Anh Văn

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Interesting animal

Out of all the animals that

I know about, I find the
giraffe to be the most
interesting animal. The
giraffe is one of the most
beautiful animals and it
can be easily
differentiated from other
animals due to its
extraordinary height.
Giraffes can reach up to
eighteen meters in height
with the maximum due to
the length of the neck.
There are different types
of giraffes are found
around the world.
They are beautiful to look
at and the towering shape
of their throat is
particularly attractive. I
have seen many giraffes
in a zoo. They are
vegetarians and are not at
all ferocious or dangerous
as other animals. They
also run very fast and are
always alert for signs of
danger in their
surroundings. They
usually roam around in
groups and are a very
intriguing sight to look at.

Teacher you like most

Her name is Hoa and she
was my English teacher
when I was in grade 10.
She is the most delightful
and friendly teacher I
have ever had. She is
extremely attentive,
caring and patient person.
She took time out to listen
to our struggles in
studying English and she
actually tried to figure out
a learning method that
could suit each of us.
Grade 10 is the first grade
in Vietnamese high
school after students
graduate from secondary
school. The transitioning
process was quite
daunting because I had to
learn to adapt to the new
environment, new friends
and extensive amount of
knowledge everyday. But
she did make the whole
process less painful and
more enjoyable in her
lectures. She helped the
class members to get to
know each other by
getting us to take part in
interactive games. I
appreciate her efforts to
help me be this good at
Do you think keeping
animals in a zoo is
 I believe that zoos are
unnecessary for the
following reasons. To
begin with, zoos can only
hold small numbers of
animals and therefore
cannot protect the large
majority of species from
being hunted or their
habitats from being
destroyed. I believe it is
the responsibility of each
government to create and
fund conservation
programs that help to
stop the destruction of the
habitats of endangered
species so that animals
can live in their natural
state rather than be
locked up in cages for
their entire life.
Furthermore, in many
zoos, animals are being
mistreated as they are
often provided with
insufficient food and
medical care, which has
so far caused many
animals in zoos to die
because of starvation and
Electronic device you
use most often?
It provides me with dozens of
beneficial features such as
contacting people, taking
photos, setting alarm or
listening to music. However,
the most important function to
me is to keep in touch with my
family members and friends by
chatting, giving phone calls, or
making video calls. For
example, my parents live about
300 kilometers from me but
thanks to video calls, I can talk
with them and see them clearly
as if I can meet them in person.
In other words, it helps me to
reduce the distance with my
relatives who stay far away
from me. Moreover, my
smartphone is also great for
entertaining activities. I can use
it to surf webs, watch movies
online or play music. For
instance, when I do housework
at home, I feel relaxed as I can
cook delicious meals and listen
to my favourite songs at the
same time. All in all, my
smartphone is highly
appreciated for multi-functions
it can serve me. If I didn’t have
it, I wouldn’t be able to
communicate well with other
people and enjoy my life so

Discribe HCM city? What

do you like about the area
where you live?
Ho Chi Minh City is a
typical metropolitan city.
The city is open 24-7, and is
home to many cafes and
restaurants serving food from
all around the world. The
traffic is dizzying and life
happens at full-speed. It has
all the entertainment services
young people look for.
Entertainment centers as well
as beautiful landscapes in
this city could be easily be
I like the city’s dynamic
lifestyle: young and busy. It
attracts me and people from
every walks of life thanks to
its open atmosphere, a mix
culture and a rapid
rhythm….the city never
sleeps. This city provides
everyone so many
opportunities to build up
their careers, especially
young people who want to
build a brilliant social
Da Lat city is located in the
center of the southern highlands,
300 km far from the north of Ho
Chi Minh City. In this beautiful
city, the weather changes
constantly, the noon is quite
warm and cool while in the
evening it is greatly cold. In
general, the climate is relatively
mild and suitable for avaiable
flora and fauna to grow. This is
also the reason that in Da Lat
there are many kinds of beautiful
and precious flower. When we
come here , it is like that we go
to the forest with all kinds of
flowers such as hydrangea
flowers, mi mo da flowers,
Mexican sunflowers, ... In
addition, in Da Lat there are
many interesting places such as
Me Linh coffee garden, Than
Tho lake, Camly waterfall, Da
Lat station, ... The more we
discover, the more beauty and
excitement in Dalat we find. I
hope that there will be more
opportunities to come there in
the near future.

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