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Name : Nofi Triyanti

NPM : 2120202063

Communication Styles as Dimensions of National Culture

Peter B. Smith


Evidence is presented that national cultures may be distinguished in terms of

prevalent styles of communication, as exemplified by survey response styles. A
distinction is made between the average communication style within a given nation
and the nation-level dispersion of communication styles. Secondary analyses of
published values, beliefs, and personality data are used to test hypotheses
concerning the attributes of nations that differ in terms of their citizens’ tendencies to
agree and to disagree, and in terms of frequency of response extremity versus
moderation. The tendency of individuals in different nations to agree or disagree is
most concisely explained by measures derived from the concept of individualism-
collectivism. The nation-level frequencies of agreement plus disagreement are best
explained by Minkov’s dimension of monumentalism-flexumility. The benefits of
controlling these response tendencies for extracting valid measures of cultural
variation and for defining a fuller range of cultural dimensions are discussed.


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