Automatic Guiding Computer: Technical Description

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SDG-7_1_9 engl.

Automatic Guiding Computer

Technical Description

Operating Instructions
Date of Issue: September 2011
2 SDG-7_1_9

Copyright © Plasser & Theurer

All rights reserved, particularly the right to produce copies, to distribute these copies, as
well to translate the work. Without written consent of Plasser & Theurer no part of this work
may be reproduced in any form (photocopy, microfilm or other methods) or stored,
processed, copied or distributed with the help of electronic systems.
SDG-7_1_9 3

Table of Contents Page

1 GENERAL INFORMATION....................................................................................... 4
2 HOW TO OPERATE THE COMPUTER ................................................................... 5
2.1 CONTROL ELEMENTS AND DRIVES ............................................................... 5
2.1.1 COMPUTER FRONT VIEW.............................................................................. 5
2.1.2 CONTROL KEYS AND STATUS INDICATION ................................................ 5
2.1.3 DRIVES ............................................................................................................ 6
2.2 15 INCH SCREEN .............................................................................................. 6
2.2.1 BUILT-ON SCREEN ......................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 BUILT-IN SCREEN........................................................................................... 7
2.3 KEYBOARD........................................................................................................ 7
2.3.1 NEW KEYBOARD ............................................................................................ 8
2.3.2 KEYBOARD DESCRIPTION: ........................................................................... 9
2.3.3 CONTROL KEYS ........................................................................................... 10
2.3.4 KEY COMBINATION: “SHIFT” KEY AND CONTROL KEY ............................ 11
2.3.5 KEY COMBINATION “CTRL” AND CONTROL KEY ...................................... 11
3 TURNING THE COMPUTER ON / OFF. ................................................................ 12
3.1 TURNING THE COMPUTER ON. .................................................................... 12
3.2 TURNING THE COMPUTER OFF.................................................................... 14
4 STARTING AND CLOSING OF PROGRAMS. ....................................................... 14
4.1 A WINDOW OR PROGRAM DOES NOT RESPOND ...................................... 14
5 INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS .................................................... 15
6 STORAGE AND HANDLING OF FLOPPY DISKS, CDS, DVDS ............................ 15
7 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS .............................................................................. 16
7.1 VOLTAGE SUPPLY.......................................................................................... 16
7.2 FUSES.............................................................................................................. 17
7.3 REPLACEMENT OF PRINTED-CIRCUIT BOARDS ........................................ 17
7.4 WELDING WORK............................................................................................. 17
8 SYSTEM RECOVERY WITH THE RECOVERY CD / DVD .................................... 18
9 UPDATING OF WINALC PARAMETERS............................................................... 19
10 BIOS SETUP, SETTING THE START ORDER OF DRIVES. ................................. 20
11 TECHNICAL INFORMATION AS IN 2011 .............................................................. 20
11.1 COMPUTER: .................................................................................................... 20
11.2 MONITOR:........................................................................................................ 20
12 ERROR DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 21
4 SDG-7_1_9

1 General information
The term WinALC means “Windows Automatischer Leit Computer” (Windows Automatic
Guiding Computer).
The programme is determined to automatically output target values for the lining, levelling
and pendulum units.
Working with the WinALC requires basic knowledge of Windows.
The instructions on the WinALC programme do not contain any Windows descriptions.

The WinALC fulfils the following tasks:

1. In case track geometry is known:

a) Input of target geometry data
- automatic calculation and output of the required target values for the lining and
levelling system, including superelevation values.
b) Input or acceptance of correction values from track surveying.
- These values can be loaded in working mode together with target geometry
In this way, track geometry is corrected in the precision method.
c) (Option)
Use of the curve laser in connection with target geometry values.
- In this case defects in alignment and level are measured during working
mode and transferred to the measuring system.

2. In case track geometry is unknown:

recording of the relative track geometry.

- automatic compensation calculation and subsequent output of the resulting target
values for the lining and levelling system, including superelevation values.

3. (OPTION) Laser measuring run:

- Recording of lifting and slewing values by laser measurement.
SDG-7_1_9 5

2 How to operate the computer

2.1 Control elements and drives

2.1.1 Computer front view

1 Control keys
2 Status indicators
3 Drive cover

2.1.2 Control keys and status indication

1 On/off button
2 Computer reset button
3 Green indicator: lit when the PC
is on.
4 Yellow indicator: is lit during
reading or writing access to the
hard disk.
5 Green indicator: the PC power
supply is ready for service
6 Red indicator: indicates
insufficient external power
(External voltage <23 Volt )
6 SDG-7_1_9

2.1.3 Drives

1. Drive cover.
Press and shift to the left to open.
2. DVD burning device
3. 3.5“ floppy disk device (1.44 MB).
4. USB connections
5. Button to open the CD ROM drive.
To close press it at any other place.
6. Lamp indicating reading and writing access
7. Floppy disk ejection button

2.2 15 Inch Screen

Different monitors are used on different types of machines.

2.2.1 Built-On Screen

1 Screen cover
2 Clamping lever
3 Latching lever for
inclination adjustment
4 Locking lever for
inclination adjustment
SDG-7_1_9 7

The screen cover (1) is used as an antiglare device and protects the screen from damage.
The screen is tiltable by 90°. The latching lever (3) protects it from tilting backwards. For
unlocking pull the latching lever forward.
The locking lever (4) locks the screen in the chosen position.
To change the position of the locking lever pull it out and turn it.

Caution: Do not pull the locking lever by force!

2.2.2 Built-in Screen

The computer on/off button and a USB connection with cover are fitted in the screen

Buttons and a LED are fitted on the left hand side of the screen frame.
The uppermost button is the ON/OFF button for the screen. The LED shows green, when
the screen is on and receives image signals. The orange light indicates that no image
signal is being sent. The LED is extinguished when the screen is off.
The other 4 buttons are used to navigate in the OSD (on-screen display) menu.

2.3 Keyboard
As is common practice for the use of computers, the devices should be
operated with clean hands (fingers).
Working on the touch pad with oily fingers can cause lasting damage!
8 SDG-7_1_9

1 Esc key 12 Space bar

2 Keyboard template (control keys) 13 Alt Gr key
3 Control keys F1 to F12 14 Shift key
4 Status indicators 15 Ctrl keys
5 Numeral keys 16 Enter key
6 Backspace key 17 Directional keys
7 Tabulator 18 L. h. mouse key
8 Shift fixing key 19 R. h. mouse key
9 Shift key 20 Mouse panel (touch pad)
10 Ctrl key 21 Keyboard connection
11 Alt key 22 Mouse connection

2.3.1 New keyboard

SDG-7_1_9 9

2.3.2 Keyboard description:

Tabulator activates the next selection / input box

Shift fixing key Locks the “shift” key.
(capitals instead of small letters or special characters instead of
digits). The LOCK lamp lit means that the key has been activated.
For entering the password or digits the shift fixing key must not be
Hit the shift key or hit the shift fixing key once again to switch to small
letters (LOCK LED goes off).
Shift key Shifts to capitals.
Ctrl, Alt, Alt Gr System keys for various combinations, see menu selection (Control,
Alternative, Alternative Graphics).
Space bar Space between two characters. For data input: selection of side of
curve, superelevation, gradient, slewing and lifting
Enter key to confirm inputs via keyboard or pre-selected menu selection.
Back deletes the last entered character.
Print If hit together with the Ctrl. or Alt key this accepts the screen display or
programme display. The Shift and Insert keys insert this display in a
word file.
Scroll not used
Pause not used
Insert inserts the selected element
Delete deletes the selected element
Position 1 In the target geometry entering mode hit this key together with the Alt
key to change from alignment and superelevation value input to
longitudinal level value input.
End hit this key together with the Alt key to change from longitudinal level
value input to alignment and superelevation value input.
Page ↑ moves the screen display up
Page ↓ moves the screen display down
Directional keys Shifts the positioning line in graphic mode: to the left/right = in 1-m
intervals, Ctrl and l.h./r.h. = in 10-m intervals, up/down by 10% of the
set scale
Esc closes an opened menu window.
10 SDG-7_1_9

2.3.3 Control keys

Control keys are used to perform the various programme functions. The template supplied
together with the system shows in its left-hand top corner the ranges of use and in the
corresponding row the symbols assigned to the the respective functions.

Key Field of application Action

F1 Opens the help texts
Measuring run Sets alignment reference points, such as, e. g. start
/ end of curve, press to the other rail, etc.
Working mode Turns off the synchronisation buzzer
Measuring run Marks superelevation events
Working mode Acknowledges the synchronisation point (starting
from <10 m)
Measuring run Marks changes in gradient
Working mode Acknowledges the synchronisation point (<10 m)
F5 Editing Sets a constant alignment area
Measuring run Sets a constraint point
Data input Inserts several lines
Measuring run Sets start / end of constraint area
Data input Copies the last line
Measurement Sets a synchronisation point
Data input Inserts a line
F9 Data input Deletes the highlighted line
Editing Opens superelevation input
F 10
Determines the line direction with the help of the
Working mode arrow keys
F 11 If a file has been Changes between graphic and table display mode
If a file has been
F 12 Connects both windows (graphic and table)
SDG-7_1_9 11

2.3.4 Key combination: “shift” key and control key

Key Field of application Action
Shift +F 1 Opens help files on the respective topic
Shift +F 2 Editing measurements Skips to the next alignment marker
Shift +F 3 Editing measurements Skips to the next superelevation marker
Shift +F 4 Editing measurements Skips to the next change-in-gradient marker

Shift +F 5 Editing measurements Sets a constant longitudinal level area

Shift +F 6 Editing measurements Skips to the next constraint point
Shift +F 7
Shift +F 8 Data input Skips to the next synchronisation point
Shift +F 9 Editing measurements Starts alignment calculation
Shift +F 10
Shift +F 11 Working mode Starts / prepares working mode
Shift +F 12 If a file has been Opens the scale setting table

2.3.5 Key combination “Ctrl” and control key

Key Field of application Action
Ctrl +F 1
Ctrl +F 2 Editing measurements Back to previous alignment marker
Ctrl +F 3 Editing measurements Back to previous superelevation marker
Ctrl +F 4 Editing measurements Back to previous next change-in-gradient
Ctrl +F 5
Ctrl +F 6 Editing measurements Back to previous constraint point
Ctrl +F 7
Ctrl +F 8 Data input Back to previous synchronisation point
Ctrl +F 9 Editing measurements Starts longitudinal level calculation
Ctrl +F 10 Editing measurements Deletes target superelevation input
Ctrl +F 11 If a file has been opened Opens file information
If a file has been opened
Alt +F 12 and the graphic window Selects optimum display scale
has been activated
12 SDG-7_1_9

3 Turning the computer on / off.

The computer can be put into operation only when the user names and corresponding
passwords are used.
The following groups are given a user authorisation:

Authorisation User name Password

1. Operating crew user alc
2. Service personnel service1 ……
3. For factory settings …… ……

Users logged in with the user name ”user” cannot, among other things, modify the
operating system or install additional programmes!

Important Information:
In order to prevent possible damages to the drives (FDD, CD-ROM) by unacceptable
shocks, the computer must not be on during transit and shunting runs, as well as during
travels to and from the worksite.I

3.1 Turning the computer on.

Provide voltage supply to the computer, do not turn it off during operation.
Switch on the computer using the ON / OFF button.
Attention! Do not strike any keys until the password prompt appears!
After the ON / OFF button has been depressed, both the ON indicator and the EXTERNAL
POWER indicator have to be on solid. The HARD DISK indicator flashes at irregular
intervals until the start-up procedure is finished.
If malfunctions of the computer have appeared, the messages indicated on the screen
during the start-up procedure have to be observed carefully. They allow conclusions on the
existing errors to be drawn (see ALC trouble shooting).
Beep tones during the start-up procedure indicate possible errors. (1 short beep and Dos
Prompt = booted without error).
Further beep codes can be found in the corresponding technical literature.)

As soon as the following dialog window appears

- Enter the user name, if it is not pre-set.
Capitalisation does not make any difference!
- Enter the password.
Capitalisation has to be observed!
SDG-7_1_9 13

After the password has been entered, the operating system is being started up and
subsequently the WinALC program will be automatically opened.
The WinALC program window appears on the screen.


In order to prevent the software from being damaged, the onboard computer power supply
must not be interrupted, before the device was closed down and turned off.
14 SDG-7_1_9

3.2 Turning the computer off.

Before turning the computer off, finish working mode, store and close all files.
When you select Start→ Close down in the start menu the following window opens.
Confirm the selection of „Close down“ with the „OK“ key; the operating system will be
automatically closed down and the computer turned off.

4 Starting and closing of programs.

To start a program, select it in the start menu or double click the programme
icon on the desktop.

To close a program, double-click the Close (X) symbol in the name

bar, hit the Alt + F4 keys or enter the terminate command in the file
menu of the corresponding program.

4.1 A window or program does not respond

If a program does not respond or a calculation procedure takes a longer time (> 1 min.),
you are advised to carry out the individual steps mentioned below in the correct order to
terminate the program successfully.

1. Close the respective application.

Pess the CTRL+ALT keys and keep them ressed, then press the DEL key once for a
short time.
A window with the following text will open: „The task does not respond...."
Then activate the Terminate task key and the task will be terminated.
SDG-7_1_9 15

2. Restart “Windows”:
If the task still does not respond, terminate Windows as usual. If even that is not
possible, press the following keys twice in succession: CTRL + ALT + DEL

3. Reboot the computer:

If all measures mentioned before do not succeed, reboot the computer by pressing
the RESET button.

After having restarted the program you can continue working.

Do not reload defective data files that have led to the program crash. Correct possibly
existing faulty entries in the files.

5 Installation of additional programs

No additional programmes are allowed to be installed without consultation of the

6 Storage and handling of floppy disks, CDs, DVDs

Handle all these data media with care and always store them in their envelope in dust-
protected boxes.
¾ direct contact of the magnetic layer with your hand or and instrument
¾ contact with magnetic fields (magnets, electric motors, etc.)
¾ force when inserting the floppy disks into the drive
¾ direct insolation
¾ mechanical damage
When inserting a CD or DVD in its receptacle, retain it from the opposite side.
16 SDG-7_1_9

7 Electrical connections

1 Earth connecting bolt 9 Analogue output, channels 8 - 16,

2 Keyboard connection
10 Analogue input, channels 8 - 16, optional
3 Serial interfaces COM 1 to COM 6
11 Analogue output, channels 0 - 7
4 USB connections
12 Analogue input, channels 0 - 7
5 DVI screen connection
13 Distance signal input
6 VGA screen connection
14 Digital inputs/output
7 LAN connections
15 Monitor voltage supply
8 PS/2 interface with distributing cable /
mouse 16 ALC voltage supply, 24 V

7.1 Voltage supply

External voltage supply via (booster) batteries (24 Volt) which are charged from the
machine system.
In case the operating voltage is too low (<23 Volt) an alarm signal will sound and the
"Power Alarm " indication will be lit.
Should such an event occur, turn off the computer and restore flawless voltage
SDG-7_1_9 17

7.2 Fuses

1. ALC supply fuse

(5x20/ 6.3A SLOW-BLOW).

2. Monitor supply fuse (5x20/ 2A


7.3 Replacement of Printed-Circuit Boards

If it becomes necessary to replace a printed-circuit board of the computer system, in
any case shut down the computer and turn off the power supply.
Never pull out or plug in live printed boards !

7.4 Welding Work

Before starting welding on the machine shut down the computer and then plug off all
computer connections. The connection of the computer casing to earth also has to be

Defects arising from any failure to observe these measures will not be covered by
18 SDG-7_1_9

8 System Recovery with the Recovery CD / DVD

After a system recovery with the help of the Recovery CD/DVD all program functions
are again available and operative.


The procedure described below will delete any programs, data and user files
installed later on!

• Save your own files

• Insert the RECOVERY CD/DVD in the DVD drive while the computer is on

• Re-start the computer using the RESET button

• When the system has booted successfully from the CD/DVD, the screen will display
the following information:

Plasser & Theurer



TYPE { recovery } AND PRESS [ENTER]




• Enter the word recovery (the y and z keys may be reversed!) and strike the ↵ key;
the recovery program will be started.

Attention: When you confirm this input, all data stored on the hard disk will
be irretrievably deleted!!!

• The progress of the recovery procedure is now indicated in % by a blue bar and can
take up to 15 minutes!
Do not activate the keyboard and the touch pad during this procedure!

• Afterwards remove the CD/DVD from the drive and restart the computer with the
RESET button.
SDG-7_1_9 19

After the repeated

start-up answer the
appearing question
with ”yes“ to re-start
the computer.

Check all specific machine parameters in the WinALC service program before
starting operation!

9 Updating of WinALC parameters

After a resetting procedure the machine parameters have to be stored again in the
WinALC program.

ƒ Insert the “recovery” CD

ƒ Select File→
Programme settings→
General, then select the
load option (red floppy
symbol) under save /
load parameters.
ƒ Open the file and the
directory (D:\MaschPar)
containing the machine
parameters and activate
ƒ This updates the *.dat
parameters files.

ƒ The parameter files of

any other programmes
installed also have to be
20 SDG-7_1_9

10 BIOS setup, setting the start order of drives.

• To enter the BIOS set up depress the del key during the first 3 seconds of the start-
up procedure.
• The message “Enter CURRENT password:” appears.
With the password entered the BIOS setup screen appears.
• Check the boot order in the submenu advanced BIOS features.
o First Boot Device [ 1st Floppy DRIVE]
o Second Boot Device [ CD/DVD:SM-TSSTcorp]
o Third Boot Device [ SATA:PM-CactusFlash]
• Save the modified settings in the submenu by activating save & exit setup.

11 Technical Information as in 2011

11.1 Computer:
CPU: Intel Celeron 440, 1,866 GHz
RAM memory: 2x 512 MB SDRAM
Floppy-disk drive 3.5“: 1.44 MB
DVD burner
Flash disk: 4 GB (4096 MB)
Operating temperature: 0 to +70 C°
Supply voltage: 24 VDC
Further information can be found in the documentation.

11.2 Monitor:

Type of monitor: 15,1” SVGA TFT LCD

Active screen size: 310 x 230 mm
Dot pitch: 0.297 mm
Image spot number: 1024 x 768
Supply voltage: +5V 5% +12V 5%
Operating temperature: 0° C to +70° C

Safety precautions for operating the 15.1" SVGA TFT LCD colour screen:

High voltage on the printed board!
The screen cover may be opened only by qualified
personnel and when the monitor is off!
High Voltage
SDG-7_1_9 21

12 Error description
In case malfunctions of the ALC system have occurred the following information
should be provided, before a Plasser & Theurer service department is notified.

Customer / operating
Machine number:
Year of construction:
ALC serial number:
ALC version number:

Which error or which malfunction of the ALC or the measuring systems has been recognized?

When and how often does the error occur?

Condition of the LED indications before and / or during the error?

Which error message is indicated on the display/

Conditions at the moment of breakdown or occurrence of the defect?

(temperature, mechanical stress, etc.)

Have any modifications been carried out in the BIOS set up, the operating system or programs
installed before the failure occurred? Have programs been installed or uninstalled?

Precise description of the error:

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