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Assessment Task 2

Briefing Report

Company Human Resource Overview

In each campus of both Brisbane and Sydney, will require a receptionist, a student service officer and
four trainers. Existing staff at the Melbourne campus will complete all other staff functions until such
time as student numbers increase substantially. It is anticipated that maximum student numbers will be
up to 50 students at each of the new campuses.

The College currently employs 24 staff members including the CEO, a Marketing Manager and Marketing
Assistant, Human Resources Manager, Finance Manager, Administration Manager, Office Assistant,
Receptionist, Academic Manager, Student Services Officer, and approximately 14 trainers.

Review and Analysis of Human Resource

 Human resources information systems: the current human resources system is basic. Staff files
are kept in a filing cabinet and payroll is managed through accounting software. There is interest
in migrating to an advanced HR information system as the business grows and has multiple sites.
Costs need to be identified.
 Induction is limited to a couple of hours at the beginning of an employee’s employment. There is
no follow up.
 Job analysis and design: no formal systems in place.
 Recruitment and selection: there is a desire to identify recruitment and selection strategies that
ensure the recruitment of quality staff.
 Staff retention and succession planning: no formal systems are in place.
Review of Changes

 Equal employment opportunity and diversity: equal employment opportunity is implicit in

recruiting staff and in the workplace but there is no formal policy or strategy in place or
arrangements for flexible working arrangements.
 Performance management: while performance management is indicated in the company’s
strategic plan, it is sporadic and depends on the manager. Clearer procedures and systems need
to be put in place and there also needs to be some attention to reward and recognition
 Professional development: professional development onus is on the staff with no formal
systems in place. Any professional development undertaken by staff is not always recorded
although staff are supposed to complete a professional development register. An online system
for recording professional development and that is linked to the human resources information
system would be useful. There is no current budget for professional development and an annual
amount needs to be identified per staff member.

Staff Review

In each campus of both Brisbane and Sydney, will require a receptionist, a student service officer and
four trainers. Existing staff at the Melbourne campus will complete all other staff functions until such
time as student numbers increase substantially.

Trainers and assessors as well as administrative and support staff will be employed part time on casual
contracts initially. Key skills required are high level knowledge and skills in adult learning and the design
and development of assessment tools.

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