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Rofi’ah (1842300026)

Pbi VIb

School : Islamic Junior High School of Nurul Jadid

Lesson : English
Class/Semester : VIII/2
Main Discussion : Present Continuous Tense
Time Allocation : 1x40 minute

A. Core Competencies

1. Respect and live up to the teachings of the religion they adhere to.

2. Appreciate and live honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (tolerance,

mutual cooperation), courteous, self-confidence, in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment within the range of associations and existence.

3. Understand knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his

curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related to visible phenomena and

4. Trying, processing, and presenting in the realm of the concrete (using,

unraveling, assembling, modifying, and making) and the realm of the abstract
(writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) in accordance with what is
learned in school and other resources that are the same in point of view / theory.

B. Basic competencies and indicators

Basic competencies Indicator

Applying social functions, text  Identify the social function of the
structure, and linguistic elements of text to provide and ask for
oral and written transactional information related to
interactions involving the act of giving circumstances/actions/activities /
and asking for information related to events that are being carried out /
conditions and taking place when spoken, in
actions/activities/events that are accordance with the context in
being carried out / taking place when which it is used.
spoken, in accordance with the  Analyze the structure of the text to
context in which they are used. provide and ask for information
related to
ents that are being carried out /
ongoing when spoken, according
to the context in which they are
Rofi’ah (1842300026)
Pbi VIb
 Examining the linguistic elements
of the text giving and asking for
information related to
circumstances/actions/activities /
events that are being carried out /
taking place when spoken, in
accordance with the context of
their use

Composing a very short and simple  Creating a conversational text that

oral and written transactional involves the act of giving and
interaction text that involves the act asking for information related to
of giving and asking for information circumstances/actions/activities /
related to events that are being carried out /
circumstances/actions/activities / taking place when spoken, by
events that are being done/taking paying attention to social
place when spoken, by paying functions, text structure, and
attention to social functions, text linguistic elements that are correct
structure, and linguistic elements that and in context
are correct and in context  Presenting a conversational text
that involves the act of giving and
asking for information related to
circumstances/actions/activities /
events that are being carried out /
taking place when spoken, with
due observance of social functions
C. Learning Objectives
1. Students are able to:
 Correctly determine the social function of the present continuous tense.
 Find general and specific information from available texts.
 Determine the verb (verb) that matches the text exactly.
2. Through discussion in pairs, students in writing are able to complete the hiatus
sentences with to be and verb-ing based on pictures related to activities that are
taking place at this time in accordance with the context of their use.
3. Students are verbally able to make sentences according to pictures related to
actions/events that are being done/occur when spoken correctly.
D. Learning Materials
1. Social Function : Explain and describe
2. Text Structure : Start and Respond (expected/unexpected)
3. Linguistic Elements : Declarative and interrogative sentences in the
Present Continuous Tense

Declarative Sentence(+) Interrogative Sentence (?)

S + be (is/am/are) + present Ask the Subject

Rofi’ah (1842300026)
Pbi VIb
 Who/What + be (is/am/are) + present

Ask the Object

 Who/What + be (is/am/are) + S +
present continuous

Ask the Adverb

 When/Where/Why + be (is/am/are) + S
+ present continuous
 How + adverb (well/fast/…) + be
(is/am/are) + S + present continuous

-Adverbia: now
E. Learning Methods
1. Approach : Scientific
2. Model : Scientific Learning
3. Methods : a. Communicative Languace Teaching
b. Discussions and Individuals
F. Learning activities

Preliminary activities Apperception Times

 The teacher greets

10 minutes
 The teacher checks student attendance

Core activities

Observing 25 minutes

 Students observe the material about the expression

states and ask the action/event that is being done/takes
place when spoken
 With directing questions from the teacher, students
discuss with their peers to identify vocabulary, grammar
(use of the -ing form verb), social functions, and the
structure of the displayed text.


 Students ask several things related to social functions

that have not been understood or want to be more
known from the material displayed
 Students question new vocabulary in the material

Gather Information
Rofi’ah (1842300026)
Pbi VIb
 Students discuss in pairs to complete the overlapping
text of the appropriate sentences related to the
activities/activities that are happening when being

Closing Activities

 Conclude learning outcomes

5 minutes
 Close the class and greet

G. Media and Learning Resources

1. Media : Power Point, Picture, Projector, Laptop and LCD

2. Learning Resources : Internet, textbooks

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