Effects of Naringin On Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Cytotoxicity and Apoptosis in P388 Cells

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J Pharmacol Sci 92, 166 – 170 (2003) Journal of Pharmacological Sciences

©2003 The Japanese Pharmacological Society

Short Communication

Effects of Naringin on Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Cytotoxicity

and Apoptosis in P388 Cells
Syu-ichi Kanno*, Ai Shouji, Keiko Asou, and Masaaki Ishikawa
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cancer Research Institute, Tohoku Pharmaceutical University,
4-4-1 Komatsushima, Aoba-ku, Sendai 981-8558, Japan

Received December 13, 2002; Accepted April 12, 2003

Abstract. Flavonoids are widely recognized as naturally occurring antioxidants. Naringin (NG)
is one of the flavonoid components in citrus fruits such as grapefruit. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
causes cytotoxicity through oxidative stress and apoptosis. In this paper, we examined the effects
of NG on H2O2-induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis in mouse leukemia P388 cells. Cytotoxicity
was determined by mitochondrial activity (MTT assay). Apoptosis and DNA damage were
analyzed by measuring chromatin condensation and Comet assay (alkaline single cell gel electro-
phoresis), respectively. H2O2-induced cytotoxicity was significantly attenuated by NG or the
reduced form of glutathione (GSH), a typical intracellular antioxidant. NG suppressed chromatin
condensation and DNA damage induced by H2O2. These results indicate that NG from natural
products is a useful drug having antioxidant and anti-apoptopic properties.

Keywords: naringin, hydogen peroxide, apoptosis

Many physiological and environmental toxicants and activation, which is reduced by antioxidants. Anti-
chemicals (including metabolic poisons and chemo- oxidants are desirable in that they can be taken easily
therapeutic drugs) are injurious to cells via oxidative using natural products.
stress involving the overproduction of reactive oxygen In many natural products, bioflavonoids have been
species (ROS), such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), reported to exhibit antioxidant activities (3, 4) and
superoxide anions (O2•), and hydroxyl radicals (HO•). inhibit lipid peroxidation in biological membranes (5).
The most valuable exogenous ROS generator is H2O2, The flavonoids having these antioxidant activities are
although it has not the properties of radical for itself. known to have at least one free aromatic hydroxyl group.
In particular, H2O2 is a potential source for HO•, one Previously, naringin (NG) has been demonstrated to
of the most dangerous radicals HO•, through the have antiviral (6) and antiallergic (7) actions through
Fenton reaction in the presence of transition metal ions. the regulation of ROS. In this study, we examined the
Furthermore, oxidative stress causes apoptosis or DNA effect of NG on H2O2-induced cytotoxicity, apoptosis,
damage (genotoxicity). Therefore, H2O2 can serve as a and genotoxicity in mouse P388 cells.
typical chemical for investigating of oxidative stress Mouse leukemic P388 cells were supplied by the
and apoptosis (1). Cell Resource Center for Biomedical Research, Tohoku
Recently, it has been suggested that oxidative stress University (Sendai). Cells were routinely kept in RPMI
causes apoptosis in various diseases, such as Parkinson’s 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine
disease (2). The oxidative stress-induced apoptosis is serum and penicillin G (100 U / ml) / streptomycin
attributed to not only disease but also pharmacological (100 mg / ml) at 37°C in a humidified 5% CO2 – 95% air
action or a secondary effect of several drugs. Anti- incubator. Cell viability was measured by counting the
cancer drugs, for instance, such as doxorubicin, cytosine cells without staining with 0.2% trypan blue. To main-
arabinoside (Ara-C) and etoposide, show DNA damage tain exponential growth, cells were seeded at 1 ´
through oxidative stress either directly or by metabolic 105 cells / ml and passaged every 4 to 5 days.
Drugs used in these experiments were as follows:
*Corresponding author. FAX: +81-22-275-2013
H2O2 was purchased as a 30% stock solution (Santoku
E-mail: syu-kan@tohoku-pharm.ac.jp

Effects of Naringin on H2O2 Cytotoxicity 167

Chemical Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo); NG and all other with a current of approximately 250 mA at 0°C in the
reagents were supplied by either Sigma (St. Louis, MO, dark, and the slides were rinsed gently 2 times with
USA) or Nacalai Tesque (Kyoto). All cell culture 0.4 M Tris (pH 7.5) to neutralize the excess alkali.
reagents were obtained from Invitrogen Corp (Carlsbad, Each slide was stained with 50 m l ethidium bromide and
CA, USA). NG was dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide covered with a coverslip. Fifty cells on one slide were
(DMSO). DMSO at concentrations lower than 0.5% examined in a fluorescence microscope (at 200 ´ magni-
had no effect on cell growth. Light exposure was kept fication; Nikon, Tokyo) equipped with an excitation
to a minimum for all drugs used. filter of 515 – 560 nm and a barrier filter of 590 nm. The
The P388 cells were cultured at 4 ´ 104 cells / 100 ml whole comet length and the diameter of the head were
per well in a 96-well plate for cytotoxicity assay or at measured.
8 ´ 105 cells / 2 ml per well in a 24-well plate for other Statistical analysis of the results was performed with
assay. Cytotoxicity was determined by the MTT [3-(4,5- one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by
dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] Scheffe’s F test. P-value of less than 0.01 was consid-
assay with a modification of our previously method (8). ered significant.
Following treatment to P388 cells with H2O2 and / or First, we examined the concentration-dependency for
other drugs, 10 m l of MTT (5 mg / ml saline) was added NG (0.03, 0.1, 0.3, and 1 mM) in reduction of 30 mM
to each well, and then the samples were incubated for H2O2-induced cytotoxicity of P388 cells (Fig. 1A). The
90 min at 37°C and centrifugated (300 ´ g for 5 min). cells were preincubated for 15 min with various concen-
After aspiration of supernatant, the cells were lysed trations of NG, and then they were incubated for 24 h
and solubilized by the addition of 100 m l 0.04 N HCl with 30 mM H2O2. The 30 m M H2O2-induced cyto-
containing isopropanol. The absorbance of each sample toxicity (52.3 ± 11.4%) was blocked by NG concentra-
was analyzed at 590 nm using the Inter-med model NJ- tion-dependently. NG at the concentration of 1 mM
2300 Microplate Reader. Cytotoxicity (%) was calcu- most significantly blocked H2O2-induced cytotoxicity
lated relatively to the control. (93.6 ± 6.3%). Therefore, we selected this concentration
To analyze the changes in nuclear morphology, cells of NG (1 mM) for subsequent experiments. Secondly,
were collected by centrifugation and washed with PBS. we examined the effects of NG and gluthathione on
The cells were stained for 10 min at room temperature H2O2-induced cytotoxicity. Treatment of P388 cells with
in PBS containing 5 m M bisbenzimide H 33342 fluoro- H2O2 alone (Vehicle) for 24 h resulted in concentration-
chrome trihydrochloride (H 33342) and examined by dependent induction of cytotoxicity. H2O2-induced cyto-
fluorescence microscopy. Apoptosis was characterized toxicity was significantly ameliorated by NG and
by chromatin condensation followed by partition into glutathione (GSH: 1 mM), a typical intracellular anti-
multiple bodies. oxidant (Fig. 1B). The toxicity of H2O2 may largely
DNA damage was also detected by the Comet assay depend on the intracellular level of reduced GSH. We
(alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis), developed by examined the effects of NG and GSH on H2O2-induced
Tsuda et al. (9). P388 cells were treated with drugs for cytotoxicity in the cells pretreated with DL-buthionine-
1 h. Seventy-five microliters of 0.75% regular agarose [S,R]-sulfoximine (BSO), a specific inhibitor of g-
(GP-42) was quickly layered on a fully frosted slide and glutamylcysteine synthetase, to decrease cellular GSH.
covered with another slide. The cells were suspended in BSO decreased the GSH content in the cells from
0.75% low melting point agarose at 37°C, and 75 ml of 35.8 ± 2.1 nmol / mg protein to 9.7 ± 1.6 nmol / mg pro-
the cell suspension was quickly layered on the GP-42 tein after 24 h. Although cells depleted of GSH were
layer after removal of the top slide. Finally, 75 m l of viable and able to undergo at least two rounds of dupli-
0.75% agarose GP-42 was layered quickly over the cells. cation, depletion of GSH by prolonged incubation with
The slides were placed immediately in a chilled lysing BSO markedly increased the H2O2-induced cytotoxicity
solution (pH 10) of 2.5 M NaCl, 100 mM Na2EDTA, (Fig. 1C). The treatment with H2O2 after the incubation
10 mM Tris, 1% sarkosyl, 10% DMSO, and 1% with BSO resulted in the increase in cytotoxicity by 9 –
Triton X-100 and kept at 0°C in the dark for 60 min. The 10-fold over the respective control (ED50 values for
slides were placed on a horizontal gel electrophoresis control and BSO pretreated cells were 32.5 ± 6.3 mM
platform and covered with chilled alkaline solution and 3.5 ± 0.4 m M, respectively). Nevertheless, NG or
made up of 0.3 M NaOH and 1 mM Na2EDTA (pH 13). GSH significantly attenuated the H2O2-induced cyto-
The slides were left in the solution for 20 min in the toxicity. GSH is the most abundant intracellular anti-
dark at 0°C to allow DNA unwinding and expression oxidant in mammals and plays an important role in
of alkali-labile sites. The power supply was set at 25 V various cellular functions. It has been reported that
(1.0 / cm). The DNA was electrophoresed for 15 min extracellular supplementation of GSH in culture medium
168 S Kanno et al

significantly abolished all forms of oxidant-mediated

cell death (10) and provided useful radical scavengers
for the hydroxy radical (11). It is thought that the anti-
oxidant activity of NG is similar to that of GSH. Further-
more, H2O2-induced cell lipid peroxidation was blocked
by NG (data not shown).
Next, we examined the effect of NG on H2O2-induced
apoptosis. H2O2 has been reported to trigger apoptosis
in various cell types (1, 10). We detected apoptosis by
changes in nuclear morphology with DNA staining. The
DNA staining with H 33342 dyes in P388 cells revealed
different nuclear features of cells treated with H2O2
(Fig. 2). The nucleus of P388 treated with 30 mM H2O2
had features consistent with those of apoptosis (i.e., cell
shrinkage, nuclear condensation, and fragmentation)
(Fig. 2A). H2O2-induced apoptosis was decreased by
NG at each concentration of H2O2 (Fig. 2B), although
high concentration of H2O2 (100 m M)-induced apoptosis
was almost unaffected by NG. Thus, we presumed that
the protective effect of NG on H2O2-induced cyto-
toxicity was caused by potent inhibition of H2O2-
induced apoptosis.
The Comet assay (alkaline single-cell gel electro-
phoresis) has been used as a test system to detect DNA
damage. The Comet assay has several advantages in-
cluding its simple and rapid performance, its sensitivity
for detecting a broad spectrum of DNA damage, the
analysis of data at the level of the individual cell, the
use of extremely small samples, and its applicability to
virtually any karyote cell population (12). The Comet
assay is a highly sensitive way to detect DNA damage
induced by oxidative stress, because H2O2-induced
genotoxicity can be detected before producing cell death
(13). Then, we examined the effect of NG on H2O2-
induced DNA damage for 1 h, using the Comet assay.
A typical image is shown in Fig. 3A. When there is no
DNA damage, the cell shows no or a few tails. When
there is DNA damage in the cells, many cells had tails
like comets. The DNA migration was calculated as the
index of DNA damage, and the results obtained after
H2O2 treatment with or without NG are shown in
Fig. 3B. NG completely blocked the DNA migration
induced by 10 m M and 30 mM H2O2 but not that by
Fig. 1. The protection effect by naringin (NG) on H2O2-induced 100 m M H2O2. Apoptotic cells, manifested as Comets
cytotoxicity. Dose-dependent effect of NG on 30 m M H2O2-induced having well-separated heads and tails, were detected in
cytotoxicity (A). The effect of 1 mM NG or 1 mM GSH on H2O2-
this experiment. H2O2 produced extensive DNA damage
induced cytotoxicity in control cells (B) or DL-buthionine-[S,R]-
sulfoximine (BSO)-pretreated cells (C). P388 cells were incubated after 1 h even in the absence of cytotoxicity. Thus, we
with H2O2 in the presence or absence of NG or GSH at 37°C for believe that H2O2 is primarily responsible for the DNA
24 h. Cells pretreated with BSO at 1 mM were exposed to H2O2 for damage in this cell line and that the cytotoxicity arose
24 h. Cytotoxicity was determined by the MTT assay as described in
secondarily from DNA damage.
Materials and Methods. Each column or point represents the mean
value ± S.E.M. (n = 5). *P<0.01, significantly different from the Recently, NG has been demonstrated to play an
cells exposed to H2O2 alone (vehicle). important role in regulating antioxidative capacity by
increasing superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase
Effects of Naringin on H2O2 Cytotoxicity 169

Fig. 2. Effect of NG on H2O2-induced apoptosis at 24 h. H2O2-induced apoptosis was detected by fluorescence microscopy.
The cells were stained with 5 mM H 33342. NG was added 15 min before incubation with H2O2. A: Nuclear morphological
change in 100 m M H2O2-induced apoptosis detected by fluorescence microscopy. Magnification: ´400. B: Quantitative analysis
of H2O2-induced apoptosis by NG. *P<0.01, significantly different from the cells exposed to vehicle at the same time.

Fig. 3. DNA damage (genotoxicity) detected in P388 cells 1 h after treatment with different concentrations of H2O2 in the
presence or absence of NG. H2O2-induced genotoxicity was detected by the Comet assay (alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis)
as described in Materials and Methods. NG was added 15 min before incubation with H2O2. A: A Typical image of the comets
(100 mM H2O2). B: The quantitative results for DNA migration. Fifty cells on one slide were examined to measure the length of
the whole comet and the diameter of the head. Each column represents the mean value ± S.E.M. (n = 5). *P<0.01, significantly
different from the cells exposed to vehicle.

activities and by up-regulating the gene expression of to examine this point in the future.
SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in In conclusion, H2O2-induced cytotoxicity, apoptosis
rabbits fed a cholesterol-rich diet (14). Since NG and genotoxicity were significantly prevented by NG.
blocked H2O2-induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis in the NG is a main component of bioflavonoids in grapefruit
present study, we speculate that NG might affect H2O2- so that one can simply take it as food. The present results
induced expression of an apoptosis-associated gene or suggest that NG is a useful drug having antioxidant and
protein as one of its pharmacological actions. We have anti-apoptopic activity as a natural product.
170 S Kanno et al

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