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Technology and Society

Nama : Andres Oktalianto

Nim : 2130803066
Kelas : 2183C Sistem informasi

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Match the effects of technology to pictures A-F. Declde which effects are posltive, and which are
• Picture A — Space exploration, Fast travel, easy communication (+)
— Nuclear missiles, Global warming, Noise pollution (-)
• Picture B — Easy communication, mass entertainment (+)
• Picture C — Cheap power (+)
— Global warming, Noise pollution (-)
• Picture D — Less housework (+)
— River pollution (-)
• Picture E — Fast travel (+)
— Road death, Noise pollution, Global warming (-)
• Picture F — Mass entertainment (+)

Technology and work

1. Vera b.Doctor
2. Christine d.Teacher
3. Gupta a.Shop owner
4. Anton c.Musician

Name and Proffesion Positive Negative

1. Vera (Doctor) √

2. Christine (Teacher) √

3. Gupta (Shop owner) √ -

4. Anton (Musician) √ -
(Fill tne gaps to compare computers now and ten years ago. Use the adjectives Ín brackets)
Computers today are more PowerÍul (Powerfull). They operate Faster (fast) and they have much
Larger (large) memories. Because they contain more electronics,the cases have become Bigger (big)
but the flat-screen monitors are Heavier (heavy) and fit into a Smaller (small) space on your desk.
Computers are also cheaper (cheap). The price is Lower (low) now, than in the past. The programs
too are Better (good). They are more sophisticated (sophisticated) and you can work much More
efficiently (efficiently)

(Look at the diagrams of the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747. Then study the table and
complete sentences 1-8 comparing the two planes)
1. The Airbus is Longer (long) than the Boeing
2. The Boeing is a little Shorter (short) than the Airbus.
3. The Airbus can carry a Heavier (heavy) weight than the Boeing.
4. The Boeing is Faster (fast) than the Airbus.
5. The Airbus can fly Further (far) than the Boeing
6. The Boeing can fly Higher (high) than the Airbus
7. The Airbus engines are More powerfull (powerfull)
8. The Airbus was introduced More recently (recently).
Custom question
• The Airbus is a little Wider (Wide) than the Boeing
• The Airbus can carry More passengers (Passenger) than the Boeing
• The Airbus is Slower (Slow) than the Boeing

(Branches of technology Read headlines 1-8 from recent news stories. Match the headlines to
the correct branch of technology a-h)

1. Bio Technology
2. Telecomunication
3. Defense
4. Crime
5. Civil Engineering
6. Information technology
7. Transport
8. Manufacturing

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