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 What is Love

 The Art of Loving

 Philosophy of Love

 Phenomenology of


At the end of
the lesson, the
students will be able to

1. define love in different context

2. recognize the four forms of love
3. discuss the phenomenology of love , misconception of love
relate love according to one self’s experience
4. discuss the Art of Loving


Topic 1- Love

A pleasant day everyone!

Our topic for today is about LOVE. We define love in

different forms such as symbol, text, gesture, expression, action
and even just thinking about love.

Let us define Love according to form. Ancient Greeks

identified four forms of love: kinship or familiarity (in Greek,
storge), friendship and/or platonic desire (philia), sexual and/or
romantic desire (eros), and self-emptying or divine love (agape).,further

Kinship or familiarity is referred to love of the family to its

members, or people related to them
through affinity or consanguinity or a
person decended from the same
ancestor. Friendship is another form of
love which means, love of a person to
another regardless of sexuality or
gender which the former has a bond of mutual affection.
Example of storge love is the love of
parents to children. This love is very
typical and as a Filipino family, love is
even extended to grandchildren and
relatives who are considered next of
kin. This love is united, solid and
sometimes quoted as “blood is thicker
than water. That’s why, conflicts that cause stigma among
members of the family are being worked on to be reconciled for
the sake of love.

I love my friends is often said by individual

in their teenage life. Here, the person finds
comfort and solidarity with peer. What is
friendship love? Friendship love or Philia is
often the longest lasting type of love in
many people's lives. For lots of people
friendship love has been the most reliable
kind of love in their lives. Friendship love
can be the type of love that has the least
complications, hassles and problems.
%20often%20the,least%20complications%2C%20hassles%20and%20problems .

Eros or romantic Love is affectionate love that

tends to be possessive and intimate; it is also
referred to as physical love. Eros "love" or "desire"
is a concept in ancient Greek philosophy referring
to sensual or passionate love, from which the term
erotic is derived.
Agape” is one of several Greek words for
love. When the word “agape” is used in the
Bible, it refers to a pure, willful, sacrificial love.

Topic 2 : Phenomenology of Love

According to Manuel Dy Jr. , Phenomenology is the study

of experience and how we experience as experienced from a
subjective or first person point of view. Experience in a
phenomenological sense includes everything that we live through
and perform.

Without love, we do not exist, hence the misconception of

love are the following:

1. Love is equated with romance

2. Love as an act of possessing and being possessed by
another person.
3. Love is synonymous with sex.
4. Love is blind and lovers do not see.
Activity 1

2. Write real life knowledge

and experience with
different encounter of love.

1. Create your original

expression of love relating
to real life situation.

Send your response to:

Date of Submission: Not later than March 26,2021

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