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About this Assessment Manual

This Assessment Manual provides you with assessment information and the assessment
tasks you will be required to complete for this unit.

Why are assessment tasks important?

The assessment tasks are an important part of your course as they provide: an opportunity
for you to apply what you have learned; and feedback on your progress.

How will you be assessed?

You are required to complete all of the below assessment tasks satisfactorily to demonstrate
competency in this unit. Your trainer and assessor will provide you with a due date for each
assessment task during the first class of the unit. Write the due dates down in the space
provided. You will also find information on due dates once you login to the e-learning

Assessment Plan

Assessment Number Method of Assessment Due Date

Assessment Task 1 Short answer questions

Assessment Task 2 Portfolio and Roleplay

Assessment Task 3 Portfolio

What is required for successful completion?

To be assessed as ‘Competent’ for this unit, you must complete all of the above assessment
tasks satisfactorily.

Assessment Tasks

The information provided under each assessment task gives the assessor and the student:

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• Instructions to outline the purpose of the assessment task and conditions to consider
when conducting the task (e.g. resources, place, submission requirements and
• Assessment context/scenario information.
• Activities/questions to be completed by the student.
• An outline of the evidence to be submitted by the student - Evidence Submission

How to submit assessments

You must type your responses using MS Office Suite programs (or similar). Your trainer and
assessor will also accept handwritten responses if they are legible. In some cases, an
assessment task will require you to complete a template or a form and these can also be
completed by hand.

Please note that some assessment tasks require you to submit completed forms and/or
templates. You will find these forms and templates in a sperate document named
‘Appendices and templates’.

In some role-play scenarios, you may be required to work in a small group. If this is the case,
you will still be required to submit your assessment evidence individually, and your
performance will still be assessed on an individual basis.

You must submit your assessment work via e-learning platform by the due date.

Assessment Submission Declaration

Before submitting your assessment work to your trainer and assessor for marking, you must
accept the following assessment submission declaration.

I declare that the evidence provided for this task is my own work; none of this work
has been completed by other person; I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or
colluded with any other student(s); I have corrected by referenced all resources and
reference texts where applicable; I understand that if I am found in breach of the
Academic Misconduct Policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me; and I
understand my assessment appeal rights.

The above declaration is an agreement from you declaring that all the evidence you are
submitting is your own work.

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If you submit your work electronically using VIA’s e-Learning platform, then accept the
assessment submission declaration for each task before finalising the submission.

If you submit paper copies of your work, then complete the Assessment Cover Sheet for
each assessment task before handing in the completed work to your trainer and assessor.
Please keep the ‘Assessment Submission Receipt’ section with you as a proof of

Assessment Task and Unit Outcomes

Once your work is marked, you will receive either ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Not Satisfactory’ result for
each assessment task.

If you receive ‘Satisfactory’ result for all assessment tasks, then you will receive ‘Competent’
result for this unit.

If you receive a ‘Not Satisfactory’ result for any of the tasks or missed any of the tasks, then
you will receive a ‘Not Competent’ result for this unit.

Plagiarism and Referencing

You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner Guide or
other sources, but you are not allowed to copy sentences and/or paragraphs directly from
these sources. If your responses are found to have been copied directly from the learner
guide or other sources, your result will be ‘Not Satisfactory’.

You will still need to provide references of sources you relied upon to prepare your
assessment work. Please refer to the Student Handbook (available on the VIA website).

You must also ensure that your assessment work must be current and relevant to the given
task and case study scenario.

Students who are found to be engaged in academic misconduct involving plagiarism,

cheating, and/or collusion will be dealt as per the VIA Education’s Academic Misconduct
Policy. More details on this policy can be found in the Student Handbook available on the
VIA website.


If you receive ‘Not Competent’ (NC) result for this unit, you will be given reattempt
opportunity. You will have two reattempt opportunities of any assessment task during the

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duration of your course. Please note that each reattempt will be subject to a re-assessment
fee. Please refer to the Student Handbook (available on the VIA website) to know more
about the reassessment process.

What can you do if you do not agree with the assessment outcomes (results)?

If you disagree with the assessment outcome or if you believe that you have been treated
unfairly, you can appeal the decision using VIA Education’s Complaints and Appeals policy
(refer to the Complaints and Appeals Policy in the Student Handbook available on the VIA

The first step is to discuss the matter with your trainer and assessor. If you are still not happy
with the outcome, you can request for a review of your assessment by lodging a formal

Retaining copies of the submitted assessments

Please make sure you keep a copy of all work submitted.

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Short Answer Questions


• The purpose of this task is to assess your knowledge relating to human resources
strategic planning.
• You must answer all eleven (11) questions. Where applicable, a guide to the length
of your response for each question is provided next to each question.
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:
o Learner Guide and class notes
o Computer with MS Office Suite (or similar) and internet access.
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner
Guide or other sources, but you are not allowed to copy sentences and/or
paragraphs directly from these sources. If your responses are found to have been
copied directly from the learner guide or other sources, your result for this task will be
Not Satisfactory.
• You will complete this task at home in your own time.
• You must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence Submission Checklist’ by the due


1. Describe five (5) key functions of a Human Resources Manager. (in 20 to 40 words

2. Explain (in 100 to 120 words) the importance of the human resources strategic
planning function and list three (3) objectives related to human resources strategic

3. Explain the aim and scope of the Fair Work Act 2009 and its importance for the
human resources function. (in 30 to 40 words)

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4. Outline the 11 minimum workplace entitlements for a permanent employee of an
organisation outlined in the National Employment standards.

5. Outline at least four (4) examples of the information that must be kept for each
employee according to the Fair Work Regulations 2009. (in 40 to 50 words)

6. Outline at least 4 types of employees who are covered by unfair dismissal laws and
4 types of employees which are not.

7. Explain each of the following options for sourcing workforce. For each option discuss
at least two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of using options for the
provision of human resource services.

Workforce Description Advantages Disadvantages


from outside
of the

Casual labour

graduates or





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8. Explain the impact of technology on the human resources function and how this has
benefited the recruiting function of human resources. (in 70 to 80 words)

9. Explain the following four (4) key steps in the human resources strategic planning
process. (in 30 to 50 words each)

10. Describe three (3) key areas that could be included in a Human Resources Strategic
Plan. (in 20 to 30 words each)

11. Outline the philosophies, values and policies applicable to human resource
profession (in 50 to 60 words)

Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted Have I completed this?

Answers to all questions 

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Portfolio and Roleplay


• The purpose of this assessment task is to assess your skills relating to developing
human resources strategic plan for a workplace.
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:
o King Edward VII college Case Study Information
o Appendices and templates provided by your assessor
o Business technology and office equipment including computer with MS Office
Suite (or similar) and internet access
o Space/technology to conduct meetings/presentations
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner
Guide, case study scenario or other sources when preparing evidence, but you are
not allowed to copy sentences and/or paragraphs directly from these sources. If
your responses are found to have been copied directly from learner guide, case
study scenario or other sources, your result for this task will be Not Satisfactory.
• You will complete the research and documentation type of activities at home in your
own time and the practical type (role-plays and presentations) activities in simulated
assessment environment under the assessor’s supervision.
• After completing the activities, you must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence
Submission Checklist’ by the due date. For observation type activities, your assessor
records your performance using a checklist, so you do not need to submit anything
unless the activity asks you specifically.


You are the Operations Manager for King Edward VII college, and you are required to
conduct research and develop a briefing report to inform the development of the Human
Resources Strategic Plan for the college. Then, you will present the briefing report to the
management team to seek feedback and approval and develop the Human Resources
Strategic Plan.

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Carefully read King Edward VII College- Case Study (Appendix 1) and Strategic and
Operational Plan 2019-2021 (Appendix 2) and complete the following activities.


1. Write a briefing report

Prior to developing the Human Resources Strategic Plan, you are required to
develop a briefing report to present to the CEO and Senior Managers.

Thoroughly review the King Edward VII College’s Strategic and Operational Plan that
sets out the College’s strategic objectives and operational priorities, as well as
Workforce information.

Next, you will need to conduct research in the Internet on human resources strategic
plans that is appropriate to the case study.

Then prepare a briefing report regarding information on, and recommendations for,
the Human Resources Strategic Plan. This briefing report will be presented at a
meeting with the CEO and Senior Managers. Their approval is needed to move
forward with the project.

The briefing report should be about two pages long. It should also address the
• An overview of King Edward VII College’s human resource requirements for
the next three years, as identified from the scenario information and Strategic
and Operational Plan and workforce information you have been provided with.
• A review and analysis of emerging trends and practices that may impact on
human resources management in King Edward VII College, and strategies to
address these. This should also include a review of any new technology
relevant to King Edward VII College and all of its departments and staff and
impacts on job roles and design.
• A review of any recent and potential changes to industrial and legal
requirements that will impact on the King Edward VII College workforce
• A review of the number and type of staff that will be needed to meet the
company’s strategic direction, skill requirements for new and existing staff,
and options for sourcing required staff. You should consider and review the

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range of options for sourcing staff and discuss the costs and benefits of each
• The philosophies and values you believe should underpin King Edward VII
College’s human resources management, as well as the policies and
procedures that are required to ensure this. Review the scenario information
to identify gaps in existing policies, procedures and systems.
• Recommended human resources strategic directions based on scenario
information, research conducted and review of Strategic Plan. As a minimum,
your Human Resources Strategic Plan should include three priority areas and
objectives and targets.

2. Meet with CEO (your assessor) and Senior Managers.

Role play Scenario

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the briefing report you have developed and to
present information and recommendations for the Human Resources Strategic Plan and to
discuss ideas and seek feedback.

You completed briefing report and would like to discuss these with the CEO to seek
feedback. Your assessor will play the role of the CEO and will ask questions during the


You will play the role of the operations manager and your assessor will play the role of the

Your assessor will identify a number of your fellow students to play the roles of Marketing
Manager, Finance Manager, Administration Manager and Academic Manager.

Your assessor will prepare the environment for the meeting – organise a table and chairs.

Before attending the meeting, ensure you have pen and completed briefing report.

The meeting starts when the CEO (your assessor) welcomes you to the meeting.

During the meeting you need to:

• Provide an introduction to the meeting and state the purpose of the meeting.

• Explain the key points from the briefing paper, as well as provide the opportunity for

• Seek input on all aspects of the briefing paper for the development of the Human
Resources Strategic Plan including:

o Asking Managers about their preferences for human resources requirements

including all of those explored in the report.

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o Discussing and agreeing on the philosophies, values and polices that you
have identified for King Edward VII College’s human resources

During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective interpersonal and
communication skills including:

• Speaking clearly and concisely

• Using non-verbal communication to encourage audience interest

• Responding to questions as required

• Asking questions to seek feedback

• Use of active listening techniques to confirm and clarify understanding.

Your assessor will also provide feedback on some additional areas for consideration in the
development of the Strategic Plan. You will need to incorporate this into the development of
the Strategic Plan

Meeting should take no more than 10 minutes.

3. Develop the Human Resources Strategic Plan

Develop the Human Resources Strategic Plan using the template provided (Appendix
3). Use your research findings and input from the meeting and ensure that you
complete all sections of the plan and clearly state strategic objectives and targets of
the college.

4. Develop a Risk Management Plan

Develop a Risk Management Plan using the template (Appendix 4). Identify the risks
that may be associated with the Human Resources Strategic Plan and risk
management strategies that can be used to control risk. Identify potential risks and
risk management strategies related to the strategies and actions in your Human
Resources Strategic Plan.

5. Write an email to CEO (your assessor) & Senior Managers.

The text of the email should be written in an appropriate business-like style. It should
refer to the Human Resources Strategic Plan and the Risk Management Plan that
you prepared and seek final approval for the implementation.

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Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted Have I completed this?

Briefing report 

Human Resources Strategic Plan 

Risk Management Plan 

Email to the CEO and Senior Managers (Word document) 

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• The purpose of this assessment task is to assess your skills relating to

implementing human resources strategic plan.
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:
o King Edward VII College Case Study Information
o Appendices and templates provided by your assessor
o Business technology and office equipment including computer with MS Office
Suite (or similar) and internet access
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner
Guide, case study scenario or other sources when preparing evidence, but you are
not allowed to copy sentences and/or paragraphs directly from these sources. If
your responses are found to have been copied directly from learner guide, case
study scenario or other sources, your result for this task will be Not Satisfactory.
• You will complete the research and documentation type of activities at home in your
own time and the practical type (role-plays and presentations) activities in a
simulated assessment environment under the assessor’s supervision.
• After completing the activities, you must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence
Submission Checklist’ by the due date. For observation type activities, your assessor
records your performance using a checklist, so you do not need to submit anything
unless the activity asks you specifically.


You are required to implement the Human Resources Strategic Plan by researching and
developing a short report about the range of potential work/life balance programs that could
be implemented for King Edward VII College, as well as developing an action plan.


1. Develop work life balance report and action plan

King Edward VII College has adopted the Human Resources Strategic Plan with the
following strategic objectives included:

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• Support a safe, healthy and inclusive workplace culture

One of the actions identified to achieve this is:

• Develop the King Edward VII College Work/Life Balance Strategy

In addition, the outcome of a recent survey is showing that staff identify with feeling
increasingly stressed through being overworked. The Health and Safety Officer has
advised that there must be immediate action.

Conduct a research and develop a short report using the template (Appendix 5) to
present to staff about options for the range of potential work/life balance programs
that could be implemented and recommendations on which programs you think are
most appropriate for King Edward VII College.

You need to implement actions from the Human Resources Strategic Plan and based
on the feedback from staff and the Health and Safety Officer.

2. Write an email to the management team (your assessor).

It should address the work life balance report and action plan and seek their
feedback and approval to move forward with the project. The text of the email should
be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like)

3. Update the Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

Assume that the Health and Safety Officer has mailed you back and is very
supportive of the proposed actions for Work/Life Balance actions. They advise that a
further improvement would be needed to ensure that the actions are formalised in the
King Edward VII Health and Safety Policy and Procedure. This should be a policy
statement about the organisation’s commitment to Work/Life Balance.

Review the Health and Safety Policy and Procedures (Appendix 6) and update it
as recommended by the Health and Safety Officer. The update will be a short
statement about the organisation’s commitment.

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4. Monitor and review implementation of the Human Resources Strategic plan

Assume that it is 12 months later, and the work-life balance policies and procedures have
been implemented. One of the initiatives implemented was working from home
arrangements for some staff members.

Performance indicators relating to the implementation of work-life balance policies are

indicated in the Human Resources Strategic Plan as follows:

High staff satisfaction with working from home arrangements.

Technology is in place to facilitate working from home arrangements.

Key lessons learnt from implementation of the initiative are:

The implementation of the work-from-home team has been very positive. This can be
attributed to the fact that the initiative was very well researched, and project managed; and
problems that could have become issues were identified and managed as part of the trial.

Having the right operational technology is important. There are some technology
limitations: due to the bandwidth required for the phone and network connection the work-
from-home team are unable to utilise tools such as web cams to facilitate meetings.

Need for clarity with family members about the time and place of work-from-home.

Need for internal policy considerations to address issues such as, when an employee
relocates residence, or an employee is selected/applies for a work-from-home position and
the college is not able to provide a connection due to connection limitations.

Based on the information above, develop a short (half a page) evaluation report for
the CEO summarising the impact of the working from home arrangements and
performance against objectives from the plan. The report should be in your own
words and no more than one page.

5. Update your Human Resources Strategic Plan

Include additional actions in your Human Resources Strategic Plan to account for the
actions that need to be undertaken based on the scenario information.

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Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted Have I completed this?

Work life balance report and action plan 

Email to management team (Word document) 

Update Policy statement on health and safety procedures 

Evaluation report 

Updated Human Resources Strategic Plan 

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