WS 5811 Engl

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WS 5811 1


2 WS 5811

This operating manual is required for the professional and safe handling of the machine. It
is important that this manual is read thoroughly and understood before the machine is put
into operation.
A copy of the present operating manual must be kept on the machine at all times.

This operating manual is based on the following standards:

- EN 12100-1
- EN 12100-2

- EN 14033-1
- EN 14033-2
- EN 14033-3

Copyright © Plasser & Theurer

All rights reserved, particularly the right to produce copies, to distribute these copies, as
well to translate the work. Without written consent of Plasser & Theurer no part of this work
may be reproduced in any form (photocopy, microfilm or other methods) or stored,
processed, copied or distributed with the help of electronic systems.
WS 5811 3


1 MANUFACTURER’S NAMEPLATE ......................................................................................................5

2 GUIDELINES FOR SERVICING THE MACHINE .................................................................................7
3 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................9
4 PURPOSE ...........................................................................................................................................11
5 SAFETY...............................................................................................................................................13
6 FIRE PROTECTION............................................................................................................................17
7 FIRST AID ...........................................................................................................................................19
8 HAZARD ANALYSIS ...........................................................................................................................21
8.1 GENERAL ...........................................................................................................................................21
8.2 HAZARD INFORMATION....................................................................................................................22
8.3 EXTRACTS FROM THE SAFETY DATA SHEETS ............................................................................23
9 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF STARTER BATTERIES ...................................................................33
10 MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................................37
11 MAINTENANCE WORKS....................................................................................................................39
11.1 CLEANING ..........................................................................................................................................39
11.2 VISUAL CHECK ..................................................................................................................................40
11.3 TOPPING UP WORKING STOCK ......................................................................................................42
11.4 LUBRICATION ....................................................................................................................................43
11.5 CHANGING WORKING STOCK .........................................................................................................44
12 PICTOGRAPHS ..................................................................................................................................47
13 INTERVALS.........................................................................................................................................49
14 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE SURVEY..............................................................................................51
15 GENERAL SURVEY............................................................................................................................55
16 ORIGINAL FILLING OF WORKING STOCK.......................................................................................57
17 IN BETWEEN – PERIODICALLY........................................................................................................59
17.1 SAFETY CONTRIVANCES.................................................................................................................59
17.2 BRAKE ................................................................................................................................................60
17.3 COOLER .............................................................................................................................................60
18 AFTER 10 HOURS OF OPERATION OR DAILY ...............................................................................61
18.1 PLAIN VISUAL CHECK.......................................................................................................................63
18.2 CHECKING WORKING STOCK .........................................................................................................63
19 AFTER 50 HOURS OF OPERATION OR WEEKLY...........................................................................69
20 AFTER 100 HOURS OF OPERATON OR MONTHLY .......................................................................77
21 AFTER 250 HOURS OF OPERATION OR SEMI-ANNUALLY...........................................................81
22 AFTER 500 HOURS OF OPERATION OR SEMI-ANNUALLY...........................................................85
23 AFTER 1000 HOURS OF OPERATION OR ANNUALLY...................................................................91
24 ANNEX ................................................................................................................................................97
4 WS 5811


No. Reason Date Page Name

1.0 1 Version SNiederm

1.1 Hydraulic oil 28.11.2012 23, 29,30,57,66,73 SNiederm

WS 5811 5


2012 967 – 974

OBW 10 Sprinter
6 WS 5811
WS 5811 7


• The present guidelines on maintenance apply only to the “current maintenance“ and
are within the sole competence of the machine operating organization!!

• These current maintenance works carried out within the own competence of the
machine operator refer to working units, engines, gearboxes, etc.

• The adequate maintenance as well as the compliance with the stipulated time intervals
are decisive for the service life and permanent availability of the vehicle.

• We urgently recommend to make notes in the logbook also of maintenance works

carried out in your own competence. These notes should document any kind of service
works (who, when, what, where and why).

• For oil filling quantities, oil sorts, service intervals etc. observe the Service Instruction!

• Service is divided into cleaning, checks, refilling or topping up of consumables, and

replacing of spare parts.

• An essential criterion of service works is safety of man, environment and machine.

8 WS 5811
WS 5811 9


Maintenance of this machine over its entire service life has to be performed according to
the Maintenance Instructions (EN 14033-1 / chapter 18).

The owner respectively the operating organization is responsible for maintenance of this

At regular intervals of at least 2 years all machines will be inspected by the railway
infrastructure organization, on whose tracks the machine is deployed.

The railway infrastructure organization must be notified of any derailment, collision, rupture
of running gear as well as any anormal heating of the wheel set bearings, which will lead
to special inspection by qualified personnel of the railway infrastructure organization.

Machine parts and components influencing driving safety must not be modified without
prior consent of the authorized approval body.
Any modification entails the necessity of obtaining a new transport approval.

Any works at the machine frame, the bogie frames, brake system, wheel sets, wheels,
wheel set bearings, speedometers, equipment for repeating and recording of signal
indications and indications at the driver’s desks may only be carried out by workshops
holding the respective admission of the authorized approval body.

Current maintenance works will be carried out by the machine operating organization at its
own responsibility.

The general operating and safety instructions BS-02.05 (refer to auxiliary documentation)
are to keep.
10 WS 5811
WS 5811 11


The machine operating organization bears the responsibility for maintenance.

Maintenance comprises all machine components that do not influence driving safety – see

According to the present maintenance instruction this machine over its entire service life is
subject to regular maintenance.

Professional maintenance will be decisive for the term of service life of the machine and its
permanent readiness for service.

Essential maintenance criteria are:

- qualification of the maintenance staff
- quality of maintenance work
- observance of the time intervals prescribed
- use of the working stock prescribed
- use of original spare parts

Maintenance has to be carried out in stages, i. e., any time interval automatically includes
all preceding intervals.

At dates set for monthly maintenance there have to be carried out also all works listed for
weekly and daily maintenance.
12 WS 5811
WS 5811 13


Maintenance works in principle have to be carried out when the vehicle is stationary and
secured against breaking away.

It is strictly prohibited to climb on the vehicle roof under catenary. Before beginning repair
and maintenance works it must be ensured that the catenary is switched off and earthed.
These safety measures have to be carried out and supervised by the responsible safety

Always pay attention to trains passing on adjacent tracks.

Use skid-pans when parking the vehicle on gradients.

If a check of certain structural elements might entail danger, these elements may be
checked only when the machine is stationary or after work.

Before starting maintenance works the parking brake has to be applied (with few
exceptions), the engine has to be turned off and the main switch must be switched off.

Never change the settings of safety valves.

Before disassembling hydraulic system elements make sure that the equipment is
unpressurized. Hydraulic oil coming out under pressure may penetrate skin and cause
serious injuries.

When draining engine oil or hydraulic oil at working temperature you might scald yourself.

Always ensure that on or in the vehicle nobody works with naked flames.

Do not smoke when refuelling the vehicle or checking the acid level of the batteries.

Never check the acid level of the battery or the fuel level in the tank with a naked flame.

Before beginning welding works (electric arc welding) particularly make sure that:

- the machine has been secured against breaking away (parking brake, skid-pans etc.);
- the engine has been switched off;
- the main switched has been switched "OFF“;
- the program control switch has been switched "OFF, if existing;
- the battery sets have been entirely disconnected.
- the earth electrode fastened at the vehicle has been connected as close to the weld as

continued on next page

14 WS 5811

continued: safety

The earth electrode must never be mounted on the rail.

Never connect the earth electrode to cylinder piston rods, hydraulic accumulators,
hydraulic pumps, batteries, earth cable, loose connections, such as bearings or similar, or
to hydraulic oil or fuel tanks.

Do not direct any high-pressure cleaning and lubricating devices to man or animal.

Do not use any easily flammable fluids or caustic cleansing agents to clean the machine.
WS 5811 15


Safety Guide Lines to prepare any Repair Work on the Machine

In working mode the danger area of the machine is prohibited

Repair work on the machine must be carried out only by authorized and trained personnel.
The adjacent track in train service must NOT be entered.


Before carrying out any repair work on the machine the following safety instructions must
be observed:

• Deactivate hydraulic pressure!

• Deactivate the air system!

• Protect the machine from breaking away (parking brake, skid-pans etc.)!

• Turn off the engine!

• Turn off the working-mode main switch and protect it from unauthorized

• Turn off the battery main switch and protect it from unauthorized operation!

• If repair works are carried out in closed workshops the batteries have to be
disconnected (machine without current). The battery terminals have to be
secured accordingly.

• Furthermore, the machine crew and all persons having access to the machine
must be informed of the intended repair work!

• A professionally competent person has to be chosen who will bear main

responsibility for the repair work to be carried out and supervise this work
according to all aspects of safety!

• Furthermore, the machine crew has to be informed of the repair work completed
before the operating mode of the machine is restored. Only professionally
competent and trained persons are allowed to restore the working mode of the

• In working mode the working area is prohibited again!

16 WS 5811
WS 5811 17



The use of open flames and easily flammable agents on the

vehicle and in immediate vicinity is strictly prohibited!

The diesel fuel tanks may only be filled with the engine switched
off and cooled off.

First aid procedures

• Rescuing people
• Alarming the fire brigade
• Attempting to extinguish fire
Everybody is obligated as far as possible and acceptable to refrain from everything that
may result in a fire or favour the spreading of a fire. In addition to this, all measures to
prevent the development or spreading of fires must be taken in individual cases.

Oily or greasy rags saturated in solvent must be kept in a fire-protected place since they
could cause fires through self-ignition.

In order to avoid the development of fires, the following parts, especially equipment subject
to the development of heat, must be kept free of deposits.
• Drives
• Heaters
• Belts
• Gears
• Control cabinets
• Power distribution boards
• etc.

For this reason, timely familiarise yourself with the operational fire protection regulations
and the proper use of the existing extinguishing agents.
For this purpose consult the fire protection representative of your department!

The fire extinguishers must always be ready for operation, freely accessible, periodically
tested and equipped with test plaques.
The date of expiry must be checked by the responsible fire protection representative!

Following the use of a fire extinguisher this must be immediately brought to the attention of
the fire protection representative who is responsible for the operation.
The representative will immediately arrange for the filling of all used fire extinguishers and
he is obligated to provide replacement fire extinguishers in the meantime!
18 WS 5811
WS 5811 19


Always ensure that the first aid kit is in a proper, complete

and neat condition.

For the purpose of first aid measures and suitable

equipment consult the first aid service or doctor of your
responsible department.

Immediately replenish used up material!


Medicines, tranquillisers or other medications can result in drowsiness or impair for

instance the reactivity.

Procedure for first aid measures


For Helping refer to first aid measures in the extracts of the safety data sheets.

In the case of burning

Extinguish the burning person with water, fire extinguisher, blankets or through rolling.

In the case of eye contact with hazardous materials

Rinse out several times with spray bottle or beverage and subsequently consult a doctor.

In the case of skin contact with hazardous materials

Thoroughly wash with soap under running water and subsequently consult a doctor.

When inhaling hazardous materials

When inhaling higher concentration, take person into the fresh air and subsequently
consult a doctor.

After ingesting
Do not induce vomiting and immediately consult a doctor

After intensive contact with clothing

Immediately change saturated clothing, shower and subsequently consult a doctor.
20 WS 5811
WS 5811 21


Carefully performed preventive maintenance to maximise the service life and increase the
operational safety, which will be reflected in a clear reduction of working accidents and
resultant damage to persons.


The instructions of the operations manager or machine operator must be followed under
any circumstances.

• Entering the machine is only permitted by way of the steps provided for this
purpose, which should be kept free of grease, oil, fuel, dirt, snow and ice.

• Climbing onto machine parts during loading, unloading and repair operations
located in the hazard area of the overhead line is always prohibited unless the
overhead line has been switched off, in which case the safety regulations issued by
the respective rail operators will have to be followed.

• Crossing underneath the machine during operation or working is prohibited. Danger!

• When present in the vicinity of the machine the use of ear protection is absolutely

• If problems are encountered while work in progress, activate the emergency or

engine stop. Based on the type of the fault it must be decided how it should be
rectified most effectively.
Instinctive reactions for rectifying the fault during working operation may result in
serious injury to body and even death.

• The removal of covers and safety instructions is strictly prohibited.

• Touching the exhaust system may result in burns.

In addition to this the safety regulations of the responsible railway administration or more
stringent regulations of other competent authorities as amended will apply.
22 WS 5811


Mainly impact, drawing-in, pinching, squeezing and squashing hazards and the danger of
skin burns exist at the mentioned hazard locations as a result of which only instructed
personnel may be assigned to work with and on the machine.
When climbing onto the machine there is the additional danger of electric shock.
Information with regard to endangering third parties falls under the area of responsibility of
the local construction management (co-ordination).
Instruction sheets and sketches are submitted to the respective principal who will be
responsible for further distribution.

8.2.1 Responsibilities for implementation

Distributor……………………….. Announces the hazards

Operator…………………………. Technical issues
Local construction supervision… Specific construction site issues and the co-
ordination of all issues with the individual persons

The handling of hazardous service products without any danger must be clearly
established for the following working materials by means of regulations that must be
imparted to the employees in training courses. (References in the extracts of the safety
data sheets)

• Flammable and/or explosive materials (diesel, etc.)

• Working materials hazardous to health (oils, greases, etc.)
• Other hazardous materials (adhesives, cleaners, etc.)

8.2.2 Protective equipment

In order to keep hazards and their consequences to health as low as possible it is

imperative to ensure suitable protective equipment.
Head protection………. Hard hat
Ear protection…………. Ear muffs, earplugs
Hand protection………. Gloves
Foot protection……….. Steel cap shoes
Warning clothing……… Clothing in signal colours with reflecting stripes
Breathing protection…. Dust mask

It is imperative to observe the signs, covers, safety guards, earthing cables, etc., attached
to the machine for the protection of the health of persons and the equipment as well as the
WS 5811 23


Gearbox oil SHELL SPIRAX S2 G80W-90

Engine oil SHELL RIMULA R6 LM 10W40

Hydraulic oil SHELL TELLUS S2 V 68

Lubricating grease SHELL GADUS S2 V 100 2

The safety data sheets contain additional information on the following.

• Material, preparation and company designation
• Composition / details concerning ingredients
• Possible hazards
• Fire-fighting measures
• Measures if inadvertently liberated
• Handling and storage
• Physical and chemical properties
• Stability and reactivity
• Toxicological details
• Ecological details
• Disposal instructions
• Transport details
• Regulations
• Other information
24 WS 5811
WS 5811 25

8.3.1 SHELL SPIRAX S2 G 80W-90

EC Classification : Not classified as dangerous under EC criteria.
Health Hazards : Not expected to be a health hazard when used under normal conditions.
Prolonged or repeated skin contact without proper cleaning can clog the pores of the skin
resulting in disorders such as oil acne/folliculitis. Used oil may contain harmful impurities.
Signs and Symptoms : Oil acne/folliculitis signs and symptoms may include formation of
black pustules and spots on the skin of exposed areas. Ingestion may result in nausea,
vomiting and/or diarrhoea.
Safety Hazards : Not classified as flammable but will burn.
Environmental Hazards : Not classified as dangerous for the environment.


General Information : Not expected to be a health hazard when used under normal
Inhalation : No treatment necessary under normal conditions of use. If symptoms persist,
obtain medical advice.
Skin Contact : Remove contaminated clothing. Flush exposed area with water and follow
by washing with soap if available. If persistent irritation occurs, obtain medical attention.
Eye Contact : Flush eye with copious quantities of water. If persistent irritation occurs,
obtain medical attention.
Ingestion : In general no treatment is necessary unless large quantities are swallowed,
however, get medical advice.
Advice to Physician : Treat symptomatically.


Clear fire area of all non-emergency personnel.
Specific Hazards : Hazardous combustion products may include: A complex mixture of
airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases (smoke). Carbon monoxide. Unidentified
organic and inorganic compounds.
Suitable Extinguishing
Media: Foam, water spray or fog. Dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, sand or earth may
be used for small fires only.
Unsuitable Extinguishing Media: Do not use water in a jet.
Protective Equipment for Firefighters: Proper protective equipment including breathing
apparatus must be worn when approaching a fire in a confined space.
26 WS 5811


If the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) value is
provided on
this document, it is provided for information only.
Occupational Exposure Limits
Material Oil mist, mineral
Source ACGIH
Type TWA [Inhalable fraction]
mg/m3 5 mg/m3
Exposure Controls : The level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary
depending upon potential exposure conditions. Select controls based on a risk
assessment of local circumstances. Appropriate measures include: Adequate ventilation to
control airborne concentrations. Where material is heated, sprayed or mist formed, there is
greater potential for airborne concentrations to be generated.
Personal Protective Equipment : Personal protective equipment (PPE) should meet
recommended national standards. Check with PPE suppliers.
Respiratory Protection : No respiratory protection is ordinarily required under normal
conditions of use. In accordance with good industrial hygiene practices, precautions
should be taken to avoid breathing of material. If engineering controls do not maintain
airborne concentrations to a level which is adequate to protect worker health, select
respiratory protection equipment suitable for the specific conditions of use and meeting
relevant legislation. Check with respiratory protective equipment suppliers. Where air-
filtering respirators are suitable, select an appropriate combination of mask and filter.
Select a filter suitable for combined particulate/organic gases and vapours [boiling point
>65 °C (149 °F)] meeting EN14387.
Hand Protection : Where hand contact with the product may occur the use of gloves
approved to relevant standards (e.g. Europe: EN374, US: F739) made from the following
materials may provide suitable chemical protection: PVC, neoprene or nitrile rubber
gloves. Suitability and durability of a glove is dependent on usage, e.g. frequency and
duration of contact, chemical resistance of glove material, glove thickness, dexterity.
Always seek advice from glove suppliers. Contaminated gloves should be replaced.
Personal hygiene is a key element of effective hand care. Gloves must only be worn on
clean hands. After using gloves, hands should be washed and dried thoroughly.
Application of a non-perfumed moisturizer is recommended.
Eye Protection : Wear safety glasses or full face shield if splashes are likely to occur.
Approved to EU Standard EN166.
Protective Clothing: Skin protection not ordinarily required beyond standard issue work
Monitoring Methods : Monitoring of the concentration of substances in the breathing
zone of workers or in the general workplace may be required to confirm compliance with
an OEL and adequacy of exposure controls. For some substances biological monitoring
may also be appropriate.
Environmental Exposure Controls: Minimise release to the environment. An
environmental assessment must be made to ensure compliance with local environmental
WS 5811 27

8.3.2 SHELL RIMULA R6 LM 10W-40

Possible hazards
Human Health Hazards
No specific hazards under normal use conditions. Prolonged or repeated exposure to skin
may give rise to dermatitis. Used oil may contain harmful impurities.
Safety Hazards
Not classified as flammable, but will burn. Avoid oil mists.
Environmental Hazards
Not classified as dangerous for the environment.

First-aid measures
Symptoms and Effects
Not expected to give rise to an acute hazard under normal conditions of use.
In the unlikely event of dizziness or nausea, remove casualty to fresh air. If symptoms
persist, obtain medical attention.
Remove contaminated clothing and wash affected skin with soap and water. If persistent
irritation occurs, obtain medical attention. When using high pressure equipment, injection
of product under the skin can occur. If high pressure injuries occur, the casualty should be
sent immediately to a hospital. Do not wait for symptoms to develop.
Flush eye with copious quantities of water. If persistent irritation occurs, obtain medical
Wash out mouth with water and obtain medical attention. Do not induce vomiting.
Advice to Doctor
Treat symptomatically. Aspiration into the lungs may result in chemical pneumonitis.
Dermatitis may result from prolonged or repeated exposure. High pressure injection
injuries require prompt surgical intervention and possibly steroid therapy, to minimise
tissue damage and loss of function.

Fire fighting measures

Specific Hazards
Combustion is likely to give rise to a complex mixture of airborne solid and liquid
particulates and gases, including carbon monoxide and unidentified organic and inorganic
Extinguishing Media
Foam and dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide, sand or earth may be used for small fires
Unsuitable Extinguishing Media
Water in jet. Use of halon extinguishers should be avoided for environmental reasons.
Protective Equipment
Proper protective equipment including breathing apparatus must be worn when
approaching a fire in a confined space.
28 WS 5811

Exposition limitation and individual protective equipment

Exposure Limits
No Exposure Limit Established
Exposure Controls
Not applicable.
Respiratory Protection
Respiratory protection is required in the case of oil mists.
Hand Protection
Protective gloves made from PVC or nitrile rubber, so far as safely permissible. The
characteristics of the protective gloves shall be determined by the conditions existing in
practice (e.g. multiple use, mechanical loads, temperature conditions, strength and
duration of the exposure which can be expected). Suitability tests by the user are
recommended before selection of appropriate gloves.
Eye Protection
Body Protection
Minimise all forms of skin contact. Overalls and shoes with oil resistant soles should be
worn. Launder overalls and undergarments regularly.
WS 5811 29

8.3.3 SHELL TELLUS S2 V 68

Hazards identification
EC Classification : Not classified as dangerous under EC criteria.
Health Hazards : Not expected to be a health hazard when used under normal conditions.
Prolonged or repeated skin contact without proper cleaning can clog the pores of the skin
resulting in disorders such as oil acne/folliculitis. High-pressure injection under the skin
may cause serious damage including local necrosis. Used oil may contain harmful
Signs and Symptoms : Oil acne/folliculitis signs and symptoms may include formation of
black pustules and spots on the skin of exposed areas. Local necrosis is evidenced by
delayed onset of pain and tissue damage a few hours following injection. Ingestion may
result in nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhoea.
Safety Hazards : Not classified as flammable but will burn.
Environmental Hazards : Not classified as dangerous for the environment.

First-aid measures
General Information : Not expected to be a health hazard when used under normal
Inhalation : No treatment necessary under normal conditions of use. If symptoms persist,
obtain medical advice.
Skin Contact : Remove contaminated clothing. Flush exposed area with water and follow
by washing with soap if available. If persistent irritation occurs, obtain medical attention.
When using high pressure equipment, injection of product under the skin can occur. If high
pressure injuries occur, the casualty should be sent immediately to a hospital. Do not wait
for symptoms to develop. Obtain medical attention even in the absence of apparent
Eye Contact : Flush eye with copious quantities of water. If persistent irritation occurs,
obtain medical attention.
Ingestion : In general no treatment is necessary unless large quantities are swallowed,
however, get medical advice.
Advice to Physician : Treat symptomatically. High pressure injection injuries require
prompt surgical intervention and possibly steroid therapy, to minimise tissue damage and
loss of function. Because entry wounds are small and do not reflect the seriousness of the
underlying damage, surgical exploration to determine the extent of involvement may be
necessary. Local anaesthetics or hot soaks should be avoided because they can
contribute to swelling, vasospasm and ischaemia. Prompt surgical decompression,
debridement and evacuation of foreign material should be performed under general
anaesthetics, and wide exploration is essential.
30 WS 5811

Fire fighting measures

Specific Hazards : Hazardous combustion products may include: A complex mixture of
airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases (smoke). Carbon monoxide. Unidentified
organic and inorganic compounds.
Suitable Extinguishing Media : Foam, water spray or fog. Dry chemical powder, carbon
dioxide, sand or earth may be used for small fires only.
Unsuitable Extinguishing Media : Do not use water in a jet.
Protective Equipment for Firefighters : Proper protective equipment including breathing
apparatus must be worn when approaching a fire in a confined space.

Exposure controls / personal protection

Exposure Controls : The level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary
depending upon potential exposure conditions. Select controls based on a risk
assessment of local circumstances. Appropriate measures include: Adequate ventilation to
control airborne concentrations. Where material is heated, sprayed or mist formed, there is
greater potential for airborne concentrations to be generated.
Personal Protective Equipment: Personal protective equipment (PPE) should meet
recommended national standards. Check with PPE suppliers.
Respiratory Protection : No respiratory protection is ordinarily required under normal
conditions of use. In accordance with good industrial hygiene practices, precautions
should be taken to avoid breathing of material. If engineering controls do not maintain
airborne concentrations to a level which is adequate to protect worker health, select
respiratory protection equipment suitable for the specific conditions of use and meeting
relevant legislation. Check with respiratory protective equipment suppliers. Where air-
filtering respirators are suitable, select an appropriate combination of mask and filter.
Select a filter suitable for combined particulate/organic gases and vapours [boiling point
>65 °C (149 °F)] meeting EN14387.
Hand Protection : Where hand contact with the product may occur the use of gloves
approved to relevant standards (e.g. Europe: EN374, US: F739) made from the following
materials may provide suitable chemical protection: PVC, neoprene or nitrile rubber
gloves. Suitability and durability of a glove is dependent on usage, e.g. frequency and
duration of contact, chemical resistance of glove material, glove thickness, dexterity.
Always seek advice from glove suppliers. Contaminated gloves should be replaced.
Personal hygiene is a key element of effective hand care. Gloves must only be worn on
clean hands. After using gloves, hands should be washed and dried thoroughly.
Application of a non-perfumed moisturizer is recommended.
Eye Protection : Wear safety glasses or full face shield if splashes are likely to occur.
Approved to EU Standard EN166.
Protective Clothing: Skin protection not ordinarily required beyond standard issue work
Monitoring Methods : Monitoring of the concentration of substances in the breathing
zone of workers or in the general workplace may be required to confirm compliance with
an OEL and adequacy of exposure controls. For some substances biological monitoring
may also be appropriate.
Environmental Exposure Controls: Minimise release to the environment. An
environmental assessment must be made to ensure compliance with local environmental
WS 5811 31

8.3.4 SHELL GADUS S2 V100 2

EC Classification : Not classified as dangerous under EC criteria.
Health Hazards : Not expected to be a health hazard when used under normal conditions.
Prolonged or repeated skin contact without proper cleaning can clog the pores of the skin
resulting in disorders such as oil acne/folliculitis. High-pressure injection under the skin
may cause serious damage including local necrosis. Used grease may contain harmful
Signs and Symptoms : Local necrosis is evidenced by delayed onset of pain and tissue
damage a few hours following injection. Oil acne/folliculitis signs and symptoms may
include formation of black pustules and spots on the skin of exposed areas. Ingestion may
result in nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhoea.
Safety Hazards : Not classified as flammable but will burn.
Environmental Hazards : Not classified as dangerous for the environment.
General Information : Not expected to be a health hazard when used under normal
Inhalation : No treatment necessary under normal conditions of use. If symptoms persist,
obtain medical advice.
Skin Contact : Remove contaminated clothing. Flush exposed area with water and follow
by washing with soap if available. If persistent irritation occurs, obtain medical attention.
When using high pressure equipment, injection of product under the skin can occur. If high
pressure injuries occur, the casualty should be sent immediately to a hospital. Do not wait
for symptoms to develop. Obtain medical attention even in the absence of apparent
Eye Contact : Flush eye with copious quantities of water. If persistent irritation occurs,
obtain medical attention.
Ingestion : In general no treatment is necessary unless large quantities are swallowed,
however, get medical advice.
Advice to Physician : Treat symptomatically. High pressure injection injuries require
prompt surgical intervention and possibly steroid therapy, to minimise tissue damage and
loss of function. Because entry wounds are small and do not reflect the seriousness of the
underlying damage, surgical exploration to determine the extent of involvement may be
necessary. Local anaesthetics or hot soaks should be avoided because they can
contribute to swelling, vasospasm and ischaemia. Prompt surgical decompression,
debridement and evacuation of foreign material should be performed under general
anaesthetics, and wide exploration is essential.
Clear fire area of all non-emergency personnel.
Specific Hazards : Hazardous combustion products may include: A complex mixture of
airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases (smoke). Carbon monoxide. Unidentified
organic and inorganic compounds.
Suitable Extinguishing
Media: Foam, water spray or fog. Dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, sand or earth may
be used for small fires only.
Unsuitable Extinguishing Media: Do not use water in a jet.
Protective Equipment for Firefighters: Proper protective equipment including breathing
apparatus must be worn when approaching a fire in a confined space.
32 WS 5811


If the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) value is
provided on this document, it is provided for information only.
Occupational Exposure Limits
Material Oil mist, mineral
Source ACGIH
Type TWA [Inhalable fraction]
mg/m3 5 mg/m3
Additional Information : Due to the product's semi-solid consistency, generation of mists
and dusts is unlikely to occur.
Exposure Controls : The level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary
depending upon potential exposure conditions. Select controls based on a risk
assessment of local circumstances. Appropriate measures include: Adequate ventilation to
control airborne concentrations. Where material is heated, sprayed or mist formed, there is
greater potential for airborne concentrations to be generated.
Personal Protective Equipment: Personal protective equipment (PPE) should meet
recommended national standards. Check with PPE suppliers.
Respiratory Protection : No respiratory protection is ordinarily required under normal
conditions of use. In accordance with good industrial hygiene practices, precautions
should be taken to avoid breathing of material. If engineering controls do not maintain
airborne concentrations to a level which is adequate to protect worker health, select
respiratory protection equipment suitable for the specific conditions of use and meeting
relevant legislation. Check with respiratory protective equipment suppliers. Where air-
filtering respirators are suitable, select an appropriate combination of mask and filter.
Select a filter suitable for combined particulate/organic gases and vapours [boiling point
>65 °C (149 °F)] meeting EN14387.
Hand Protection : Where hand contact with the product may occur the use of gloves
approved to relevant standards (e.g. Europe: EN374, US: F739) made from the following
materials may provide suitable chemical protection: PVC, neoprene or nitrile rubber
gloves. Suitability and durability of a glove is dependent on usage, e.g. frequency and
duration of contact, chemical resistance of glove material, glove thickness, dexterity.
Always seek advice from glove suppliers. Contaminated gloves should be replaced.
Personal hygiene is a key element of effective hand care. Gloves must only be worn on
clean hands. After using gloves, hands should be washed and dried thoroughly.
Application of a non-perfumed moisturizer is recommended.
Eye Protection : Wear safety glasses or full face shield if splashes are likely to occur.
Approved to EU Standard EN166.
Protective Clothing: Skin protection not ordinarily required beyond standard issue work
Monitoring Methods : Monitoring of the concentration of substances in the breathing
zone of workers or in the general workplace may be required to confirm compliance with
an OEL and adequacy of exposure controls. For some substances biological monitoring
may also be appropriate.
Environmental Exposure Controls : Minimise release to the environment. An
environmental assessment must be made to ensure compliance with local environmental
WS 5811 33


Storage and transport

Starter batteries require no maintenance prior to being filled. Store in a dry and cool place
(no frost).

Recharge filled starter batteries not later than at an acid density below 1.21 kg/l (1.18 kg/l
with filling acid 1.23 kg/l).

Transport and store filled batteries in the upright position to prevent acid spillage.
When transporting, secure the battery to prevent toppling over.


Empty charged starter batteries are ready for operating after having been filled with battery
acid without separate charging.The temperature of the battery and the acid should be at
least 10°C when filling. Remove battery caps.Fill the individual cells of the battery with
sulphuric acid according to VDE 0510 of density 1.28 kg/l (for tropical countries 1.23 kg/l)
up to the maximum acid level mark or 15 mm above the upper edge of the plates.

Leave battery to stand for 15 minutes, slightly tilt several times and replenish acid if
required.Firmly screw in or press in the filler caps. Wipe off any spilled acid.
Batteries supplied in the filled state are ready for operation.

If a battery produces insufficient starting capacity due to low temperature or unfavourable
storage, recharge the battery.

Installation in the vehicle

Before removing and installing the battery, switch off the engine and all power consumers.
Avoid short-circuits through tools.

When removing the battery, first disconnect the negative terminal ( - ), then the positive
terminal ( + ). Prior to installing the battery, clean the standing area in the vehicle.
Firmly secure the battery.

Clean battery terminals and terminal clamps and lightly grease with acid-free grease.

On installation, first connect positive terminal ( + ), then negative terminal ( - ). Ensure

terminal clamps are tightened securely.
34 WS 5811

Charging outside the vehicle

Before charging, check the electrolyte level and, if required, add desalinated or distilled
water up to the maximum acid level mark or 15 mm above the upper edge of the plates.
Remove the battery for recharging to avoid damage to the vehicle.

Note : Observe the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions when disconnecting the

Batteries may only be charged with direct current. Connect positive terminal
( + ) of the battery with the ( + ) of the charger and the negative terminal ( - )
with the negative terminal ( - ) of the charger.

Switch on the charger only once the battery has been connected. At the end
of the charge, switch off the charger first.

A tenth of the capacity is recommended as charge current.

(For instance: 44 Ah : 10 = 4.4 A charge current)

The acid temperature may not exceed 55 °C during charging.

Interrupt the charging process if the temperature is exceeded.

The charging process is completed when the current is almost 0 or no longer

reduces or the automatic charger has switched off.

Ensure sound ventilation during the charging process.

Caution : Highly explosive oxyhydrogen is generated during charging! Fire, sparks,

naked light and smoking prohibited!


In order to achieve a long service life for the battery, the following instructions should be
observed. Keep the surface of the battery clean and dry.

Regularly check the acid level and, if necessary, replenish with desalinated or distilled
water. Never add acid. If there is a major loss of water, have the regulator voltage checked
by a specialist. Do not use any so-called conditioning agents. The charge condition can be
determined by measuring the acid density.

If the acid density is below 1.21 kg/l (or 1.18 kg/l with filling acid 1.23 kg/l), recharge the
battery. At that acid density the battery is protected against freezing up to - 15 °C (at 1.28
kg/l up to -70 °C ).
WS 5811 35


Because of the sensitive electronics in the vehicle, always use a starting booster for jump-
Jump-starting the car may lead to voltage peaks when disconnecting and damage or even
destroy the electronics of the vehicle.
For this reason follow the following instructions when using jumpstarting leads!
When jump-starting with jump-starting leads it is advisable to use standardised jump-
starting leads (for instance according to DIN 72 553).
Follow the instructions for use of the jump-starting leads.
Connect only batteries of the same rated voltage.

Connecting: Both vehicle engines off!

First connect the two positive terminals 1 and 2, then the negative terminal of the donor
vehicle 3 with a metallically bright point on the vehicle requiring assistance 4 away from
the battery (pay attention to the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions).

1 2

+ +
Batteries of
the donor - - Battery of the
vehicle vehicle to be
2 x 12V jump-started
+ + 2 x 12V
- -

3 4

Start the incapacitated vehicle for a maximum of 15 seconds, do not start the donor
vehicle during this time.
Disconnection: Disconnect cables in reverse order.

Taking the battery out of service

Charge the battery and store in a cool place.

If the battery remains in the vehicle, disconnect the negative terminal.
Regularly check the charge condition.
36 WS 5811
WS 5811 37


Machine maintenance is divided into activities (maintenance works) – chapter 11 and

intervals – chapter 13

Only if both criteria are observed, the correct activity will be carried out at the correct
moment – as shown in the maintenance schedule survey – chapter 14

Maintenance works are divided as follows:

- cleaning - chapter 11.1

- visual check - chapter 11.2
- topping up of working stock - chapter 11.3
- lubrication - chapter 11.4
- changing working stock - chapter 11.5

If during maintenance works carried out at machine components that influence driving
safety there are discovered defects, the status automatically changes from maintenance to
inspection and, if necessary, on to repair.

- During an extended visual check there are discovered wheel fissures.

- As this irregularity has been discovered at a machine component which influences driving
safety, status changes from maintenance to inspection.

- An inspection may be carried out only by those workshops that are admitted for such kind
of works by the authorized approval body!

- If during inspection it is found out that the number and dimensions of fissures exceed the
admissible values, the respective part has to be replaced.

- Status automatically changes to repair!

- A workshop of the above mentioned type will carry out repair works.

Maintenance works have to be recorded in the operator’s logbook.

These records should document any type of maintenance carried out (who, when, what,
where and why).

In case it is intended to park the machine for a period longer than 6 months, preservation
measures as usual in practise have to be provided.
38 WS 5811
WS 5811 39



- If the machine is soiled to such an extent that maintenance works would be impeded
and of no use, it is necessary to clean the machine before starting working.

- Additionally, periodical cleaning is prescribed for certain structural elements.

- Cleaning is the best opportunity to check an element visually.

- It is of particular importance to clean the coolers in time!

- Do not direct any high-pressure cleaning devices against thin covers.

- Do not use any easily flammable or caustic cleansing agents.

- Clean underside periodically, however, at least once a year.

40 WS 5811


plain visual check chapter 11.2.1

extended visual check chapter 11.2.2
immediate visual check chapter 11.2.3

• Fundamental requirements for a visual check

Machines, working units etc. that move, drive, work, are subject to wear and tear.
If wear is not taken into account, sooner or later it will lead to serious damage to the
machine that may entail unnecessary (avoidable) high costs and long down times.

• Visual checks are usually underestimated as maintenance factors.

The purpose of a visual check is to find out as soon as possible dangerous

changes, as well as wear and obvious irregularities in order to initiate suitable

To carry out visual checks successfully, a certain degree of experience and

responsibilty is required.

• Dangerous changes are, e. g.:

(the list is not intended to be complete)

- massive and/or unevenly distributed wear

- deformations by force
- chafe marks with material shrinkage
- porosity
- leaks
- fissures
- notches in critical places
- rupture of structural elements
- corrosion
- loose fit of screwed connections
- loose securing elements
- lost parts
- discolouration as a consequence of high temperatures
- bad general condition
(dirty coolers, fluid levels below minimum etc)

NOTE: It is assumed to be obvious and compelling that as a result of visual checks it

may be necessary to take measures!
WS 5811 41


A plain visual check usually will be carried out before putting the machine into operation
and after its deployment.

Before starting the first operation of the day or after longer breaks it is recommended to
check the machine visually for its general condition and any obvious irregularities when
approaching towards the machine from a greater distance.

EXAMPLE: broken windows, bent machine parts etc. indicate to the use of force and
make a more detailed investigation necessary.

Depending on their nature structural elements have to be investigated visually for

dangerous changes, such as fissures, deformation, ruptures, corrosion, discolouration by
temperature, leaks, as well as for the general condition and the fit of securing elements.

Minor sealing tasks which may be reasonably carried out (such as re-tightening
connections, fittings and screws) are to be performed in the course of daily maintenance

These maintenance operations, particularly in the area of hydraulics, can be executed with
very little maintenance expenditure and guarantee a high degree of availability of the

Plain visual check is identical with extended visual check, is, however, restricted to areas
visible from outside.


An extended visual check is carried out in monthly intervals from an assembly pit.

An extended visual check will be necessary before start-up, if:

the operating condition is not known,

the machine had been parked over a longer period,
a new or untrained crew will put the machine into operation.


Irregularities during operation (abnormal noises, smoke, fire, suddenly running out
operating stock, discolouration by heat, smell of elements running hot etc.) require an
immediate visual check.

Lost structural elements are a serious indication of a dangerous change and require a
careful and immediate investigation of the reasons.
42 WS 5811


Checks of working stock levels have to be carried out when the vehicle stands on a level
surface (without super-elevation or inclination).

Before dismantling hydraulic elements make sure that the system is unpressurized.
Hydraulic oil coming out under pressure may penetrate skin and cause serious injuries.

When draining engine oil or hydraulic oil at working temperature you might scald yourself.

Always ensure that on or in the vehicle nobody works with naked flames.

Do not smoke when refuelling the vehicle or checking the acid level of the batteries.

Never check the acid level of the battery or the fuel level in the tank with a naked flame.

When changing working stock (hydraulic oil, engine oil etc.) collect them and duly dispose

Do not let working stock get into the soil.

WS 5811 43


For greasing and oiling remove any dirt and gummy grease and oil and lubricate the
respective part anew.

All measuring and tensioning trolleys have to be lubricated / greased at intervals according
to the maintenance schedule.

Furthermore, all hydraulic and pneumatic cylinder bearings (even if not listed in the
maintenance instruction) have to be checked visually every 50 hours of operation and, if
necessary, must be lubricated.

All movable parts not mentioned in the maintenance instruction, such as piston rods,
cylinder fastenings, guide bushes, spindles, slide faces etc., have to be lubricated every 50
hours of operation with oil / grease (Shell Gadus S2 V100 2).

For lubrication never use a grease gun generating pressure of more than 15 bar!!
Grease and grease gun must be free of dirt and foreign bodies.
Clean the lubricating nipples of the bearings before and after lubricating them.
Continue to lubricate until evenly distributed fresh (clean) grease will come out the
Then remove excess quantities of grease.
44 WS 5811


filter: engine: oil filter after 500 working hours

(whenever changing oil)

fuel pre-filter after 500 working hours.


air cleaner Clean filter cartridge every 250 hours,

renew at least annually. After 5
maintenance operations, no later than
after 2 years replace the safety cartridge.

hy- oil tank: suction filter replace depending on the

contamination indication of the vacuum-
meter; however, at least every 250 or 500
engine hours

return filter the filter cartridge has to be replaced every

500 engine hours

compressed air: air dryer the filter cartridge has to be replaced

every 2 years

filter: First change of all fuel filters after max. 100 hours of operation,
afterwards in accordance with maintenance instruction.

For order numbers of filters and filter spare parts, please see spear parts book only.
WS 5811 45

oils: First change of all engine and gearbox oils after max. 100 hours of operation,
afterwards in accordance with maintenance instruction.

brake blocks:

Please pay attention to the decreased braking

effect after replacing the brake blocks, if these
are unworked or not run in.
Therefore do not change all brake blocks at
once (e.g. in two stages).

Carry out a brake test whenever change brake

46 WS 5811
WS 5811 47


visual check

topping up of fluids (cooling agents etc.)

unscrewing / tightening of screws

topping up of machine oil


greasing / lubricating


lubricating (oil)

greasing / lubricating
48 WS 5811
WS 5811 49


The following intervals are applied for maintenance:

- in between, periodically chapter 17

- after 10 hours of operation or daily chapter 18

- after 50 hours of operation or weekly chapter 19

- after 100 hours of operation or monthly chapter 20

- after 250 hours of operation or semi-annually chapter 21

- after 500 hours of operation or semi-annually chapter 22

- after 1000 hours of operation or annually chapter 23

Maintenance has to be carried out in stages, i. e., any time interval automatically includes
all previous intervals.

EXAMPLE: When performing monthly maintenance works all works listed for weekly and
daily maintenance have to be done as well.
50 WS 5811
WS 5811 51



SAFETY CONTRIVANCES …………………..…………………………………………………………………….59
BRAKE …………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………….60
COOLER ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………60




DEUTZ ENGINE – OIL LEVEL CHECK ...........................................................................................................63
ENGINE COOLING AGENT – LEVEL CHECK................................................................................................64
FUEL RESERVES FOR THE DIESEL ENGINE ..............................................................................................65
DIESEL FUEL FILTER .....................................................................................................................................65
HYDRAULIC OIL LEVEL AND FILTER CHECK ..............................................................................................66
DRAIN ALL AIR RECEIVER.............................................................................................................................67
52 WS 5811


AXLE GEARBOX – OIL LEVEL CHECK ......................................................................................................... 71
AXLE GEARBOX – LUBRICATE ALL DIRT REPELLING AGENTS .............................................................. 71
PUMP DISTRIBUTOR GEARBOX – OIL LEVEL CHECK .............................................................................. 72
CHECK ALL V-BELT TENSIONS.................................................................................................................... 73
PNEUMATIC LUBRICATOR – OIL LEVEL CHECK........................................................................................ 73
DRAIN ALL DRIP CUPS.................................................................................................................................. 74
AIR CLEANER – CHECK / CLEAN ................................................................................................................. 74
SUSPENSION ................................................................................................................................................. 75


EXTENDED VISUAL CHECK.......................................................................................................................... 79
CONVERTER TORQUE BEARING................................................................................................................. 79
CARDAN SHAFT – LUBRICATION................................................................................................................. 79
CHECK OF BRAKE LININGS AND BRAKE BLOCK PLAY ............................................................................ 80


CHECK BRAKE LEVER BEARING AND BRAKE RODS................................................................................ 83
CONDITON OF THE BATTERY AND THE CABLE CONNECTIONS ............................................................ 83
WS 5811 53


DEUTZ ENGINE – OIL CHANGE ....................................................................................................................87
AXLE GEARBOX – OIL CHANGE ...................................................................................................................88
PUMP DISTRIBUTOR GEARBOX – OIL CHANGE ........................................................................................89


CHECK HYDRAULIC OIL VISCOSITY ............................................................................................................93
CENTRAL BUFFING GEAR.............................................................................................................................93
PARKING BRAKE ............................................................................................................................................93
AIR DRIER – CHANGE FILTER AND GRANULATE CARTRIDGE ................................................................94
ALL CABLES AND INSULATIONS ..................................................................................................................94
CRANE .............................................................................................................................................................94
AXLE BEARING ...............................................................................................................................................94
RETIGHTENING OF THE SCREWS ...............................................................................................................95
FIRE EXTINGUISHER .....................................................................................................................................95
FIRST AID KIT..................................................................................................................................................95

54 WS 5811

In between - periodically:
Depending on working or environmental conditions, so to speak, on operational criteria.

After 10 hours of operation at the latest, or daily before starting operation, depending on
which of these events occurs first.

After 50 hours of operation at the latest, or weekly before starting operation, depending on
which of these events occurs first.

After 100 hours of operation at the latest, or monthly before starting operation, depending
on which of these events occurs first.

After 250 respectively 500 hours of operation, or semi-annually before starting operation
(for exact instructions refer to the respective maintenance chapter „semi-annually“),
depending on which of these events occurs first.

After 1000 hours of operation at the latest or yearly before starting operation, depending
on which of these events occurs first.
WS 5811 55


1. Palfinger crane
2. axle 2
3. battery
4. engine
5. hydraulic tank
6. axle 1
7. fuel tank
56 WS 5811
WS 5811 57


engine oil Rimula R6 LM 10 W-40 (Shell) 20 litres

pump distributor gearbox Spirax S2 G80W-90 (Shell) 3.6 litres
axle gearbox – axle 1+2 Spirax S2 G80W-90 (Shell) 8 litres
hydraulic oil Tellus S2 V 68 (Shell) 500 litres
pneumatic lubricators Tellus S2 V 68 (Shell) 0.25 litres
engine cooling agent Cooling agent / Water 14/14 litres
grease Gadus S2 V100 2 (Shell)

The above working stock filling quantities are original fillings by the manufacturer. In any
case, the oil-level gauge, the inspection glass, the oil-level glass or the level plug mark will
be decisive.

Important note:
The oil brands are valid only at the moment of delivery of the machine.
Manufacturers of lubricants use to change the designations of their products in rapid
succession! Besides, identical products have different names in different countries.
If the above listed lubricants are not (or no longer) available, ensure compatibility
when changing the oil brand; obtain the respective confirmation by the supplier. We
point out particularly that blending lubricants may lead to incompatibility and,
consequently, to damage. Especially the change from undoped to doped oil may
cause leakage.
If these oil brands are not available in the operating organization’s country or if the
client wishes to use other oil brands, the above mentioned notes apply, too.
Service departments of the lubricant suppliers provide professional information!

During warranty period lubricants as specified in this chapter (original fillings) have to be
used! Otherwise no warranty may be claimed!
58 WS 5811


Use commercial diesel fuels with a sulphur content below 0,5%.

If fuel with a higher sulphur content is used, reduce the oil change intervals.

The following fuel specifications / standards are admitted:

• EN 590
• BS 2869: A1 and A2
• ASTM D975-96: 1-D and 2-D
• NATO Codes F-34/F-35, F44 F-54 and F-63

Waxing may occur at low temperatures, clogging the fuel system and reducing engine

If the ambient temperature is less than 0°C, winter grade fuel (suitable down to -20°C)
should be used.
(usually petrol stations offer it in time before the beginning of the cold season).

Below –20°C kerosene should be added.

WS 5811 59


Depends on external conditions or operational criteria.


Safety contrivances must be checked at regular intervals for operativeness. If their

operativeness is not ensured, the machine is no longer “ready for service”!!
Immediate repair is required.

The inspection and its result must be recorded in the operator’s logbook.

Safety contrivances are, e. g.:

- direct-acting brake
- indirect-acting brake
- emergency brake
- emergency switch
- emergency stop buttons
- dead man’s handle
- electronic data recorder TEL 1000
- audible warning systems (high and low frequency signals)
- optical warning systems
60 WS 5811

17.2 BRAKE

Break block play:

If the brake cylinder piston throw is on it’s limit, the brake force decreases
(as the brake-block play increases continuously) so that finally the brake
can not apply.
Usually the break block play (distance between the brake block bottom and the wheel
tread) is approximately 5-7mm
If the value exceeds the tolerances, check the brake piston stroke and adjust it, if
The brake block play has to be re-adjusted, when:
- the break block play is not between 5-7 mm.
- the brake blocks are replaced
- the brake blocks are worn out on one side
- the wheel profile had been re-worked
How to adjust the brake block play:
- Secure the machine against breaking away (skid-pans)
- “RELEASE” the parking brake
- Release the brake cylinders (ZERO brake pressure)
- Engine is turned off
- When assembling new brake blocks, first shift the turnbuckles so that there is enough
room for new one’s.
- Adjust the brake play by using the turnbuckles.
- Secure the turnbuckles with counternuts.
NOTE: there is no need to disassemble the truss bar head and the brake levers!!

brake blocks:

Please pay attention to the decreased braking

effect after replacing the brake blocks, if these
are unworked or not run in.
Therefore do not change all brake blocks at
once (e.g. in two stages).

Carry out a brake test whenever change brake



Timely cleaning
10h or daily WS 5811 61




DEUTZ ENGINE – OIL LEVEL CHECK ...........................................................................................................63

ENGINE COOLING AGENT – LEVEL CHECK................................................................................................64
FUEL RESERVES FOR THE DIESEL ENGINE ..............................................................................................65
DIESEL FUEL FILTER .....................................................................................................................................65
HYDRAULIC OIL LEVEL AND FILTER CHECK ..............................................................................................66
DRAIN ALL AIR RECEIVER.............................................................................................................................67
62 WS 5811 10h or daily
10h or daily WS 5811 63


Refer to chapter 11.2 “visual check”

Before starting the first operation of the day or after longer breaks it is recommended to
check the machine visually for its general condition and any obvious irregularities when
approaching towards the machine from a greater distance.

Check all areas that can be seen from outside.

A plain visual check is usually carried out before start-up and after work.



oil level may in principle be checked only

when the vehicle stands on a level track
(without super elevation and gradient)

cold engine:
pull out the oil-level indicator, wipe it clean
with a clean cloth, put it in again up to the limit
stop, pull it out and check the oil level. If
necessary, top up to maximum level.

hot engine:
turn the engine off, wait for 5 minutes and then
check oil level as described above.

If the oil level is only just above the minimum

marker, top up.
Oil level must never be below the minimum


64 WS 5811 10h or daily


Check the cooling water level at regular

intervals, top up if necessary.

- unscrew the radiator cap to drop pressure

(ATTENTION: Hazard of burn!)
- ensure sufficient quantity of antifreeze.

Original filling by the manufacturer:

approx. 14/14 litres, Water/Cooling agent

cooling agent indication: at the driver’s desk

pos. 1: engine oil drain plug

pos. 2: cooling water drain plug
10h or daily WS 5811 65



As far as possible ensure that the diesel fuel

tank is filled to avoid water condensation.

filling level indication: at the driver’s desk.

tank capacity: ap. 690litres


If the dirt indicator (vacuum-meter) points to

the „caution“ zone, immediately replace the
cartridge (1), however, every 500 engine

(filter no.:)

For order numbers of filters and filter spare parts, please see spear parts book only.
66 WS 5811 10h or daily



hydraulic oil tank: original filling:

approx. 500 l of Shell Tellus S2 V 68

The upper marker at the inspection glass

shows the maximum level!

Before replacing hydraulic system elements

make sure that the system is unpressurized.

Suction filter (pos. 1):

If the dirt indicator (vacuum-meter) points to
the „caution“ zone, immediately replace the
cartridge, however, every 500 engine hours
(filter no.:)
1 pc. HY-S501.360.150

If the dirt indicator (vacuum-meter) points to

the „caution“ zone, immediately replace the
cartridge, however, every 250 engine hours
(filter no.:)
1 pc. HY-S501.160.P10

To different the suction filters, please check

numbers on type plate of filters.
(For suction filters see also under the
arrogated sheet.)

Return filter (pos. 2):

The filter cartridge has to be replaced every
500 engine hours
(filter no.:)
1 pc. HY-R501.330.10A

Whenever changing suction or return filters,

also change aeration filters of the hydraulic

In case of air admission in the hydraulic
pumps during the change of filters open the
pipes on the end of the pumps till oil comes
out non-porous.
Be careful and avoid dirt during this work!!

For order numbers of filters and filter spare parts, please see spear parts book only.
10h or daily WS 5811 67


Before start-up of the machine pull the strap to

drain condensation water that possibly may
have assembled.
68 WS 5811 10h or daily
50h or weekly WS 5811 69


AXLE GEARBOX – OIL LEVEL CHECK..........................................................................................................71

AXLE GEARBOX – LUBRICATE ALL DIRT REPELLING AGENTS ...............................................................71
PUMP DISTRIBUTOR GEARBOX – OIL LEVEL CHECK ...............................................................................72
CHECK ALL V-BELT TENSIONS ....................................................................................................................73
PNEUMATIC LUBRICATOR – OIL LEVEL CHECK ........................................................................................73
DRAIN ALL DRIP CUPS ..................................................................................................................................74
AIR CLEANER – CHECK / CLEAN..................................................................................................................74
SUSPENSION ..................................................................................................................................................75
70 WS 5811 50h or weekly
50h or weekly WS 5811 71


Power Bogie (axle 1 + 2):

- oil level checks may in principle be carried
out only at the vehicle standing on level track
(no super-elevation, no gradient).
- the optimum oil level is in the middle of the
oil inspection eye

- in case oil level is below the minimum mark,

top up immediately.
Shell Spirax S2 G80 W90



- visual check
- lubricate – Shell Gadus S2 V100 2
72 WS 5811 50h or weekly



Optimum oil level is between the markings of

the oil inspection glass.

Top up if necessary,
Shell Spirax S2 G 80W-90
50h or weekly WS 5811 73


Visual check for damage of the V-belt over its

entire dimension.
Replace defective V-belts.

Check new V-belts after a working time of 15

Check V-belt tension by finger test, maximum
depth of impression 15mm, or
use a V-belt tension measuring device.




Drain water separator.

Top up if necessary,
Shell Tellus S2 V 68
74 WS 5811 50h or weekly


These must be drained at regular intervals to

protect the air drier from contamination.


Type: STG 16

Open and clean dust reservoir (2) every 50

hours of operation.

Clean filter cartridge (3) every 250 hours of

operation and replace it at the latest after one
year of operation. After 5 filter services,
however at the latest, after 2 years the spare
cartridge (4) has to be replaced.

Do not clean filter cartridge with benzene or
any hot fluids!

Check filters monthly for water accumulation.

For order numbers of filters and filter spare parts, please see spear parts book only.
50h or weekly WS 5811 75


- visual check
- lubrication – Shell Gadus S2 V100 2
76 WS 5811 50h or weekly
100h or monthly WS 5811 77


EXTENDED VISUAL CHECK ..........................................................................................................................79

CONVERTER TORQUE BEARING .................................................................................................................79
CARDAN SHAFT – LUBRICATION .................................................................................................................79
CHECK OF BRAKE LININGS AND BRAKE BLOCK PLAY.............................................................................80
78 WS 5811 100h or monthly
100h or monthly WS 5811 79


Refer to chapter „11.2 visual check”

Extended visual checks are performed monthly from the inspection pit.

Extended visual checks have to be carried out before start-up, if:

- the operating condition is unknown
- the machine had been parked over a longer period of time
- a new or untrained crew will put the machine into operation


Visual check:
- general condition of the rubber elements
- sharp-edged notches
- obvious deformation
- fit of screwed connections


Under normal working conditions the cardan

shaft has to be lubricated semi-annually, under
harder working conditions, as well as under
harder environmental conditions lubricate
monthly. For this purpose:
Never use a grease gun generating pressure
higher than 15 bar!!
Grease and grease gun must be free of dirt
and foreign bodies.
The lubrication nipples have to be cleaned
before and after lubrication.
Lubrication has to be continued until fresh
(clean) grease will come out of the lubrication
Afterwards remove excess grease. one lubricating point per joint
80 WS 5811 100h or monthly


Brake block:

Brake linings have to be changed at the latest

- the grooves still be fully visible
- the block is worn out on edge
- the block is worn out on one side
- the block is broken


Break block play:

If the brake cylinder piston throw is on it’s limit, the brake force decreases
(as the brake-block play increases continuously) so that finally the brake
can not apply.

Usually the break block play (distance between the brake block bottom and the wheel
tread) is approximately 5-7mm
If the value exceeds the tolerances, check the brake piston stroke and adjust it, if

The brake block play has to be re-adjusted, when:

- the break block play is not between 5-7 mm.
- the brake blocks are replaced
- the brake blocks are worn out on one side
- the wheel profile had been re-worked

How to adjust the brake block play:

- Secure the machine against breaking away (skid-pans)
- “RELEASE” the parking brake
- Release the brake cylinders (ZERO brake pressure)
- Engine is turned off
- When assembling new brake blocks, first shift the turnbuckles so that there is enough
room for new one’s.
- Adjust the brake play by using the turnbuckles.
- Secure the turnbuckles with counternuts.

NOTE: there is no need to disassemble the truss bar head and the brake levers!!

ATTENTION: Both brake rods must be screwed into the turnbuckles with the same
length which has to be the thread diameter at least.
250h or semi-annually WS 5811 81


CHECK BRAKE LEVER BEARING AND BRAKE RODS ................................................................................83

CONDITON OF THE BATTERY AND THE CABLE CONNECTIONS .............................................................83
82 WS 5811 250h or semi-annually
250h or semi-annually WS 5811 83



Clean and check brake lever bearing and

brake rods every 250 hours, lubricate if
(Shell Gadus S2 V100 2)

Visual check:
- general condition
- fastenings
- damaged bellows
- contamination
- tightness of pneumatic connections
- thickness and condition of the brake block



- keep the battery clean and dry

- loosen contaminated connecting terminals
- clean battery poles (+ / -) and terminals and
lubricate with acid-free and acid-resistant
- when assembling, ensure tight contact of the
terminal connections and finger-tight
fastening of the terminal screws
- check acid level, the fluid level should be at
least 2-3 mm and maximum 10 mm above
the top of the battery plate; if necessary, add
distilled water.
- measure the acid number of the individual
cells with a battery tester.
84 WS 5811 250h or semi-annually
500h or semi-annually WS 5811 85


DEUTZ ENGINE – OIL CHANGE ....................................................................................................................87

AXLE GEARBOX – OIL CHANGE ...................................................................................................................88
PUMP DISTRIBUTOR GEARBOX – OIL CHANGE ........................................................................................89
86 WS 5811 500h or semi-annually
500h or semi-annually WS 5811 87


Approx. 20 l of Shell Rimula R6 LM 10W-40.

First oil change after 100 hours of operation.

Any further oil change after 500 hours of


- Heat up the engine

- Ensure horizontal vehicle position
Lubrication oil temperature : approx. 80 °C
- turn off the engine
- clean the surrounding area of the oil drain
plug (1)
- open the oil drain plug (1) and collect the oil
running out in a cup
- beware the danger of scalding yourself by
the used oil
- insert the oil drain plug (1) with a new
sealing ring, tighten it.
- top up hot oil up to the mark, when filling the
oil, let it pass through a 200 µM filter.
- duly deposit the drained oil
- wait for 5 minutes, then check the oil level
again; if it is correct, close the oil drain plug
(1), make sure that the washer is correctly

Replace the filter cartridge whenever changing oil:

- loosen and unscrew the lubrication oil filter with the help of usual
- collect possibly running out oil
- clean the sealing surface of the filter support from dirt
- slightly lubricate the rubber seal of the new lubrication oil filter
- screw down the cartridge manually until the seal will fit
- perform another half-revolution to screw down the filter cartridge
- check the oil level
- check the oil pressure
- check the seals of the lubrication oil filter cartridge for tightness


88 WS 5811 500h or semi-annually


axle 1: 8l Shell Spirax S2 G80W-90

axle 2: 8l Shell Spirax S2 G80W-90

If possible drain the gear oil at working


- clean the surroundings of the oil drain plug

- open the oil drain plug and collect the oil
running out in a cup
- beware the danger of scalding yourself by
the used oil
- investigate the drained oil for rubbed off
metal particles
(finger test) – rubbed of metal indicates
damage to the bearings or the gearbox
- insert the oil drain plug with a new sealing
ring, tighten it
- top up hot oil up to the mark, when filling the
oil, let it pass through a 200 µM filter.
- duly deposit the drained oil
- wait for 5 minutes, then check the oil level
again; if it is correct, close the oil drain plug,
make sure that the washer is correctly seated
500h or semi-annually WS 5811 89



3.6l of Shell Spirax S2 G80W-90

refer to „axle gearbox – oil change“
90 WS 5811 500h or semi-annually
1000h or annually WS 5811 91


CHECK HYDRAULIC OIL VISCOSITY ............................................................................................................93

CENTRAL BUFFING GEAR.............................................................................................................................93
PARKING BRAKE ............................................................................................................................................93
AIR DRIER – CHANGE FILTER AND GRANULATE CARTRIDGE ................................................................94
ALL CABLES AND INSULATIONS ..................................................................................................................94
CRANE .............................................................................................................................................................94
AXLE BEARING ...............................................................................................................................................94
RETIGHTENING OF THE SCREWS ...............................................................................................................95
FIRE EXTINGUISHER .....................................................................................................................................95
FIRST AID KIT..................................................................................................................................................95
92 WS 5811 1000h or annually
1000h or annually WS 5811 93


Send 1 litres of hydraulic oil to an authorized testing institute; in case of deviations from
the acid number or increased stage of contamination change the oil.

Whenever changing suction- or return also replace the cap with filter! (ventilation problems
in hydraulic oil tanks!) Order no.: HY-E 507.800.03

As the recipes of the individual hydraulic oil manufacturers may differ greatly and as this
might lead to possible undesired chemical reactions, it is strongly recommended not to mix
different brands.

This could lead to increased occurrence of mud and – consequently – to filter problems.
Furthermore even the performance could change in an uncontrollable way.


- visual check
- check all screws for tight fit


- visual check
- check grease filling – Shell Gadus S2 V100 2
94 WS 5811 1000h or annually



To avoid damage to the pneumatic equipment

the air drier has to be checked periodically.

The filter cartridges (432 410 2227) have to

replaced every 2 years of operation.

Refer to “Service Instruction ER-67a”!

For order numbers of filters and filter spare parts, please see spear parts book only.


Once every year all cables, pinch connections

and insulations have to be checked and
changed if necessary.


Type: PK15002B




Refer to “Service Instruction axle bearing”!

1000h or annually WS 5811 95


The following screws have to be retightened annually:

- all screws of the cardan shafts with a tightening moment as listed below, which are
not secured by retaining pins or washers
M12 120 Nm
M14 190 Nm
M16 295 Nm
M18 450 Nm

- tighten all the following screws if they are not secured by retaining pins or washers:
- working mode drive
- power divider
- suspensions
- gearboxes

- date of expiry


- date of expiry
96 WS 5811 1000h or annually
S – 110506-C


Intermediate Clutch
S – 110506-C

Operating and Servicing Instructions

Before repairing or working the machine, please note SI-0400-2

Intermediate Clutch

BR 152 0300

Part. No. Part. No. Part. No

WN 220.01 A WN 220.02 WN 220.03 A
WN 220.04 A(/3X) WN 220.05 WN 220.06
WN 220.07 WN 220.08 WN 220.09
WN 220.10 WN 220.11 WN 220.12 A
WN 220.13 WN 220.14 WN 220.15 A
WN 220.17 WN 220.18 WN 220.19 A
WN 220.20 WN 220.21 A WN 220.22
WN 220.23 A WN 220.25 WN 220.26
WN 220.27 WN 220.28 WN 220.29
WN 220.30 WN 220.31 WN 220.32
WN 220.34 A WN 220.35 WN 220.36
WN 220.37 WN 220.38 WN 220.39
WN 220.40 WN 220.41 WN 220.43
WN 220.44 WN 220.45 WN 220.46
WN 220.47 WN 220.48 WN 220.49
WN 220.50 WN 220.51 WN 220.53
WN 220.54 WN 220.55 WN 220.56
WN 220.57 WN 220.58 WN 220.59
WN 220.60 WN 220.61 WN 220.62
WN 220.63 WN 220.65
S – 110506-C


Intermediate Clutch BR 152 0300

Dismantling and stripping the intermediate clutch

For checking or for exchanging the clutch element (Pos. 3) the cardan
shaft screwed to the intermediate clutch is released and removed.

After this, the flywheel connecting bolts are released and the clutch can
be lifted out completely.

After releasing the out bolts (Pos. 7) and the inner bolts (Pos.), the
clutch can be dismantled into its separate parts.

Only use original spare parts!!
S – 110506-C

Cleaning and checking the clutch parts

Before assembly all parts should be cleaned. Special care has

to be taken with the contact surface of the cardan shaft and the
fly wheel connection (see drawing).
Use a cloth with a bit of cleaning material; never clean the
whole clutch with the cleaning material.
No gasoline, petroleum or oil should be used on rubber parts.
S – 110506-C

In case of slight soiling, i.e. dry, powdery dust, the clutch parts
should be cleaned only with a hand brush.

Take care not to change the smoothly worn running faces of the
close-fitting steel parts for friction disc (Pos. 3). It is not possible to
re-work these surfaces due to the precision of the surfaces.

In the case of heavy soiling, i.e. sticky, smeared rubber residue as

occurring when the clutch turns through, the steel parts of the clutch
can be washed in a cold cleaning fluid.

If the element (Pos. 3) broke in operation, the clutch had turned

through. In that case the friction disc (Pos. 4) and the friction ring
(Pos. 5) generally should be exchanged.

During checks not in connection with damage, the friction disc and
friction ring should be checked for wear. The threshold values for
wear can be taken from the general checking and servicing
S – 110506-C


Intermediate Clutch BR 152 0300

Assembly and installation instruction

When assembling the clutch the bolt tightening moments must be

Note the different clutches and their tightening moments (please see
list 1 – annex).

Assembly begins with the insertion of the friction ring (Pos. 5) and
the friction disc (Pos. 4) into the flange mantel (Pos. 1). If re-using
the friction disc (Pos. 4) the faces should be lightly coated with
mineral oil. The friction ring (Pos. 5) should be inserted in dry

After this, the hub (Pos. 2) is pushed in and the rubber element
(Pos. 3) inserted. The clutch is bolted together firmly using the inner
and the outer fastening bolts (Pos. 6 and 7).

The cardan shaft can now be mounted and bolted.


All intermediate clutches are balanced with a balancing quality of

G = 6,3 as per. DIN ISO 1940!

The wearing parts to be renewed in the case of repair are rotation

symmetrical and in our experience do not lead to any impermissible
or disruptive imbalance.

If any irregularity in running should occur, it is necessary to make a

balancing check. The permissible imbalance data can then be taken
from the assembly drawing.
S – 110506-C

Checking and Service – general

Dismantling of the clutch is performed according to the appropriate dismantling guidelines.

When the clutch has been dismantled, the friction disc and friction ring can be measured.
See table for permissible wear.
The clutch element can be investigated for possible loose parts and cracks by pulling it
apart axially under a press.
The pulling distance should not exceed a maximum of 1/3 of the overall height of the
clutch element. Loose parts and cracks become visible in extended state, in which case
the element must be exchanged.
Cleaning and assembly should be carried out according to the appropriate cleaning and
assembly guidelines.

The parts should be exchanged at the following indications:

Clutch element - if damage has occurred

Friction disc and friction ring - if wear threshold values in the table are

If the rubber element is exchanged, the friction ring and friction disc must also
be renewed at all events to ensure that the properties of the clutch comply
with those of a new one!

For orders, please use the ordering number for the clutch from the spare parts catalogue.
To avoid wrong deliveries, it is advisable also to state the production no. stamped on the
main body of the clutch!

Threshold values of wear for friction disc and friction ring above which it is
recommended to exchange these components

Type 005 010 020 030 035 040 045 050 055 060 065 070 075 080 085 090
Thickness 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8
Permissible 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8

All intermediate clutches are balanced with a balance quality of G = 6,3 as
per. DIN ISO 1940!
If running is not smooth after a repair, re-balancing is needed according to
the threshold values given in the assembly drawing.
S – 110506-C

ANNEX: List 1

Picture 2 Picture 3

Picture 1

Part. No. Type Pos. 6 [Nm] Pos. 7 [Nm] Pos. 8 [Nm] Pos. 9 [Nm]
WN 220.01A 045 190 49 120 -
WN 220.02 045 190 49 190 -
WN 220.03A 045 190 49 190 -
WN 220.04A 050 295 86 190 -
WN 220.04A/3X 050 295 86 190 -
WN 220.05 030 120 25 - -
WN 220.06 040 190 49 - 190
WN 220.07 055 405 135 - -
WN 220.08 050 120 86 210 210
WN 220.09 050 - 86 - -
WN 220.10 040 69 - - -
WN 220.11 030 120 35 - 120
WN 220.12A 040 190 49 120 -
WN 220.13 040 190 49 120 -
WN 220.14 040 120 49 - 190
WN 220.15A 045 190 49 120 -
WN 220.17 040 190 49 115 -
WN 220.18 030 69 25 - -
WN 220.19A 045 190 49 190 -
WN 220.20 045 190 49 - 190
WN 220.21A 040 190 49 120 -

- means "no screw at this pos."

S – 110506-C

Part. No. Type Pos. 6 [Nm] Pos. 7 [Nm] Pos. 8 [Nm] Pos. 9 [Nm]
WN 220.22 050 295 86 - -
WN 220.23A 045 190 49 190 -
WN 220.25 030 120 25 - -
WN 220.26 030 120 120 69 -
WN 220.27 030 69 25 - -
WN 220.28 050 295 86 - -
WN 220.29 045 190 49 - 120
WN 220.30 045 190 49 - 180
WN 220.31 055 405 135 280 -
WN 220.32 030 120 49 - -
WN 220.34A 030 120 25 120 -
WN 220.35 030 120 25 120 -
WN 220.36 030 120 49 - -
WN 220.37 060 580 135 295 -
WN 220.38 040 190 49 190 -
WN 220.39 040 190 49 120 -
WN 220.40 055 405 135 295 -
WN 220.41 030 120 49 - -
WN 220.43 030 120 49 - -
WN 220.44 040 190 49 - 190
WN 220.45 050 295 86 190 -
WN 220.46 050 295 86 180 -
WN 220.47 050 295 120 280 -
WN 220.48 030 69 - - -
WN 220.49 040 190 49 190 -
WN 220.50 030 120 25 120 -
WN 220.51 045 190 49 190 180
WN 220.53 055 405 135 - -
WN 220.54 040 190 69 - 180
WN 220.55 040 190 69 - 180
WN 220.56 045 190 49 190 -
WN 220.57 035 69 25 - -
WN 220.58 040 190 49 120 -
WN 220.59 055 405 135 280 -
WN 220.60 035 120 35 180 69
WN 220.61 045 115 69 190 120
WN 220.62 040 190 49 190 115
WN 220.63 050 - 86 - -
WN 220.65 060 550 33 180

- means "no screw at this pos."

S – 110506-C
¾ Before starting to replace the suction
filter, some principal requirements have
to be met:

¾ Under no circumstances handle open

fire on the machine.

¾ The machine must be secured from

BREAKING AWAY (activated parking
brake, activated safety brake, skid-pans

¾ Furthermore, the machine engine has to be

turned off and protected against
unauthorized starting.

¾ The hydraulic system must be

depressurized and secured against
unauthorized operation.
¾ It is necessary to cool down the hydraulic oil
to ambient temperature (the machine has to
be out of operation for several hours).

¾ replace the suction filter in accordance with

the service intervals and/or the degree of
contamination (see symbolic photograph).

Fig. 3943 ws 10

¾ clean the suction filter case by using a

suitable cleansing agent. DO NOT USE
inflammable cleansing agents.

Fig. 1
¾ When having cleaned the outer case of the
suction filter unit thoroughly from dust,
grease and other dirt, you may start to
replace the suction filter itself.

Fig. 1

¾ For replacing the filter an open-end wrench

(opening 36) or a ring wrench (opening 36)
and a suitable receptacle for the old filter
are required.

Fig. 2
¾ Press the above mentioned open-end
wrench, or, optionally, the ring wrench
tightly onto the hexagon on the suction filter
cover. The wrench must fit tightly.

Fig. 4

¾ Put the receptacle for the old suction filter

and the oil running out underneath the
suction filter case.

¾ Turn off the cover for 25 mm, a slight

pressure exerted by the return valve has to
be felt. As the return valve is proportional to
the thread of the filter case cover, after 25
mm the return valve has to be closed.

Fig. 3
¾ It is advisable to screw off the joint of the
mini-measuring line (see arrow). This
procedure makes it possible to test the
function of the return valve.

Fig. 5

¾ Provided that it is operated and used as

directed the return valve incorporated in the
suction filter case ensures that no hydraulic
oil escapes from the hydraulic oil tank.

Fig. 6

¾ If due functioning of the return valve is

ensured, completely screw out the cover
and remove it carefully, duly collect the oil
remaining in the filter case. After about ¾ of
a litre to 1 litre no more oil must come out.

Fig. 7
¾ Remove the suction filter from its case and
put it into the receptacle.

Fig. 8

¾ The hydraulic filter together with the

hydraulic oil coming out have, of course, to
be deposited duly.

Fig. 9
¾ Caution: avoid damage to the O-ring on
the suction filter case.

Fig. 10

¾ Seal the screwed connection of the mini-

measuring line again, screw it into the filter
case unit the connection will fit tightly, but
make sure not to screw it in too far, as
otherwise the return valve would not
function !!!!!!

¾ The new suction filter (item number – see

spare parts catalogue, hydraulic system
scheme) has to be put into the case in
accordance with the required mounting

Fig. 11
To ensure the operational safety of the
hydraulic system, only original spare parts
must be used.
¾ Check the tight fit and the due condition of
the O-ring.

¾ When the O-ring is safe for operation,

lubricate it slightly with hydraulic oil so that it
will more easily adapt to the surface.

Fig. 10

¾ Screw in the case cover using the wrench

36 and tighten it. The O-ring must neither
come out nor get damaged !

Fig. 4

¾ Now the hydraulic system again is ready for


¾ Check the tightness of the suction filter

¾ It is recommendable to check the viscosity
of the hydraulic oil by an authorized institute
when replacing the suction filter. In case of
relevant deviations of the acid number or an
increased degree of contamination change
the hydraulic oil (as required according to
the service instruction). Observe the
respective safety instructions for handling
hydraulic oil.
S – 090209


Measures to be taken in the event of

damaged brake blocks
S – 090209

Service Information
on measures to be taken in the event of damaged brake blocks

Please observe the instructions SI-0400-03 and BS-02.05!

S – 090209

1. Crack going through to the carrier sheet

Type of damage:
The friction material shows a radial crack
from the friction surface onto the carrier

Required measure:
Immediate replacement of the
brake block!

2. Spalling friction material

Type of damage:
Frictional material spalling over more than
¼ of the length of the block.
(spalling > 63 mm over a block length of
spalling > 80mm over a block length of
320 mm;

Required measure:
Immediate replacement of the
brake block!

Consider that after replacement of the brake shoes the braking effect is
reduced, if the shoes are not treated or run in.
S – 090209

3. Material detaching from the carrier sheet

Type of damage:
Material detaching from the carrier sheet.

Required measure:
If the length of the detaching
material exceeds 25 mm, the
brake block must be replaced

4. Superficial fissures in a circumferential direction

Type of damage:
Superficial fissures in a circumferential

Required measure:
If the length of the superficial
fissure exceeds 25 mm, the brake
block must be replaced

Consider that after replacement of the brake shoes the braking effect is
reduced, if the shoes are not treated or run in.
S – 090209

5. Through crack in the predetermined breaking point

Type of damage:
Through crack in the predetermined
breaking point.

Required measure:
No measures required.

6. Superficial radial fissures

Type of damage:
Superficial radial fissures in the block

Required measure:
No measures required.


S – 090209
S – 43f


an Bahnbaumaschinen on Track Maintenance Machines
und Oberbaufahrzeugen and Permanent Way Vehicles
aber spätestens nach 8000 but latest after 8000 operating hours.
Neben den vorgeschriebenen regulären In addition to the compulsory regular
Wartungs- und Revisionsintervallen sind nach 6 maintenance and overhaul intervals following
Jahren ab der ersten Inbetriebnahme, inspection and preventive measures are to be
spätestens aber nach 8000 Betriebsstunden, carried out 6 years after the first start-up, but
folgende Untersuchungen und latest after 8000 operating hours:
Präventivmaßnahmen durchzuführen:

Zustand u. Präventive Condition Preventive

Baugruppe Bauteil Assembly Component
Reparatur Erneuerung and Repair Renewal
Allgemein X General X
Kraftstoffanlage X Fuel system X
Leitungen X Pipes X
Filter X Filters X
Keilriemen X V-Belts X
Keilriemenscheiben X V-Belt pulleys X
Kühlsystem X Cooling system X
Luftpresser X Air compressor X
Alternatoren X Alternators X
Starter X Starter X

Abgasanlage X Exhaust system X

Aufstellung X Attachment X
Dämpfungselemente X Damping elements X
Befestigungsschrauben X Fixing bolts X
Rahmen und Stützen X Frame and supports X
Kupplung X Clutch X
Nebenantriebe X Auxiliary drives X

Radreifenprofil X Wheel profile X

Verschleiß prüfen und ggf. reprofilieren. Wear check, if necessary re-profiling.
1. Alle Radsätze müssen gleichen Laufkreis- 1. All wheel-sets are to be on equal rim diameter.
Durchmesser haben. 2. The wear limit (marking) must not be exceeded.
2. Die Verschleißgrenze (Marke) darf nicht 3. When using re-profiled wheel sets, the spring
überschritten werden. deflection must be considered and following care
3. Bei nachgedrehten Radsätzen ist unter must be unconditionally taken to:-
Berücksichtigung der Einfederung folgendes a) Clearance to other components.
unbedingt zu beachten: b) Observance of the vehicle gauge.
a) Berührungsfreiheit zu anderen Bauteilen. c) Unhindered action and efficiency of the


b) Einhaltung des Fahrzeugprofiles. brakes.

c) Unbehinderte Wirkung der Bremsen. d) Free action of the shock absorbers.
d) Freier Wirkungshub der Stoßdämpfer. e) On powered axles:-
e) Bei Triebachsen:- • Position of the axle gear box.
• Lage des Achsgetriebes, • Position of the torque arm.
• Lage der Drehmomentstütze, • Diffraction angle and expansion
• Beugungswinkel und Längenausgleich compensation of the cardan shafts.
der Gelenkwellen.
S – 43f

Zustand u. Präventive Condition Preventive

Baugruppe Bauteil Assembly Component
Reparatur Erneuerung and Repair Renewal
Achslagergehäuse X Axle bearing housings X
Dismantle and check of the bearing seats. In case of
Zerlegen und Lagersitze prüfen. Bei Verschleiß-
worn seat surfaces the axle bearing housings are to
spuren sind die Lagergehäuse zu erneuern.
be renewed.
Alle Achslager X All axle bearings X
Fettfüllung X Lubricant X
Alle Gummifedern X All rubber springs X
Spiralfedern Spiral springs


Federn auf Ermüdung überprüfen, ggf. sind die Fatigue check of the springs, if necessary the springs

Federn aller Radsätze zu erneuern. of all wheel sets are to be renewed.

Federhalterungen X Spring attachment X
Federführungen und Stützplatten überprüfen, bei Check of spring guides and support plates. In case of
Verschleißerscheinungen sind alle Führungen und wear signs all guides and supports of the wheel set
Stützplatten eines Radsatzes zu erneuern. are to be renewed.
Alle Stoßdämpfer X All shock absorbers X

Drehzapfen X King pin X

Drehzapfenlager X King pin bearing X

Drehpfanne X Swivel ring X

Fettfüllung X Lubricant X

Seitenfederung (Gummi) X Lateral springs (rubber) X

Seitenfedern (Spiralfed.) X Lateral springs (spiral) X
Gleitplatten X Support plates X
Stoßdämpfer X Shock absorbers X
Drehgestellrahmen X Bogie frame X
Achslagerführungen X Axle bearing guide plates X

Achsgetriebe X Axle gear box X

Zahnräder X Gears X
Lager X Bearings X
Antriebswellen X Drive shafts X
Kupplungsteile X Clutch components X

Dichtungen X Seal rings X


Schmierpumpe X Lubrication pump X

Gelenkwellenflansch X Cardan shaft flange X
1. Bei Kegelradgetrieben sind Tellerrad und 1. On bevel type gear boxes the crown gear
Triebling gepaart. Bei fehlerhaften Teilen ist das and the pinion are paired. In case of wear signs the
Achsgetriebe, bzw. der Radsatz zu erneuern. axle gear box, respectively the wheel set must be
2. Bei formschlüssigen Antrieb mehrerer Achsen renewed.
müssen alle Radsätze unbedingt den gleichen 2. All wheels of form-closure connected drive
Laufkreisdurchmesser haben. Dazu entweder axles must have unconditionally the same rim
alle Radsätze zu erneuern oder auf den diameter. For that, all concerned wheel sets either to
gleichen Durchmesser zu drehen. be renewed or to be turned to equal diameter.
Alle Gelenkwellen X All cardan shafts X
Es dürfen nur die vorgeschriebenen Schrauben,

Only the appropriate types of bolts, retaining washers

Sicherungsscheiben und Muttern verwendet werden.
and nuts must be used and the required tightening
Die erforderlichen Anzugsmomente müssen
torque must be observed. Latest after 25 operating
eingehalten werden. Nach spätestens 25
hours the cardan shafts and their bolts are to be
Betriebsstunden sind die Gelenkwellen und deren
checked for proper condition, subsequently after
Verschraubungen zu überprüfen; in der weiteren
every 200 operating hours.
Folge alle 200 Betriebsstunden.
Once a year the cardan shafts have to be checked
Weiters sind die Gelenkwellen jährlich einer
visually and the cardan shaft clearance has to be
Sichtkontrolle zu unterziehen und das
Gelenkwellenspiel zu prüfen.
S – 43f

Zustand u. Präventive Condition Preventive

Baugruppe Bauteil Assembly Component
Reparatur Erneuerung and Repair Renewal

Alle Kraftübertragungen X All power transmissions X



Befestigungen, Lager, Dichtungen, Keilprofile und Bolts, bearings, seal rings, spline profile and flange
Flanschbohrungen auf Verschleiß überprüfen und bores to be checked for wear. Worn parts are to be
schadhafte Teile erneuern. renewed.

Alle Getriebe X All gear boxes X


Generalinspektion und Erneuerung aller verschlis- General inspection and renewal of all worn or
senen, bzw. defekten Bauteile. defective components.

Alle Inspektions- und Reparaturmaßnahmen dürfen nur von All inspection and repair measures are to be carried out only by
autorisierten Fachdiensten durchgeführt werden. authorised workshops.
Es sollen nur Original-Ersatzteile verwendet werden. Only original spare parts are to be used.


S – 43f
SI – 0300-01



On track Heavy Plant Machinery, Measuring Cars and Inspection Vehicles are subject to certain operation
and periodical maintenance procedures to maintain the correct standard and ensure they meet the safety

The end user is responsible to follow the instructions of the manufacturer to keep the vehicles in correct
operational and working condition. For this purpose we the manufacturer hereby supply the following
instructions that should be strictly adhered to:

Our Direction; “General Operation and Safety Requirements for Plasser & Theurer Track
Maintenance Machines, BS-02.05-*” This instruction is a part of the documentation originally delivered
with the machine. The instruction should be carefully read and followed, it contains instructions for
operating, how to reduce danger and risks, and other useful information.
The End User is responsible for ensuring that all necessary requirements related to vehicle safety on
track have been fulfilled.
a) The delivered vehicle should only be used for the purpose that it is designed for, and should only be
operated and maintained by qualified personnel.
b) In case the machine is not operated and maintained by qualified persons, or repairs are carried out
without following the service instruction, or the use of non original spare parts, the manufacturer can
not be held responsible for any damage.
Before putting the vehicle into operation the end user must ensure that the delivered product is fully
a) All necessary instructions and maintenance intervals as stipulated in the Service Instructions must
be followed by the machine personnel.
b) Only those materials described in the relevant instructions should be used for cleaning and
In addition to the recommended periodical inspection of Track Maintenance Equipment, and with
reference to requirements for Heavy Plant Machinery, it is necessary to carry out frequent checks on;
Undercarriage, Drive Control, Brake System Components, Frame, General Working Functions,
Measuring Systems and Safety Controls. Any problem identified should be immediately reported and
dealt with.
a) The machine must always be repaired in a suitable workshop by qualified personnel using only
approved components.
b) In general a service network for technical assistance has been set up by Plasser & Theurer.
c) The End User (customer) in case of failure can contact the appropriate Plasser & Theurer Service
d) The Service Branch is available for providing Technical Assistance for the checking and
commissioning of the machine, in both a practical and technical capacity.
e) To ensure an accurate and reliable performance of the equipment it is strongly recommended that
only original spare parts should be used. During the warranty period it is a condition of the warranty
that original spare parts from Plasser & Theurer have to be used.
f) Modifications, additional installations and using the equipment for purposes other than which it was
designed for, can seriously affect the safety requirements of the equipment, and therefore can only
be carried out with the prior approval of the manufacturer.

Plasser & Theurer

Export von Bahnbaumaschinen
Gesellschaft m.b.H.
SI – 0400-03

Safety Guide Lines to prepare any Repair Work on the Machine

In working mode the danger area of the machine is prohibited

Repair work on the machine must be carried out only by authorized and trained personnel.
The adjacent track in train service must NOT be entered.


Before carrying out any repair work on the machine the following safety instructions must
be observed:

• Deactivate hydraulic pressure!

• Deactivate the air system!

• Protect the machine from breaking away (parking brake, skid-pans etc.)!

• Turn off the engine!

• Turn off the working-mode main switch and protect it from unauthorized

• Turn off the battery main switch and protect it from unauthorized operation!

• If repair works are carried out in closed workshops the batteries have to be
disconnected (machine without current). The battery terminals have to be
secured accordingly.

• Furthermore, the machine crew and all persons having access to the machine
must be informed of the intended repair work!

• A professionally competent person has to be chosen who will bear main

responsibility for the repair work to be carried out and supervise this work
according to all aspects of safety!

• Furthermore, the machine crew has to be informed of the repair work completed
before the operating mode of the machine is restored. Only professionally
competent and trained persons are allowed to restore the working mode of the

• In working mode the working area is prohibited again!

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