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Tujuan Untuk mengkaji kesan kekurangan makronutrien (nitrogen, fosforus dan

Aim kalium) terhadap pertumbuhan tumbuhan

K1PP1 To study the effects of macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium)
deficiency on plant growth
Pernyataan masalah Apakah kesan kekurangan makronutrien (nitrogen, fosforus dan kalium)
Problem Statement terhadap pertumbuhan tumbuhan?
What are the effects of macronutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium)
deficiency on plant growth?
Hipotesis Kekurangan makronutrien (nitrogen, fosforus dan kalium) merencat
Hypothesis pertumbuhan tumbuhan.
Deficiency of macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) stunts the
K1PP2 plant growth
Pemboleh Ubah (a) dimanipulasikan/manipulated:
Variables Jenis larutan kultur/Type of culture solution
(b) bergerak balas/responding:
Pertumbuhan tumbuhan/Growth of plant
K1PP3 (c) dimalarkan/constant:
Isi padu larutan kultur, saiz dan jenis anak benih, cahaya dan suhu
Volume of culture solution, size and type of seedlings, light and temperature
Bahan dan Radas
Materials and Air suling, larutan kultur lengkap, larutan kultur tanpa nitrogen, larutan kultur
apparatus tanpa fosforus, larutan kultur tanpa kalium, anak benih jagung, kertas hitam
dan kapas
Distilled water, complete culture solution, culture solution without nitrogen,
K1PP4 culture solution without phosphorus, culture solution without potassium, maize
seedlings, sugar paper and cotton wool

Procedure 1 Sediakan susunan radas di bawah.
Set up the arrangement of apparatus below.
2 Letakkan radas di tepi tingkap.
Place the apparatus beside the window.

3 Pamkan udara masuk ke dalam larutan kultur selama 5 minit setiap hari.
Pump the air into the culture solution for 5 minutes everyday.
4 Tukar larutan kultur di dalam setiap tabung didih sekali seminggu.
Change the culture solution in each boiling tube once a week.
5 Selepas dua minggu, perhati dan catatkan keadaan anak benih dari segi saiz
tumbuhan, warna daun dan pertumbuhan akar.
After two weeks, observe and record the conditions of the seedlings in terms of
size of plant, colour of leaves and growth of roots.
Observation Jenis larutan Saiz tumbuhan Warna daun Pertumbuhan
kultur Type of Plant size Colour of leaf akar Root
culture solution growth
Larutan kultur yang Biasa Normal Hijau Green Banyak A lot
lengkap Complete
culture solution
Larutan kultur tanpa Lebih kecil Kuning Yellow Banyak A lot
nitrogen Culture Smaller
solution without
Larutan kultur tanpa Lebih kecil Hijau Tua Kurang Less
fosforus Culture Smaller Dark Green
solution without
Larutan kultur tanpa Lebih kecil Kuning Yellow Banyak A lot
kalium Culture Smaller
solution without


Discussion 1 Mengapakah tabung didih dibalut dengan kertas hitam? TP2
Why are the boiling tubes wrapped with black paper?
Untuk mengelakkan pertumbuhan alga pada dinding dalam tabung didih yang
akan menyerap nutrien dalam larutan
To prevent the growth of algae on the walls of the boiling tube which absorb
nutrients from the solution

1 Apakah fungsi radas P?/What is the function of apparatus P?

Bertindak sebagai/Acts as a kawalan/control .
2 Mengapakah tabung didih dibalut dengan kertas hitam?
Why are the boiling tubes wrapped with black paper?
Untuk mengelakkan pertumbuhan alga pada dinding dalam tabung didih
yang akan menyerap nutrien dalam larutan./To prevent the growth of
on the walls of the boiling tube which absorb nutrients from the
3 Mengapakah udara ditiup ke dalam larutan kultur setiap hari selama
dua minggu?
Why is air blown into the culture solution everyday for two weeks?
Untuk membekalkan oksigen kepada akar anak benih.
To supply oxygen to the roots of the seedlings.
4 Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi larutan kultur lengkap.
State the operational definition for the complete culture solution.
Larutan kultur lengkap ialah bahan yang diperlukan untuk
pertumbuhan anak benih yang sihat ./A complete culture solution is a
that is needed for the healthy growth of the seedlings .
Kesimpulan 1. 1.Adakah hipotesis diterima?/Is the hypothesis accepted? Ya./Yes. K4PP2
Conclusion 2. Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat daripada eksperimen ini?
What conclusion can be made from this experiment?

Hipotesis diterima. Kekurangan makronutrien (nitrogen, fosforus dan kalium)

merencat pertumbuhan tumbuhan
Hypothesis is accepted. Deficiency of macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus
and potassium) stunts plant growth.

K1 PP 1 2 3 4 5 S K2 PP 1 2 3 4 S

K3 PP 1 2 3 S K4 PP 1 2 3 S

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