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What is NOVA?
NOVA is a rules-lite, action packed tabletop RPG. In the world
of NOVA, the sun has exploded, and the players will need to
pilot powerful exosuits to explore the ruins left behind on
our now darkened planet. There are great dangers out there,
so be ready for a fight!
NOVA is an Illuminated by LUMEN game, and so is designed
for fast paced, but easy to play combat. It’s a power fantasy!
Combat is focused on quick turns, using devastating powers,
and wiping out waves of enemies that stand in your way.

What is This?
This is the NOVA RPG quick start. Inside you’ll find a pared
down version of the game. The goal is to highlight some of
the key features of NOVA, enough to give you a taste of what
the game is all about. No text in here is final.
You won’t find all of the rules. In fact, this has been written to
allow you to play a very quick one-shot of NOVA, with little
time being used for prep. That means rules for character
creation and advancement won’t be found here. Instead, get
right to the action and see how NOVA feels!
Check out the last page for details on some of the other
features that will be included in the final version!
Going Supernova
Some time ago, our sun exploded. It didn’t exactly…fully
explode, but broke apart. When it did, shards of sun crossed
the solar system, and smashed into our earth and moon.
Humanity was devastated, nearly wiped out. The moon was
now stuck in the sky, a glowing pockmarked beacon of our

The Sunwells
We’ve rebuilt. The shards of sun planted themselves into the
surface, and cooled. Humanity has begun to huddle around
these shards, harnessing them for warmth and light. And
now, with the advent of the sunwells, we can tap into their
near limitless energy as well.
In a twist of fate, this new source of energy is skyrocketing us
forward in our tech. The cities being built around the
sunwells are a hybrid of the ruins of old earth, and the
technology of new terra. We’re ready to face the dark.

The Sparks
We built powerful exosuits, fueled by the energy of the
sunwells. These suits, named Sparks, are sturdy enough to
explore the darkness beyond the safety of the sunwells, and
powerful enough to defend themselves, and us, from
whatever lurks out there.
You are those Sparks. Old earth is filled with ruins, and in
those ruins are the tech and knowledge we need to rebuild.
There are threats out there, in the Dusk, that would take the
sun for themselves, or see it snuffed out entirely.
It’s time to bring a new dawn.
NOVA is a conversation between the Sparks and the GM. The
game goes back and forth between frenetic fighting, and
moments of respite, exploration, and recovery.
When a Spark attempts something, and the success or failure
of that action is meaningful, they must roll.
When Sparks act, and there is no risk, there is no need to roll.

Core Mechanic
When a Spark describes a risky action, the GM will decide
what Attribute (Sun, Moon, Shade) best describes the way in
which the Spark is acting. You can find examples of these
being used in and out of combat on the next page.
The Spark will roll a number of d6 equal to the Attribute, and
keep the highest roll.
• 1-2: Failure, with a consequence
• 3-4: Success, with a consequence
• 5-6: Success, full effect with no consequence
Consequences can be any complication for the situation. The
Spark may have tripped an alarm, or accidentally damaged
the console they were interacting with.
The one exception to using the core mechanic is when the
Sparks are using their Powers. You will find rules for Powers
(page 4) and combat (page 6) later in this document.
While each Spark was made to specialize in a certain aspect
of war, they all share common features.
Attributes: Sun, Moon, and Shade.
Health: Amount of Harm a Spark can take.
Fuel: Resource that allows the Sparks to use their Power.
Powers: Unique to the Spark, giving the Spark its purpose.
The Attributes reflect how a Spark is attempting to resolve an
action, instead of what they are doing. There are no skill lists
in NOVA. Generally speaking, Sun actions are powerful, Moon
are quick, and Shade are practiced. Here are examples:
Sun: Brute-forcing an old Earth console, smashing through a
door or barrier, enduring a strenuous weight.
Moon: Quickly hacking a console, threading the needle,
avoiding harm or detection.
Shade: Carefully unlocking a console, assessing a situation or
location, knowing when to act.
Each Spark has Powers that are unique to them. One Power is
passive, marked with a (P), and is always in effect. The other
Powers are active, and require spending 1 Fuel to be used.
While these Powers can be used at any time, they are most
typically used during combat (page 6).

Sparks also have a Supernova Power, which activates when

they drop to 0 Health.
The following four Sparks are included in the quick start. The
rules and text do not represent their final form, and the
modification and advancement system is not included with
this document.
The Sparks are already made and ready for your first mission!

Pyre-class exosuits were designed when humanity realized
there were dangerous things out in the Dusk. This Spark
wields a fiery blade and is focused on dishing out as much
damage as possible to your enemies.
As our grasp of sunwell tech expanded, so did the abilities of
the Sparks. The Scorch-class exosuit is designed to ignite the
battlefield, and anyone on it. Their suits are more fragile than
others, given their volatile payload, but it’s worth it.
One of the earlier Sparks created, the Voyager-class exosuit is
designed for quick movement and stealth, to support it on its
reconnaissance and scouting missions. The Voyager toolkit
helps every Spark in the squad deal with any threat they
come across in the Dusk.
Larger caravans and Spark parties bring the attention of the
worst in the Dusk. The Warden-class exosuit was designed to
protect anyone in their retinue, and to smash the enemies of
humanity into dust.
Rounds & Turns
When a round begins, all Sparks take a turn, in whichever
order they like. Any Spark may be the first to act during a
fight. During their turn, a Spark can move and complete one
An action is typically using a Power, though it can also be
interacting with the environment in a way that requires a roll.
After each Spark has had a turn, the GM will take their turn.
When this is done, the round is over, and a new one begins.

Movement isn’t measured, and instead uses abstract range.
When moving, the Spark moves one range unit towards or
away from a target.

Movement and range are abstractly determined:
Close: In melee, or a few steps away.
Near: A short sprint away.
Far: A large distance must be crossed.

Harm & Health

When a character takes Harm, it is subtracted from their
Health. Enemies at 0 Health are dead. When a Spark’s Health
reaches 0, they go Supernova. They immediately resolve their
Supernova Power, and then are considered dormant and
cannot act until revived.
To revive a dormant Spark, spend a turn to bring them back
to half their Health and Fuel, rounded up.
GM’s Turn
After each Spark has had a turn, the GM does the following:
1. Generate Drops: Roll a d6 for each enemy killed. Rolls of
1-2 drop 1 Health, and 3-6 drop 1 Fuel.
2. Choose 1 enemy per Spark and activate one of their
moves or deal Harm. Then, describe a meaningful change
to the fight. This could be a change in enemy tactics,
arrival of reinforcements, destruction of the environment,
or anything else that will change the Spark’s tactics the
next time they act.
The Sparks should decide who wants the drops generated
that round. Any drops that aren’t claimed disappear.
The fight continues with whichever Spark would like to act
first, continuing the cycle of Sparks taking turns acting and
the GM updating the fight after they have all acted.

After the Fight

Once combat is complete, the GM generates the final set of
Drops, and then all Sparks regain 1 Health and Fuel. Time to
continue the mission!

Sun: 4 Moon: 2 Shade: 1

Slash (P): Deal 1 Harm to a Close enemy at start of your turn.

Dash: Deal 2 Harm to a Close target, or 3 Harm if you moved

before activating Dash.
Singe: Cast a fiery arc with your solar blade. All enemies
within Close of you take 1 Harm.
Finisher: Move with lightning speed, dealing 1 Harm to every
injured enemy within Near range of you.
Hunter: Hurl a flaming spear at a Far enemy, dealing 1 Harm.
At the start of the next round, you can choose to instantly
teleport next to that enemy.

Supernova: Choose a single enemy at any range. Run up to

them and deal Harm equal to your Sun.
Sun: 2 Moon: 2 Shade: 3

Controlled Fire (P): Once per GM turn, you can change a
Drop from one type to the other (e.g. Health to Fuel).

Engulf: Your Spark is wreathed in flame. Until the end of your

next turn, any Close enemies take 2 Harm.
Erupt: Columns of flame burst from the ground, up to Near. 3
Harm to target, and 1 to anyone Close to them.
Snuff Out: Target an injured enemy at any range. They take
Harm equal to your Shade.
Kindling: Choose a number of targets up to your Sun, at any
range. Enemies take 1 Harm, allies recover 1 Health or Fuel.

Supernova: All damaged enemies immediately take Harm

equal to your Sun. Allies recover Health equal to your Shade.
Sun: 1 Moon: 4 Shade: 2

Marked (P): At the start of your turn, Mark any two enemies.
Marks remain until they have been used.

Seek: Choose 1 Marked enemy. They take +1 Harm from all

sources until start of next round. Uses Mark.
Destroy: Fire a salvo of homing explosives. Every Marked
enemy takes 2 Harm. Targets lose Mark.
HoloSpark: Deploy a decoy Spark at up to Near range.
Marked enemies will target the decoy. HoloSpark ends at the
end of the round. Uses Mark of affected enemies.
Swap: Switch positions with Target Near or Far Marked
enemy. Uses Mark of targeted enemy.

Supernova: Fire off a solar shard for each point of Moon you
have. Shards can hit any range, and deal 2 Harm each.
Sun: 4 Moon: 1 Shade: 2

Unstoppable Force (P): While moving, 1 Close enemy is
stunned and cannot act this round.

Bulwark: Slam down a gigantic shield. You and all Close allies
take -1 Harm until the end of the round.
Bull: Choose a Near or Far location and rush towards it. Any
enemy on the path takes 1 Harm. You may pick up and drop
off allies along the way as well.
Crush & Throw: Target Close enemy is crushed in your grip for
2 Harm, and then can be thrown to a Near location. Enemies
at that location take 1 Harm.
Over Here: Recover Health equal to your Sun as you roar out
a challenge to your foes. All enemies must attack you until
the start of your next turn.

Supernova: Send a shock wave through the ground. Target

enemies equal to your Sun, that then take 2 Harm and are
stunned for the rest of the round.
The Sparks have many enemies that they fight in the Dusk.
Enemies have these characteristics, though they might not
have all of them.
Health: How much Harm they take before dying.
Harm: Amount of damage done to the target. Enemy Harm is
described as how much Harm is dealt at certain ranges.
Moves: The actions, reactions, motives, and tactics that
enemies use during combat. If the GM is unclear what an
enemy is doing, consult their moves. These are typically used
in reaction to Spark rolls, or during the GM’s Turn.

Example Enemies
Feral Hound Lunar Cultist
Health: 2 Health: 2
Harm: 1, Close Harm: 2 Close, 1 Near
Moves: Moves:
• Pounce from behind • Pull with gravitational force
• Howl to the moon • Shed blood to sate the moon
• Attack from two sides • Cast an arcane ritual

Corvus Soldier Shadeshot

Health: 3 Health: 3
Harm: 1 Close; 2 Near Harm: 3 Far
Moves: Moves:
• Fire a hail of bullets • Blend into the environment
• Attempt to find cover • Fire on the most vulnerable
• Take flight when pressed • Absorb a Spark’s Fuel
For this quick start, use the following prompts to describe the
mission the Sparks will go on. Fill in the gaps, explore the
ruins together, play to find out, and have fun.

Seek and Destroy

One of the altered megafauna in the region has been testing
our walls lately, and they seem to have built a pack around
them. Find them, deal with them.

Light the Way

Recent contact with a neighboring city means opportunities
for trade, and safety in numbers. Clear a route between the
locations so caravans can safely make the journey.

The latest reports indicate an old earth factory may house
some tech we could use for manufacturing goods. Find it,
clear out the raiders on site, and secure the equipment for

Moon’s Fate
A lunar shard has attracted a group of cultists, and their
rituals have picked up in pace. Seek out the shard and deal
with the cultists. Bring the shard back, since we might make
use of it. Hopefully it won’t attract too much attention…
Thank you for checking out the NOVA quick start! I hope you
enjoyed reading it, and playing if you got a chance. This is
just a taste of what the full book will have. Here are some
things to look forward to in the complete NOVA book:
• 6+ Sparks.
• FLARE System: Advancement system through modifying
your Spark. Mods are slotted into Powers to give them an
even more unique feel, letting players go for “builds” for
each Spark.
• Multiple enemy factions for the Sparks to fight.
• Guidance for developing your city, the location of your
sunwell, and home.
• Rules for generating missions, and the ruins to explore.
• Beautiful art by Eddie Yorke.
• Incredible layout by Julie-Anne Muñoz.
• And more!

If you enjoyed the quick start, please consider supporting the

Kickstarter for NOVA by following, backing, and sharing it
with others. This game can’t become a reality without you!

You can always find me on Twitter @GilaRPGs.

Consider joining our Gila RPGs discord, where we talk about

NOVA and a bunch of other games!

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