TP 4 Part 4 Inglés 5°año

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Inglés 5° año TP4 part 4 Practice 3rd conditional Prof: Noelia Arcel

1- Mirar este video: luego, tomar nota de lo que se explica en el


2- Armemos juntos la regla para fomular oraciones que expresen un arrepentimiento sobre una situación que en
realidad nunca sucedió en inglés.

3- Insertar donde corresponda

wouldn´t have been obliged -Hadn't come Hadn´t conquered- wouldn´t have had

Improvements to agriculture

in America were possible

Their people _______ __________ ______access only because of the use of

to agricultural technologies or other inventions If
our technologies
Europe ________ ___________ America,

Why gold, just a natural resource

If Spaniards ____________ ___________to
for us, became a synonym our lands, we________ ________ _______
_________considered gold as money
of wealth and power?

4- Complete the following sentences using the third conditional

a- If Spain _____________ ___________(not/oblige) to look for new commerce routes, Columbus __________
__________ __________ (not/ discover) America.
b- If Spanish conquerors __________ __________(not/ destroy) the Mayan codices, we ________ __________
___________(learn) much more about our ancestors system of writing, and this also __________ _________
___________ (contribute)to preserve better our native languages’
c- Probably things __________ __________ __________(be) different for us If our ancestors __________
_________(know) how to use metals.

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