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Adobe Flash – Motion Tweens

Demonstrate and illustrate the use of motion tween in making Animations.

Specific Objectives

1. Learn to create Motion Tweens.

2. Define what motion tween is.
3. Discover what Motion Path is.
4. Find out means to modify motion Paths.


 Computer
 Adobe Flash application
 symbols

Motion Tweens

Understanding the Motion Tween

Motion Tweens are used to animate symbols. Flash will do most of the
work when you create motion tweens. And it so efficient. It takes up less
storage space compared to Shape tweens

Elements of Motion Tween

 Must use Symbol Only

 Define a start and End Keyframe

Creating the Motion Tween

1. Place the symbol to use on the stage.

2. Define the Start and End keyframes and flash will create the frames for
you, saving working time. The end keyframe is the next keyframe after
the animation is finished whereas in shape tween the end keyframe is
the last is the last frame of the animation. If you do not specify an end
keyframe, flash will use all the frames for the animation after the motion
3. Create the motion tween by clicking on the timeline. Right click to show
the commands and then select and click Motion Tween. At this instant,
the motion tween is created. You can now set the start and end
keyframe. The end keyframe is created by selecting a frame with which
the animation will end, select the symbol and move where you want it at
the end keyframe. A black diamond indicates the end keyframe. The
motion path is shown by the dotted pink line.

Modifying a motion Path

One the motion tween is crated; you can chance the or modify the motion path
of the object. The path is indicated by a line with a dot along it. The color of the
path corresponds to the color of the tweened object. The number of dots is
equal to the number of frames. The object will follow this path as it goes from
start keyframe to the last keyframe

1. You can easily modify the motion path as easy as you would modify a
stroke. Using the selection tool, click on the path and once the four
headed arrow appear your can move the path anywhere or even beyond
the stage.
2. You can also curve the path. hover the mouse over the path both ways to
curve the path in your desired selection.

3. You can also modify the Bezier curves of the motion Path. To do this, use
the subselection tool. Located below the selection tool. Click on the end
points of the path to show the Bezier curve, you can then click and drag
the curves to the desired position.

Motions Lesson links. Video Tutorials


Answer the following questions
1. What is a Motion tween?
2. How do you create Motion Tweens?

3. How do you modify motion paths?


A. Please check the box if you can do it already.

 I can create motion tweens;

B. If you have questions in mind, please use the space below to address it.


Jemma development Group, animation and Multimedia

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