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Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

- Risky
behaviors in - Assess of
cyberworld Internet users
to cyber

- Forms of of cyber
cyber threats Perilous - Assess of threats
against Cyberworld Internet users
to the state of
individual Activities
law issues

Figure 2

The figure 2 presented the conceptual framework that shows the concept
structure of the study. The study aims to determine the risky behavior practices
of Internet users, most likely the students, in the cyberworld which those
practices have become common scenarios in indulging the Internet, and to
ascertain several forms of cyber threats where can be gauged through the
awareness of the Internet users to them. These threats, risks associated to
person, are most seen in the perilous cyberworld activities where most people
conduct their personal interests. Furthermore, the assess of Internet users to
cyber threats and to the state of international cybercrime law issues is valuable in
understanding their behavior and perception in the cyberworld as to get into the
nearest output of the study. This helps to obtain the last output of the study which
is to come up standards of threats in the cyberworld through recommendations
that may serve as helpful guidelines to everyone in the cyberworld as beneficiary
to this study.


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