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Answer key for Practice Tests 1-6 =" v avd re 3 7 i= rd PRACTICE TEST ANSWER KEY Practice Test 1 Reading and Writing Part 1 p10 1B Correct. Sam says: The band New Day aren concert next week Shalll get tickets? 1k Samwants to go tothe concert with hs frend ack Samis dad can take them home after his azz class, not to the concert. 2. B Correct. The notice says toys are half-price. 'A Wiomens suis ae nat party clothes. C The books ae for 0 to 12-year-old, not teenagers. 3. € Correct. Helena says to Tina: Let me know. [A Helenais inviting Tina tothe café, butt doesnt mean Tina should go there. B Helena invites Tina to join her and jane. She says: Do {you want to come with us, too? 4A Correct. The notice says: Do not give to children tunder 36 months. B Children at your school are not under 36 months. C The toy is nat suitable for teenagers who look after very ‘young brothers or sisters. 5 C Correct. No barbecues orfires are allowed in this place. ' You can bring food to eat inthe picnic oreas 8 You can leave your rubbish inthe bins next to the picnic 6B Correct. The bike comes with lights and a cycling helmet so the ad/seller is selling more than one thing. ‘A The bike is used and isnot excellent for road racing because its a mountain bike. C The seller/ad is seling the bike with a cycling helmet. Part 2 pid 7B Mika Whois going to aska family member for help with their jb plans? Tove sport the most and want to teach it when fm older. My unde teacher so| ano ak him fcan ge nto te players the American footbal cube 8 C He Who hopes to workin diferent countries? My dreamis tobe paid to ply in a group and travel around the world 9 C Hens Who has won a competition in their chosen subject? Last year, received a prize forthe best young musicon in my town 10 B Mila Who needs get beter athe schoo subject the he est? {ove spor the most and want to teach it when Tm older im good at basketball, but need to work harder in rugby lessons so can teach different sports. 11 A Artur \Who as had some help rom thes famiy with hc job plane? Fe always enjoyed paying computer games and ike to ‘make them when Tm alder. IMy cousin works in and makes cartoons and games so/ {sted him fl could goto work with him. earned 30 much. 12. Artur Who was eady for a break aftr ther experience of working? Butitwas realy tring ~ alll wonted toda was relox tthe end ofthe day not pay computer games 158 ANSWER KEY + PRACTICE TEST 1 13 € Henri ‘Who may have to work asa waiter after school? I probably won't get work as a musician after schoo! so _might have to get a job in a cofé or restaurant fist. Part3 pis 14. Corect He dreamed offing when he was young, but he didn't actually begin todo that until he was in his twenties. A person in his/her twenties is a young adult. 1K He didnt make films when he masa boy. C He began to make films when he was in his twenties soit ignttrue that he hasnt made oflm. 15 € Correct. He collects and films anything that looks interesting. ‘A He says:..flm anything that looks interesting, but he doesn't say that he watches fms. He says: usually work underwater three or four times a oy, but we don't know haw much time he is underwater. 16 A Correct. He says: After dinner, 'm usually sotired | immediately goto bed. B He's always asleep by the time the fun starts so he doesrit go tothe parties that his friends invite him to. is friends invite him to parties, he doesnt say that he invites his friends for dinner. 17 C Correct. He says /don't need holidays. have such fun every day! A He wots hard bute says that he dosnt ned holidays. B His friends pay alot of money for their holidays, but he says he doesnt need holidays. 18 B Correct. He says: I've never visited those islands, but | know a lot about them. [rl be avery exciting project! ‘A He's never been to the Queensmen Islands. He ays: ve never visited those islands, but know alot about them. He knows lot about the islands. Part 4 p22 19 have We use the present simple form when stating a fact that is tru. The correct form ofthe verb for plural rhounsis have. We can only say dolphins are hoving babies if thats happening nov ie. as we speak 20 their We need to say ther mothers because we're talking bout more than one baby. ‘We could use its if there was only one baby in the text. 2g. The baby stays with ts mother We could ony use our if ie were talking about our awn mother, eg. en and! stayed with our mother all day 21 many We use many with countable nouns to mean arge number of something. We usually use any in negative sentences orn questions eg, There arerit ony dolphins inte sea that can learn todo that. / Can any dolphin learn to do that? ot can ‘mean Than, butt needs of after it. eg Alot of dolphins Can lear 9 do that 22 follow ‘Modal verbs like can or will are always followed by the Infinitive form of averb. ‘The verb will cannat be followed by an ing form (following) or and form (followed). 23 them ‘The pronoun them means the dolphins in this sentence, ‘We can only use ito talk about one dolphin. e, That doipin i finaly, you can often see We can only use himto tak about one male dolphin, The noun dolphins rot masculine or feminine in English 28 but ‘We use but to join two parts of asentence that contrastin some way. We cannat say because they don't need to drink - that’s nt the reason why they eat certain kinds of food We Cannot say or they don't need to drink because or is used to describe another possibility. Part5 p25 25 ‘ve /have ‘We need have here to complete the present perfect tense with just. 26 but We use but to introduce contrast 27 the We use the because we need a definite article before website, We talk about a particular website whose name has already been stated 28 to We need to because listen is followed by ton the phrase Tisten to muse. 29 about You read or write about something. Ths the correct preposition. 30 Do ‘Do completes the question, The present simple isthe correct form because jake i asking Carly about something she usualy does as a habitin everyday Ife. rt p28 Below is a model answer for Question 31 and some comments ont. Model answer HiDonna, Shallwe meet at the bus stop at half past three? The judo clase starts at four ociock We need to take a towel anda water botie. See you there Clare G4 words) Comments All three points inthe question are answered ~ Clare tells Donna where to meet (at the bus stop), what time the class starts (at four oclock) and what they need to take (a towel {nd a water botie). ‘The text is coherent and basic linking words and cohesive devices are used. Everyday vocabulary is used appropriately and there are no grammatical or speling mistakes. Part7 p31. Below is a sample answer for Question 32 and some comments ont. Model answer (One morning Jake was late for school! Jake ran to catch the bus, but I wasnt there. Jake cycled {uickly to school and he arrved after the bus. He felt Cred Bute was happy because he wasn't late (39 words) Comments All three pictures ofthe story are described and the reader can easily understand the story. There fs some use of time phrases and linkers (ane morning, but) to show the connections between the pictures. The vocabulary s varied and shows the ability to use arange of A2 Key words (was Tate, ran to catch the bus, wasn't there, cycled, arrived). The ‘grammar is accurate and shows the ability to use some past tenses (past simple) and some iregular forms (ran felt). Listening Part 4 p34 1B Correct. The man says our larger one [cup of coffee is, s2a5. 1k The woman says shel take one of each andthe man replies thatthe total is $4.20 The man says A small cup of coffe costs $1.75, 2 B Correct. The woman asks Steves that your cousin, the boy in the Tshirt and jeans? Steve replies: That's right. A Steve says there's. me in my new hat! Steve's cousin isnt wearing a shirt or funny shorts 3 B Correct. The woman saysher suitcase is much bigger... andit’s square, not round. ‘A The woman says her suitcase is much bigger. C The man ass if the small round one i the woman's Suitcase, but she says hers isnot round. 4A Correct. The woman says Katia is finishing her tomenorkatthemoment nen 88 The woman says Katia is going to cycle to her friends hhouse after dinner. She ist cycling now. The woman says Kata played very wel in her tenis ‘match this afternoon. She ist playing now. 5 € Correct. The woman say the cisco ison Sundoy this A The woman sys that the disco was on ray night ost ‘mont 8 The man says he has to stay at home next Saturday. Part 2 p38 6 July ~-ournew music department wil open its doors next imonth, thats july x notJune.. the 1" 1 King Ifyou hoven' vised the library before youllfind us atthe end of King Street 8 third The new music department willbe.on the third lor 8 1030 open everyday fom 10.00 in the moring to half past tenat night 10 three /3 Library members can take up to six CDs home to enjoy. so why not join now? twill nly cost you £3! Part3 pal 111A Correct. Richard says the match is on Friday ‘schoo! because alot of players are busy (an Saturday). Sam says he'll be busy on Saturday. C Richard says it was difficult to arrange the game on Sunday. 412 B Correct. Richard says the school s the one down by the river. [A Richard says the match willbe at a place, at Castle School. Sam asks ifthe school is near the ralmay station? Richard replies No, 43 C Correct. Richard says Some ofthe teachers are going toddrive us there. {A Sam asks if they are going by coach or by train? But Richard replies: There aren't enough of us or a coach. Sam asks if they are going by coach or by train? But Richard eps Some of he teachers oe gong to dive us 414 B Correct. Richard asks Sam if he has any white shorts and then says he can give [Samy] some. AA Richard says they usually wear blue ones, but not this. time because] the other team wears that colour. Sam says he’s got some black anes [shorts]. But Richard says those shorts are no good. ANSWER KEY * PRACTICE TEST 1 159

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