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Sentence /
If - Clause

9/3/20XX Presentation Title 1

What is conditional sentence?

A conditional sentence is a sentence that gives a condition (e.g., If

it snows) and the outcome of the condition occurring(e.g., the
game will be cancelled).

Complete conditional sentences contain a conditional clause

(often referred to as the if-clause) and the consequence.

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Type of Conditional Sentence

• Type zero (0)

• Type one (1)
• Type two (2)
• Type three (3)

Each expresses a different degree of probability that a situation will

9/3/20XX occur or would have occurred under certain circumstances. 3
Type 0 – Zero Contionals

Zero conditional sentences express general truths—

situations in which one thing always causes another. When
you use a zero conditional, you’re talking about a general
truth rather than a specific instance of something.

Consider the following examples:

If you don’t brush your teeth, you get cavities.
If people smoke cigarettes, their health suffers.

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Type 0 – Zero

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Type 1 - First Conditional

This is used to express a possible situation in the future.

We are predicting a likely result in the future if the
condition happens.

For example:
If it rains, we will cancel the trip.
(This is the likely result in the future if it rains)
If you study, you will pass the exam.
(Again, I predict that this will happen in the future if you

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Type 1 – First

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Type 2 - Second Conditional

Second conditional sentences are Consider the examples below:

useful for expressing outcomes that
are completely unrealistic or will not
likely happen now or in the future. If I inherited a billion dollars, I would
travel to the moon.
There is always a fact behind this
conditional and the fact is always If I owned a zoo, I might let people
written in Present Tense. interact with the animals more.

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Type 2 - Second Conditional

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Type 3 - Third Conditional

Look at the following examples:

The type 3 conditional is used to refer
to a time that is in the past, and a
situation that is contrary to reality. If you had told me you needed a
The facts are the opposite with the ride, I would have left earlier.
conditional sentences. If I had cleaned the house, I could
have gone to the movies.

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Type 3 - Third

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Quiz Time

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Quiz Time – use conditional type 1

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Quiz Time –
type 2

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Quiz Time – use conditional type 2

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Quiz Time – use conditional type 3

• a) If Jane ______ (not/lose) her job as a sales representative in London,

she ______(not/move) to Edinburgh.

• b) If she ______ (not/move) to Edinburgh, she ______(not/find) a job in a new


• c) If she ______(not/find) a job in the new company, she ______ (not/meet) Adam.

• d) If she ______ (not/meet) Adam, they ______ (not/fall) in love.

• e) If they ______ (not/fall) in love, Adam ______(not/ask) Jane to marry him.

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The way to get started
is to quit talking and
begin doing.
Walt Disney

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Thank you
Jevi Wenda Santi, S.Pd


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