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1. The purpose of the financial system is to bring savers and borrowers together.

2. Firms are never DSUs.

3.. Investment bankers help DSUs bring new primary security issues to market.

4. Direct finance requires a more or less exact match of preferences.

5. There must be an equal number of DSUs and SSUs in a period.

6. A household is an SSU when income for the period exceeds spending.

7. Financial claims or securities are written for the mutual benefit of both SSU and DSU.

8. DSUs and SSUs always have some contact with each other in financial markets.

9. Households are the major source of funds to the financial system.

10. A financial claim is an “IOU” from a deficit spending unit


1. An SSU’s

a. income and expenditures for the period are equal.

b. income for the period exceeds expenditures.

c. expenditures for the period exceed receipts.

d. spending is entirely financed by credit cards

2. Financial institutions facilitate the flow of investment funds

a. from savers to borrowers

b. from SSUs to DSUs

c. from the household sector to the business sector

d. any of the above

3. Which sector has been most consistently in a surplus budget position?

a. Business
b. Government

c. Foreign

d. Household

4. Which of the following are “economic units”?

a. households b .businesses

c. governments d. all of the above

5. All of the following are terms for or examples of financial claims except

a. bonds.

b. money.

c. loans.

d. commodities.

6. Direct finance is best exemplified by

a. the purchase of mutual fund shares.

b. depositing in a credit union.

c. borrowing from a friend or relative.

d. employee contributions to a pension fund.

7. Surplus spending units (SSU) are also called

a. lenders. b. borrowers.

c. sellers of securities. d. balanced budget units.

8. During 2008, Bob and Nancy Gutierrez expect total income of about $225,000 and are budgeting total
expenditures of about $180,000. For this budget period, the Gutierrez family is most specifically a(n)

a. DSU b. business

c. SSU d. household

9. All but one of the following is associated with investment banking:

a. Taking deposits.

b. Marketing new issues of securities.

c. Underwriting securities.
d. Completing regulatory paperwork and rendering advice.

10. Most of the financial claims issued by U.S. financial intermediaries are purchased by

a. the household sector.

b. the business sector.

c. the government sector.

d. the foreign sector

11. The household sector is the largest surplus sector and invests in the capital market

a. directly by purchasing stocks and bonds.

b. indirectly through mutual funds.

c. indirectly through pension funds

d. all of the above

12. Financial markets provide financial institutions:

a. a place to securitize assets.

b. a source of generating fee income from trading.

c. a source of funding.

d. all of the above.

13. Financial managers are responsible for determining:

I. how suppliers will be paid. II. the appropriate level of debt for a firm.

III. which projects a firm should undertake. IV. how to invest the firm's cash.

a. I and II only

b. II and III only

c. I, II and III only

d. I, II, III and IV

14. Capital structure refers to the:

a. types of equipment a firm employs in its production process.

b. mixture of short-term and long-term debt a firm uses to finance its operations.
c. amount of long-term debt and equity a firm uses.

d. composition of a firm's short-term assets.

e. size, timing, and risk of a firm's future cash flows.

15. Capital budgeting is the process of:a. determining how to raise the money required to fund a project.

b. choosing how much cash to keep on hand.

c. deciding the amount of earnings that a firm should retain.

d. planning and managing a firm's long-term investments.

e. deciding which marketable securities to purchase.

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