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Do you like travelling?

Yes, definitely!. It's a very interesting way to learn about new cultures and
explore new places. I would like to visit different places, and try different food and
How do you usually travel?
i usually travel with my family and we usually travel using public transports. I love to spend
time with them while visiting new places. Whenever we travel somewhere, we always see
relatives and friends if they live there and we always take many photos, go to restaurants
and visit many beautiful places.

Q. Where have you travelled to lately?

I traveled to valledupar the last year. My parents and I traveled there by bus
. We went to see my grandfather who has been ill lately. I enjoyed the trip
as I have not been to this city before.

Q. What kind of places do you like to visit?

there are so many places I want to travel to before I die. For example, I have not traveled to a
foreign country yet. Well, of all the places I would like to go to, I would really like to visit Paris.
They say it is a very romantic place especially at night, so I would like to take a walk in the
streets of Paris at night.

Describe an old person you admire.

You should say:
 who this person is
 how you met him/her
 what characteristics you most like in him
and explain why you admire this person.

My grandmother is about 75 and I admire her a lot for the amiable and
benevolent nature she possesses. Her name is carmen and she is a well
educated and wise woman.
I know my grandmother from the day I came to this world. In fact, she was
there when I was born. I grew up and passed my adolescent and young age
with the love and affection of my grandmother.

I love and admire her for many different reasons. She is caring and
emotionally open. Above all, she is an ideal and successful mother. The
other qualities she possesses are also exemplary. These other qualities
include truthfulness, confidence and fairness.

I admire her from the deep down of my heart. I love to spend time with her
because she is intelligent and can give proper guidance. I have learned
many positive attitudes and good thinking from her. For all those reasons
and a strong bonding between us, I admire her very much.
Part 3 - Two-way Discussion:

Q.  What average age is normal for retirement in your opinion?

Personally, I believe it should be dependent on the person and the particular
job they do. I don’t think that retirement should simply be compulsory
because of your age.
because there are people that retired their 62 years, they should retire from
their occupational engagements. However, there should be some exception
for professionals like politicians, teachers, researchers who have great
things to contribute even in their old age. then, People should have the
choice to continue working if they are able to and their company is happy to
accommodate their wishes.

Q.  What are the good things about being retired?

The best thing has to be having all that free time to finally do what you want.
I guess if you’re in good health and have managed to save enough for your
retirement it’s a time to really enjoy doing things you might not have had the
time to get around to during your working career.

Q.  How does the government in your country treat the retired people?
Overall, I think they get a good deal. Everyone is entitled to a basic pension
payment and there are a lot of benefits for those over retirement age. but
these are dependent upon a minimum number of contributions and there are
some sectors of the community that do not have access to these schemes.

Of course, you could always argue that more could be done for retired
people to make life easier, and each person’s cases is different.

Q.  Can young specialist substitute the old ones who are in retirement
in the workplace?
Generally speaking I believe they can, yes. Assuming they have the
knowledge and sufficient experience to do the job there’s no reason why a
young person couldn’t replace an older worker

Q.  Do you think is it necessary to give the self-retirement option to

people? Why/ Why not?

Of course, this option giving this freedom to retired people would allow a
great number of people to properly plan their retirement and get engaged in
social activities. This in a way would allow more young people to have jobs.

Q.  What are the pros and cons of being retired?

There are some pros and cons of being retired. When someone becomes
retired, s/he does not need to follow the daily routine that they followed in
their service life. They have much time to spend with their family and get
involved in social and philanthropic activities. But if they do not have any
proper post-retirement plan, they might fall in distress. Financial condition
may worsen in this time which is the most concerning matter after the

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