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Case Study 1

Communication Etiquette: Communicating with Sensitivity and Tact

Following a career development discussion that you have had with your manager; you have
been set a task designed to help you develop your written communication skills. You wish to
explore the functions of a more senior role in another department in your organization to
assess whether it is a viable career step for your personal development. Your manager has
tasked you with writing a half-page email asking the present incumbent of this position to allow
you to shadow her for two days, recognizing the extra pressure this might cause for her.
(Business Communication Today, Global Edition, Courtland L. Bovee; John V. Thill Edition 14,
Practice Your Skills, p. 81, no. 1-21)
Case Study 2
Communication Ethics: Distinguishing Ethical Dilemmas and Ethical Lapses
A work colleague, prone to exaggeration and playing pranks, tells you that they borrowed an
important piece of the company’s equipment overnight to use at home without seeking
permission. While using it, they dropped it, causing some damage, which will require expensive
re-calibration, but put it back and have told no-one but you about it. Discuss the potential and
existing ethical dilemmas and lapses within this situation.
(Business Communication Today, Global Edition, Courtland L. Bovee; John V. Thill Edition 14,
Practice Your Skills, p. 81, no. 1-27)

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