA VG
1 7

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Description

4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very Good (VG)
3 2.50-3.24 Agree (A) Good (G)
2 1.75-2.49 Disagree (D) Poor (P)
1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Poor (VP)

The table 2 shows the students’ knowledge towards independent learning, the indicator I am

aware that I have the responsibility for my workload, activities, and deadlines to achieve

academic success has the highest mean of ( Ḿ =3.46, SD=0.78). This can be verbally

interpreted as strongly agree with a qualitative description of very good. (insert discussion

here, cite related studies to support this result)

However, the indicator I am aware that through independent learning, I can develop the

value, attitude, expertise, and skills necessary to make educated, has the lowest mean ( Ḿ

=3.26, SD=0.85) which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree with a qualitative description

of very good. (insert discussion here, cite related studies to support this result, take not that

despite being the lowest rating indicator, it is still qualitatively described as very good,

please consider that in your discussion)

On the average, the students’ knowledge towards independent learning is verbally

interpreted as strongly agree and qualitatively describes as very good ( Ḿ =3.41, SD=0.77).

(insert supporting discussion in this part)

Students’ Attitude towards Independent Learning

Table 3. Students’ Knowledge towards Independent Learning
II. Students’ Attitude Towards Independent Learning M SD VI QD
3.3 0.8
1. I learn best when I work independently. SA VG
2 7
3.3 0.8
2. I am willing to learn because learning is based on my knowledge and interest. SA VG
5 8
3. I feel that independent learning teaches me to be a self-directed lifelong 3.3 0.8
learner. 3 6
4. I am open to learning because I take responsibility for my own learning. 3.3 0.8 SA VG
0 4
3.2 0.8
5. I feel empowered because the learning accountability is transferred to me. SA VG
6 9
6. I am motivated to learn because I am able to recognize my learning needs by 3.5 2.6
my own. 1 2
3.4 0.8
7. I feel happy because I am able to discover my self-regulatory learning skills. SA VG
0 2
3.4 0.8
Average SA VG
2 8
3.4 0.8
General Average SA VG
2 3

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Description

4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very Good (VG)
3 2.50-3.24 Agree (A) Good (G)
2 1.75-2.49 Disagree (D) Poor (P)
1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Poor (VP)

Table 3 shows the students’ attitude towards independent learning. The indicator I am

motivated to learn because I am able to recognize my learning needs by my own has the

highest mean of ( Ḿ =3.51, SD=2.62). This can be verbally interpreted as strongly agree with

a qualitative description of very good. (insert discussion here, cite related studies to support

this result)

However, the indicator I feel empowered because the learning accountability is

transferred to me, has the lowest mean ( Ḿ =3.26, SD=0.89) which is verbally interpreted as

strongly agree with a qualitative description of very good. (insert discussion here, cite

related studies to support this result, take not that despite being the lowest rating indicator,

it is still qualitatively described as very good, please consider that in your discussion)

On the average, the students’ attitude towards independent learning as a factor of students’

knowledge and attitude towards independent learning is verbally interpreted as strongly

agree and qualitatively describes as very good ( Ḿ =3.42, SD=0.88). (insert supporting

discussion here)

Summary Table
Factors M SD VI QD
Knowledge 0.7
3.41 SA VG
Attitude 0.8
3.42 SA VG
General Average 0.8
3.42 SA VG
Table 4. Summary Table

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Description

4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very Good (VG)
3 2.50-3.24 Agree (A) Good (G)
2 1.75-2.49 Disagree (D) Poor (P)
1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Poor (VP)

In table 5, the students’ attitude got the highest mean (M=3.42, SD=0.88), which can be

verbally interpreted as strongly agree and qualitatively described as very good. Among all the

factors, knowledge got the lowest mean (M=3.41, SD=0.77), which can be verbally interpreted as

strongly agree and qualitatively described as very good. On general average, The Students’

Knowledge and Attitude towards Independent learning in terms of knowledge and attitude is

verbally interpreted as strongly agree and qualitatively described as very good (M=3.42,

SD=0.83). (In this part, just discuss what does it mean with these averages. What does it

says about the knowledge and attitude of students in IL?)

Significant Difference between the factors and age

Table 5.
Dependen SS MS
Profile df F p-value Decision
t Effect Effect
5.21 2 2.61 4.48 0.0123 Reject Ho
Age e
Attitude 10.04 2 5.02 6.79 0.0013 Reject Ho
*Analysis of Variance is significant at 0.05 level

It can be seen in Table 5 that there is a significant difference on the factors, knowledge and

attitude when grouped according to their age (p-values= 0.0123, 0.0013, respectively), thus the

null hypothesis was rejected. This means that in terms of age, whether male or female it does

matter when it comes to independent learning. (Support this result with related studies. Separate

discussion for knowledge, and attitude)

Significant Difference between the factors and sex

Table 6.
Dependen SS MS
Profile df F p-value Decision
t Effect Effect
1.13 1 1.13 4.48 0.1706 Do not reject Ho
Sex e
Attitude 4.13 1 4.13 6.79 0.0205 Reject Ho

It can

be gleaned in Table 6 that the students’ knowledge has no significant difference when grouped

according to their sex (p-values=0.1706), thus null hypothesis is not rejected. However, the

students’ attitude towards Independent Learning when grouped according to their sex rejected

the null hypothesis (p-value=0.0205), thus there is a significant difference of the attitude towards

independent learning between male and female students. (insert supporting discussion in this part

with related studies)

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